Simple suggestion to make Trapper's meme add-on Padded Jaws viable:

Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278
edited May 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

- Bear traps don't injure survivors

- Survivors cannot escape bear traps by themselves

Post edited by Leonardo1ita on


  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    I think It's add on just for farming bp. I use it in my farming matches but well they could change that it would take at least 3 tries to escape but it's grey add on so it's not supposed to be good.

  • JonahsTablet
    JonahsTablet Member Posts: 762

    I agree with @Laluzi, it would be an interesting purple, definitely not worth iri though.

  • keepingitril
    keepingitril Member Posts: 94
    edited May 2022

    There's only one change that should happen to this addon.

    It should be removed from the game.

    Adding the word meme as a way of describing it, still doesn't make it ok.

    As part of a complete overhaul for the character, as I discuss elsewhere, a "fun" lower tier perk would be ok.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,215

    There's nothing wrong with brown meme add-ons that award extra BP.

    If you don't want to use it then don't.

  • keepingitril
    keepingitril Member Posts: 94
    edited May 2022

    If Trapper was a decent well rounded, consistent killer, then sure, have something shallow at the end, if you must.

    How it currently is, Padded Jaws is just hollow filler masking as bottom tier content. Playing with it to make it a little more this or a little more that is wasted development timem that should be focused on almost anything more useful.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    Its a memento addon. It doesn't need to be viable.

    That said, run it with stbfl. 2 tokens if they were trapped healthy.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

    The problem is that it's very easy to reach the cap of 8000, and it's not like BBQ or We're gonna life forever that doubles the bloodpoints.

  • keepingitril
    keepingitril Member Posts: 94
    edited May 2022

    If you want to make a slightly fun, slightly useful, lower tier, still trappy addon, go something like:

    "Fortune Trapper" - When the survivor steps in a trap, applies a random effect, eg. deep wound, normal injury, blindness, other slightly irrelevant status effect, no injury, etc. So a bit of fun, a bit of randomness, a bit of risk. Please nothing that gives BP - it's just not a great game mechanic in perks.

    Actually... you could have a whole series of them - one at each level; each level becoming slightly more dangerous than the last. It can automatically fill from around 3-5 addon slots. There's also a basekit / ability concept in there somewhere.

    Exactly what you want from Trapper; risk, maybe lots of risk but will it pay off...

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,215

    Well yes, all of these meme add ons should give bonus BP, not base BP.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

    I don't like RNG add-ons and powers, I think we should avoid them like plague, a consistent effect is much healthier for the game.

  • keepingitril
    keepingitril Member Posts: 94

    In the vast majority of cases, I would agree.

    I want to see Trapper as a more consistent, solid, reliable killer that is able to be used without anything added.

    Having said that...

    The RNG of Trapper is that theoretically, you can get a game where no one steps in a trap.

    I think Trapper should be a killer, designed to put across a high level of risk. Not that you for certain are going to get hurt but there is (a lot of) risk that you might get hurt. If you step in a trap, something happens. If you step in a trap and you are injured, something happens. If you step in a trap at 1 gen gone, something happens, if you step in a trap at 4 gens done, something happens. If you don't step in a trap, maybe something happens, etc. I think these things can be somewhat variable (within a framework).

    I think there is a place for a solid basekit with a legitimate series of abilities and consistent addons with maybe some having varying effects. Random, within parameters - some level of consistency. So say I step on a trap for the 3rd time and 4 gens are done. I know within a reasonably narrow range what sort of effects and damage I am likely to take. Maybe I just don't know some minor variant of which damge, so I might have to adapt my gameplay a little.

    That's the sort of thing I mean by random - planned, known, variable. I think there's nothing wrong with an addon enhancing a small RNG element of the traps/game, but again, within a framework.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    ^ this.

    Sometimes I use Padded Jaws and Honing Stone, so that I can get 2 Stacks from 3 Survivors and grab out the Obsession. This works quite ok now with Trapper having more than one Trap.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    Sure, nobody's forcing you to use them, but they exist in place of an addon that would actually help the killer instead of hinder them. Most killers, or at least more than do, don't have a meme addon, but with or without them, everyone's got the same number of addons. So if you have a meme addon, you have less functional addon variety than you're supposed to. (This goes especially true for Nurse, who has 2 meme addons and 2 more addons that are actively worse than just not running an addon.)

    Then you have Plague, who has something styled as a meme addon, but it gives you something interesting and useful in exchange for what you give up. This should be the model for these types of addons, in my opinion, but we've had more recent BP style meme addons from the likes of Sadako and Pinhead that really don't get my hopes up for addon design moving forward.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

    Completely agree, I love plague's meme add-on! That + hematite seal means that gens wikk stay infected for 110 seconds!

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274


    Padded Jaws - Traps do not injure survivors. Survivors can free themselves much faster. When a survivor is freed from a trap by themselves or a teammate, the trap is automatically reset.

    Now it doesn't need to tackle health states, you place the trap in loops and it's designed to catch survivors and hold them for a few seconds as you approach for a hit. After the hit, the trap is reset. Wonderful value, good resource, time saver - doesn't injure.

    A good memento item.

  • HagathaSimmons
    HagathaSimmons Member Posts: 236

    What about….

    when a survivor is trapped no other survivor can see the aura of the trapped survivor outside 16 m + increased max escape attempts to 9 (up from 6).

    survivor still remains uninjured

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

    I disagree, I think traps should not be based on RNG but have a fixed escape time, also that would make the add-on bad for premade groups but a pain for solos.

  • HagathaSimmons
    HagathaSimmons Member Posts: 236

    Really anything is countered by SWF’s due solely to the communication factor, so….

    The RNG factor is not too bad for trapper like it is for Pig. A 16% chance per escape attempt from trap baseline. With my suggestion, the percentage would be lower due to the increase in max attempts.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Or they could replace it with an add-on that a lot more people would be inclined to use.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,278

    RNG on Pig can be pretty bad, some matches I saw 2/3 people get off the trap first time immediately, and others I see 2 survivors going to the last box and I straight up go bodyblock it so they die even if they did nothing but that and didn't waste a single second. There should be no such type or RNG, but a consistency always.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    Trap escape should absolutely be a fixed time, with it being increased by Luck.

    That way, at least Luck would do SOMETHING - but nothing too much to get upset about.

    If someone goes through the trouble of bringing Salty Lips, Slippery Meat, and Up The Ante - they deserve the ~20% faster escape on a 12-16 second (or whatever it is) struggle time.