Ghostface Reveal is bad

The reveal mechanic changes on Ghostface since his last update feel so bad. It was already easy to reveal Ghostface, but now it is ridiculously easy. The fact that I, as the Ghostface, have to break LoS for such a long time just so I can keep my power up when I am trying to stalk a survivor feels horrid.
I get that Ghostface's power has the potential to be really strong, being able to expose survivors constantly. But his power can be taken away too easily.
Getting revealed through walls shouldn't happen.
You should only be able to reveal Ghostface if he's able to stalk you, but you don't have to be in his FOV, meaning you could still reveal him if he isn't looking at you
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That is so much fairer.
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I know that this is an old post, but I was wondering why can he be revealed at all?
Why isn't GF the same as Michael? If he stalks you then that should be it, either outrun it or deal with it. It's so odd to me that they have the same sort of power but GF's comes with quite a huge disadvantage.
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Myers can't one-shot down when he's undectatable and can't get to T3 as fast as GF can stalk someone. GF would basically be an undectatable, one-shot down killer if survivors weren't able to cancel his power.
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So rework the 1 shot aspect instead of just denying him his power at all. You solve the problem, you don't create another problem. GF's situation is one of these math problems: You have 3 oranges, if you take 1 banana then how manny apples are left?
Point 1 Stalking and stealthing shouldn't be linked, it's stupid that GF's power is starring at people and the way to stop him is to just stare back at him but in doing so he can't either stalk or be stealthy. Point 2 it's Unfair for 4 people to be able to stare at GF while GF can only stare at 1 direction. Point 3 it's unfair for the third person camera perspective to be of such good use against GF. Point 4 it's riddiculous that you can reveal GF from so far away without GF ever realizing you were even there. At that point who is the Stalker role?
Point 5, stealth in DbD doesn't match with killers. If a killer is supposed to chase then he has to automatically make himself known. How can GF be a stealth killer then?
If you're not meant to be doing chases with GF then why is his power so easily defeated? UNLINK Stealth and Stalk...Let him stalk while he has TR and Stain or let him not have TR and Red Stain at all so that he can pick when he wants to stalk. Then you can reveal him and instead of Survivors killer instinct appearing for GF, it's GF's killer instinct that appears to survivors, so that if 1 person manages to reveal GF when he is trying to stalk thn the 4 get to know where he is at that moment.
It's simple, either let him choose when to stalk but he has stealth always or let him stalk always but choose when to use stealth. And rework the reveal mechanic so that you have to see GF's MASK without objects in between GF and the Survivor. It's unfair that some random guy is revealing me from a rooftop through a stupid hole when he is so far away and can only see my back.
I don't understand what is so hard for BHVR to think about these changes and think how conceptually flawed GF is in DbD.
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The premise behind ghostface is based around 1 shots and undetectable status effect like an assassin in typical role-playing games. Its just that DBD dev are really bad at balancing his kit to functionally do 1 shot undetectable gameplay vs good survivors. Good survivors break ghostface out easily making ghostface a total joke while bad survivors are terrible at breaking him out. He is suppose to be good at marking survivors before they notice him and confirming the downs after he has successfully marked them. This is why his nightshroud and stalking are linked. He is just ineffective at his own gameplay.
Apart from exposed status effect itself, completing a mark does not give ghostface any better likelihood to confirm a hit, The mark just temporally for 60 seconds makes the survivor injured via exposed. He lacks chase enhancement skills to better confirm the targets he marks.
He already went through the supposed "rework" that took like 6+ months, so its unlikely that he is going get any improvements.
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They could've made it take a bit longer for him to expose a survivor, but then he'd just be a tiny Myers with a GF mask. It's sad that he seems to be a slightly modified version of Myers.
It would've been so cool if a part of his powers was him being able to seem like a fellow survivor for a short amount of time. Considering that's his element of surprise in the movies as well. Imagine mid-chase thinking you've lost him and seeing a fellow teammate, only for it to turn out to be him 😈
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Exactly, that's the point. His kit doesn't work, it's been this way for 3+ years and people have complained, at least i have, for 3+ years...He can't 1v1 and he can't 4v1. He just needs to be rethought, redesigned and rebuilt.
