Solidarity and Resurgence suggestion to make them work with Hemorrhage

With the recent change to Hemorrhage those two perks have gone from niche to almost useless because Hemorrhage completely removes any progress granted by the perks. With Solidarity you don't even have the luxury to see the progress drop since it happens during the healing!
A relatively easy solution would be to make it so on top of their effects, they could "lock" the healing progress so that it can't regress beyond the amount given by the perks. Hemorrhage would still be useful at regressing 99 heals, but it wouldn't make those two perks completely useless.
Solidarity and Resurgence could use some help so yes to this!
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I honestly, honestly, honestly do not understand the hubub.
It's like being upset that Agitation counters Breakout, Blood Echo counters Dead Hard, Corrupt Intervention can counter Prove Thyself, Iron Maiden counters Inner Strength, Haunted Ground counters Small Game, Coulrophobia counters Self-Care, Franklin's Demise counters items, Hex: Third Seal counters ALL aura-based information perks.. what gives?
Should Breakout gain Haste relative to killer movement speed so it doesn't get countered by Agitation?
Should Blood Echo get cancelled when a survivor is in chase, so that they can use Dead Hard?
Should Corrupt Intervention give way when a survivor with Prove Thyself approaches?
Should Iron Maiden be cancelled when a survivor uses a locker to heal with Inner Strength?
Should Haunted Grounds not activate if it is cleansed by someone running Counterforce or Small Game?
Should Self-Care, CoH, and Medkits ignore Coulrophobia?
Should Items of high resist Franklin's Demise?
Should certain information perks like Object of Obsession override Hex: The Third Seal?
The answer is as unanimous as it is obvious: no.
When a perk or factor of the game exists, it does not mean that the perks that are directly harmed or countered by this factor must become exclusions.
Especially when considering the extreme rareness of such interactions.
How many times do you use Resurgence or Solidarity while Hemorrhaged and don't have the option to get healed up relatively soon?
Solidarity especially - if you're healing someone, they can turn around and heal you with hardly a second's pause.
I just do not at all see the problem, nor do I understand the unique logic or perspective reasoning behind the request.
If a perk is countered by an effect that is designed to counter these exact prospects, why should they be made exclusions?
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All the perks you mention don't get made completely and utterly useless by a status effect that is very common between perks and addons.
How many times do you use Resurgence or Solidarity while Hemorrhaged and don't have the option to get healed up relatively soon?
Rarely happens because nobody uses those perks.
Solidarity especially - if you're healing someone, they can turn around and heal you with hardly a second's pause.
You didn't really read the post, did you? If you heal someone with Solidarity while afflicted by Hemorrhage, you don't get any progress at all since Solidarity is not considered a heal and doesn't stop the regression. By the time you finish healing, your progress will still be zero.
If a perk is countered by an effect that is designed to counter these exact prospects, why should they be made exclusions?
Because if that perk is severly weak so that nobody uses it beside for the adept achievement, it deserves to at least be functioning. Or do we want everyone to run the ever-hated meta?
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On the one hand, anti-healing stuff should counter healing perks
On the other, Solidarity is garbage and Resurgence is just 'ok'. Renewal/Second Wind is actually better than either of these two now bc it's unaffected by hemmorage or mangled
They should get a buff or tweak I think
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Discordance counters Prove Thyself.
Corrupt Intervention counters Shroud of Separation (which only the killer can burn)
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1.) Yes they do. Blood Echo / Fearmonger make it so that Dead Hard and Sprint Burst are unable to be used, Iron Maiden will reveal a survivor's location and expose them if they attempt to use Inner Healing, Items will always be knocked to the ground and sapped by Franklin's, etc. They are direct counters, which is the point. I understand that you're leaning into the soft counters mentioned, but let's not get wrapped up between forests and trees.
2.) 100% true. Hemorrhage is a rare status in and of itself, but Resurgence and Solidarity are rarer finds still.
3.) Well that's the problem then, isn't it. I misunderstood the post and thought they were saying that, while idle, the progress is eaten away - not that it doesn't occur in the first place. Solidarity should be considered healing just the same as AHS heals passively. I can agree on that much. Still unsure why people are frustrated to the point to ask for the healing to be capped and unable to regress, still.
4.) I see that. Agree 100%. But that's kind of the angle here. It's like getting a genie to grant you a wish, then wishing that you were on-time to work. Why ask for the perks to - in rare circumstances - be able to circumvent their counters so that they can continue being useless perks? Why not ask for a total change or upgrade?
People are out here asking for Solidarity to be immune to Hemorrhage, why aren't they just asking for a broad spectrum buff?
While healing another survivor, heal yourself at a rate of 50%.
For each health allied health state healed, gain a token up to 4/3/2.
When there are no healthy survivors left in the trial, and you are at max tokens, they are consumed and you recover a health state over 16 seconds.
(This timer is paused while being carried or on the hook. Damage taken during this time cancels the effect.)
Now it's still useful when you heal someone else while healthy.
It's useful and you don't need to make the perk immune to the status to see it in matches more.
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Blood Echo is explicitly designed to counter exhaustion perks. Iron Maiden is no explicit counter to Inner Healing and does not work in this way either, you have options to get around the counter as survivor once you know the perk is in play. Having enough distance would mean it is a pretty dumb choice for the killer to walk 40+ meters to find someone that is most likely hiding in safe areas from you. As killer, if you use Iron Maiden like how you propose, you would most likely just waste a lot of time.
Resurgence and Solidarity were designed when Hemorrhage didn't have the current effect. When they brought Nemesis (perk) into play, they had to rework Mending to not bring back the old Legion bleed out meta. Things need to be adjusted when they rework parts of the game that influence other parts. Im pretty sure they won't design such a perk again with the new Hemorrhage in their heads.
And imo it doesn't matter if anyone gives a full rework or just "a counter". There is a problem that needs to be mentioned and so they do. They come up with at least a suggestion rather than "this sucks, fix it". Wether it is just a quick fix or a full rework, it is a suggestion. It is ok to give rework ideas on top, so the devs have options and ideas to think about, but the most important part is to address the problem in first place. Saying "your idea is dumb, come up with something else" is not helping anyone
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I agree. They're already somewhat niche perks, they don't need to be made weaker by hemorrhage. If healing progress was locked to the progress gained by those perks I think that would be fine, as long as it was still allowed to regress any additional progress made above that point.