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Hot Take and Ideas (Legion)

Foxy_Teltac Member Posts: 277
edited May 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

I don't like Legion's power being Lethal. Now hear me out, because I'm a Legion main and I have my reasons here.

New Legion having the lethal hit is great and all but requires: 4 surviors to either run toward each other, make a mistake or all be grouped up. I've gotten the hit on Live about 5 times and this thing really just isn't useful in all reality, survivors take Legion way too seriously to let the thing have a chance of happening more than twice if it even does happen. Plus, I liked Legion for the appeal of the actual chase being a 1 hit down M1 chase.

I liked old Legion more because they had the Non-Lethal power, you weren't too oppresive, so people didn't fear your power so much. As a killer main, I don't like getting sweated on 24/7 or doing the sweating myself. Now I'm not asking for an easier time or a nerf, absolutely not, but I do wish this (I start listing hella changes here, if you don't want to you don't have to read them)

I wish they replaced the Lethal Hit with a bunch of In-Frenzy buffs, along with some add-on changes, I'll list the ideas here

2.5 second Fatigue

Current Frank's Tape being basekit to Frenzy

15s Power recharge

Scratch Marks visible in Frenzy

Survivors hear a mapwide sound queue for you exiting Frenzy

(Intended Purposes for changes in order: Catching up Post Frenzy, Benefits in Frenzy, Quality of Life, Quality of Life, preventing Perma-Chains)

Then here's my add-on Change ideas

Etched Ruler - Current effect, survivors do not see each other's Deep Wound timers until Oblivious has subsided

Defaced Smiley Pin - Current effect, Haemorrage is applied as well (Intended Purpose: Further Anti-Heal)

Joey's Mixtape - Survivors afflicted with Deep Wounds suffer Exhaustion until mended (Intended Purpose: Chase support)

Frank's Mixtape - Vaulting a window in Frenzy blocks the window for the remainder of Feral Frenzy and for 10 seconds afterwards (Intended Purpose: Chase support)

BFFs - Gain Tokens with Chained Frenzy hits, increased Token gain for each consecutive hit in the same Frenzy, with every 5 Tokens, to a max of 25, gain the ability to remove 1.75 seconds from a survivor's Deep Wound timer with a Frenzy hit, up to a maximum of 8.75 seconds. When you have 10 Tokens, survivors will be notified of BFFs. (Intended Purpose: Lethality allowed via Chaining that can be applied outside of chains)

Fuming Mix Tape - If a generator was not already regressing, it will regress until touched again even if Frenzy ends

And that's it. Yeah it's a long post but I'm damn passionate about this killer and I wanna make pointless ramblings on these forums to vent my angered armchair-dev self. Anyway, lemme know what you think or if you agree with me on the starting statement.


    YOURFRIEND Member Posts: 3,389

    I am also entirely uninterested in the lethal aspect of their power. It's terribly inconsistent and almost entirely in the survivors hands.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    The Legion's 5th hit being lethal has a dual purpose. On top of giving Legion lethality, it also caps the number of chain hits Legion can perform, effectively killing "hostage Legion," that being a Legion completely uninterested in winning and instead slowing the game to a painful crawl by just endlessly chaining hits until survs give up or eventually get out.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    Even with the lethal hit, their still in the same ballpark. I've been wanting a down with the power for some time now.

    Legion definitely needs more pressure since otherwise they run fast and loop the same.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,085

    I like the current state of the Legion, they're finally threatening enough for Survivors not to just ignore them, it's not easy to get the 5th hit, so you'll still be an m1 Killer most of the time, which is alright imo.

  • Foxy_Teltac
    Foxy_Teltac Member Posts: 277

    In the changes I have listed there is a Mapwide Sound Queue to let survivors know that Legion has exited Frenzy as to prevent or help stop Hostage Legion situations, but that's only hypothetically, this is just fan idea afterall

  • Foxy_Teltac
    Foxy_Teltac Member Posts: 277

    Plus Legion being lethal is always going to be unfair, Feral Frenzy is extremely hard to loop without a pallet stun, that's why I have BFFs with the Notification. Lethal Legion is doomed to suck, so I just let old Frank's tape return in a reworked form. It's lethal but it takes a long time to make it so, just like old Frank's