He can't be undetectable when he can be seen from anywhere by 4 people.He can't be undetectable when survivors have smaller bodies and can hide better than he can. He can't be undetectable when 3rd person perspective gives such a huge advantage plus people used to use stretched res aswell. The only times survivors are out in the open is during chases and not all the time or when they are doing gens or rescues. While doing gens they can choose wich gen to do and where to position themselves, same as rescues. They can minimalize the possibility of getting marked while GF literally has a 50/50 chance of either he gets an angle or he doesn't. And if he doesn't then being stealthy won't matter much either, you're not getting a 1 shot. Thus you have no power at all and you have nothing else to use so you can't do quick chases unless Survivor just screws up.
I find it impossible BHVR spent 6 months, suppposedly, and the changes they made still don't fix the GLARING and PAINFULLY TRAGIC issues of GF. THe changes they made could be done in days work FROM HOME...These aren't 6 months of analyzing and testing and deciding what to do.
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I find it impossible BHVR spent 6 months, suppposedly, and the changes they made still don't fix the GLARING and PAINFULLY TRAGIC issues of GF. THe changes they made could be done in days work FROM HOME...These aren't 6 months of analyzing and testing and deciding what to do.
Well I believe Patrick in interview in new years stated that they tend to work on updates within like 6 months in advance. I can't really remember precise details but it was along those lines. dunno, I take their word for it, I guess?
He can't 1v1 and he can't 4v1. He just needs to be rethought, redesigned and rebuilt.
Well if your asking for my opinion, I think ghostface a lot of potential for stealth killer.
Let illustrate why. One of strongest strategy for survivors is to split up and optimize generator efficiency for survivor especially at the start of the game. A large reason why this is so effective as strategy is because all killers have large terror radius to see incoming killers. There is no real... fear/danger factor to going on generators.
Stealth killers like Ghostface are generally able to come close to survivors, sometimes even score hits before the opening chase. A big issue with their gameplay is that health-states against stealth killers are overly effective against them because they can be used as second-chance mechanics towards their ability and all stealth killers typically have pretty crap chases in regards to getting 2nd hits.
Luckily for MR. Ghostface, he has answer to that problem. He is suppose to be able to mark survivors and down them. Working solo generators as survivor is not suppose to be safe. Its suppose to be dangerous.
He can't be undetectable when he can be seen from anywhere by 4 people.He can't be undetectable when survivors have smaller bodies and can hide better than he can. He can't be undetectable when 3rd person perspective gives such a huge advantage plus people used to use stretched res aswell.
I think of her biggest issues is that survivor are not really afraid of ghostface's stalking/nightshroud itself because the current mechanisms for survivor allow the survivor to 1vs1 the stalking ability by revealing him before he can expose them. Personally, I think the ghostface should be favored to mark the survivor individually in 1vs1 scenario, but multiple survivors should be favored to break him out faster than he can stalk keeping the 4vs1 element of the game in tact. Overall I'd say his revealing should take about twice as long to completely reveal him.
This would force survivors to group up in pairs when working on generators and it would require more teamplay/teamwork to do generators against him as two people revealing him at the same time would equal the old reveal time. It would give him a better 4vs1.
Ok, so that's great, he can mark people now properly on isolated survivors. What about getting the hit on marked survivors?
My suggestion is to give ghostface a type of shadow dash that works similar to Sadako's spirit phasing where the ghostface skips in time and teleports rapidly a couple meters for very small duration in the direction he is facing, let's say 2.5 seconds(half of spirit phase-walk). If ghostface attacks(lunges) or the shadow dash expires, Nightshroud goes on cooldown. It would give him some sort of gap-closing tool after marking, so he could follow-up his marks to get an m1 down. It could give him that element of surprise, where he is like behind you since there would be no noise and he is undetectable. Might even be useful in certain loops if you time your time-skips right.
Here's rough sketch drawing for what shadow dash would look like.