We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

OK so you want to nerf DH.

Then nerf anti-loop killers too. Would you agree? Asking to nerf DH when we have Nurse, Spirit, Blight, Artist, Nemesis. etc... Is not fair.

Also spoiler alert: After making DH useless, You all will complain about that everyone is using Spirt Burst.



  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    Overcome would be better for most people anyway. Just holding W, Overcome will give you 40 seconds on a killer before they can catch. up. You can literally run the distance of Red Forest, diagonally.

    I've never had a Dead Hard give that kind of advantage, even if they use it to close the gap to a pallet or a vault.

  • Clueless
    Clueless Member Posts: 340

    Your terms are acceptable.

  • LordCyphre
    LordCyphre Member Posts: 195


  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    I disagree with the idea that any power related to looping needs a rework if Dead Hard gets nerfed, because at that point you're assuming that Dead Hard is a necessity to counter them and that's just not the case. I've been playing without Dead Hard for a while now and I seem to manage. I'm not even an amazing survivor either.

    I do agree that certain killers are incredibly boring to go against because they have abilities related to looping and require you to press the W key rather than actual looping. There's just hardly any interaction between the survivor and killer, but that does not make them overpowered and Dead Hard doesn't plasterfix this either...

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Then nerf every second chance Perk the Survivors have, and give Killers base-kit NOED. If you only want to go against M1 Killers, at least give them a chance to play the game

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    It's not even overpowered people just suck and can't accept it

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    You can beat any of those killers without DH though? I don't understand the logic.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Why? You will be getting rekt by any killer not just top tier without your precious DH you cant play without

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    As a matter of fact, I was.

    Of course it will bring something both sides will complain about. Survivors will complain about that new thing, and for killers it wil just be another day of complaining in general.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    edited May 2022

    Just take away the invulnerability. The distance is still useful obviously but losing the invulnerability during the lunge eliminates that whole “I’m close enough to hit but I need to wait a few seconds to bait out a Dead Hard“ thing that often happens. (And as a side benefit it eliminates those annoying hacks which auto-Dead Hard on a swing).

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I think people get a bit too into these debates. Nerfs aren't decided based on who articulates the better argument on the forums, pick rates and win rates as well as complaints go into those decisions.

    Not running DH every single match would have probably been a better way to try and save it but I think it's more a question of when the axe falls rather than if at this point.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,704

    we still complaining about spirit???

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Nobody said bait it out 4head , range and mobility killers have the ability to counter dead hard how about stop playing ######### killers and expecting people to be bots and go down for you

  • crowbarman
    crowbarman Member Posts: 499
    edited May 2022

    I was a killer main, and now play more survivor and consider myself an expert looper now.

    DH is by far the best second chance perk in the game. SB is less troublesome as it can't be saved in the same way for those end game situations.

    No, you shouldn't DH for distance. DH still probably would be popular even if you didn't gain distance on the killer.

    I have no problems with solo queue either. Yes, many teams are awful. I do my own thing and just have fun. It's still a tough slog for any new killers and I often feel real bad at the end of the game when I see my randos tbagging. Stop thinking about the killer mains in the forum and think about the "average" player.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623
    edited May 2022

    Dead Hard counters every single Killer in the game except for Nurse and Blight. Ranged Killers get cucked by the invincibility and mobility (or any Killer that isn't a ranged Killer/Nurse/Blight) Killers get cucked by the free distance

  • Sumnox
    Sumnox Member Posts: 605

    That's amazing. An expert looper, who also breezes through solo queue. Is there any way I can watch you play? videos of your matches, streams...

  • SuzuKR
    SuzuKR Member Posts: 3,910


  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,500

    Yes they all need nerfs expect spirit. Artist can make loops useless with her birds so that needs nerf. Nemesis can hit 10 miles away with his testacle that needs nerf. Blight is not counterable at all without dh and same with nurse so those killer should be just deleted if dh gets nerf.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    My point was, that both sides complain equally. No side complains more than the other. Wanna know why? Because we´re all humans.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,431

    It can be baited it out in many situations so why shouldn’t he/she say it?

    Also he never once said bait it out for distance, I think you’re just making stuff up now.

    FYI killers like Nurse (the good ones) don’t care about DH they will just blink again.

    Maybe stick to the topic.

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968

    sprint burst by far requires more skill than pressing a button only to correct a mistake and extend the chase without almost any effort.

    (now sprint burst ,you can 99% , travel the map more quicker if used correctly , and even used while in chase without the unfair Iframes)

    "Then nerf anti-loop killers too" I want the same....but sadly map design is still pretty bad for killer...so thats why i dont complain that much against those killer except maybe killers that just promotes W gameplay like Artist.

    there is difference between anti-loop killers and opressive anti-loop ones.

  • KerJuice
    KerJuice Member Posts: 1,890

    Why did you cross out that last line? That’s exactly what they’re going to do. If BHVR is going to make changes to DH, then they might as well address ALL distance gaining exhaustion perks. The community will just take Sprint Burst, make it optimal, then killers will get frustrated with that. Then it’ll be Overcome once SB gets nerfed. Then it’ll be Lithe when OC gets nerfed. So on and so on.

    The others may not be perceived as good as DH, but don’t ever underestimate the competitive nature of gamers to make the 2nd and 3rd best of whatever, a pain in your ass. Killers may even miss DH after seeing a survivor Overcome across the map to a genless area, shack with pallet, or jungle gym for the 20th time. Are you going to follow him all the way over there to get a nice tasty bowl of Fruit Loops, or stay on the side with the gens? And dont worry, he’ll be back on your side in no time- fully healed from that COH boon strategically placed and OC almost off cooldown thanks to sonmeone running Vigil for the team. Rinse & repeat.

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 519

    It does. DH is only overpowered against M1 killers. But against Anti-loop killers is not. So deleting the perk without doing something about those killers in chase IS unfair.

    To make everyone happy not just one side.

    You also can win against 4 DHs. But still people wanted to be nerf because it is not fun/skillful perk to face. The same feeling to survivors when they play against those type of killers.

    It is not about the strength of the perks. But this is the players natural in this fourms. Nerf something and they will go hunt the next.

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 519

    The rest of killers will be happy. They wont deal with DH. I'm only asking to nerf/change chase powers of some killers.

    I disagree. SB will be even more hated. Whenever you aproach any gen you will see Meg running in straight line far far away you won't even want to chase her.

    About the maps goes both ways honestly. have you ever got chased by Trickster or Nemesis in auto heaven? Yeah fun times.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Kill rates have dropped in the last 2 years. So i´m not sure what you´re trying to say. Maybe killer buffs incoming?

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Killrates are always well over 50%. The last time I saw stats Leatherface kills a blindblowing 3K per match on average.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Could you share those 75% kill stats for Bubba, please?

    I mean, the last dev stats i´ve seen where around the 50% mark. Some even below. In comparison, 2 Years ago, the kill rates where 20% higher across the board.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    It's the same thing every time. When spirit was nerfed people were asking what other aspect of her would be buffed as "compensation". Either that or some random thing about survivor should be nerfed at the same time in the interest of fairness.