Pinhead - Broken

WeaponXMetsu Member Posts: 81

Whenever you use Pinheads power you get locked out for a moment and then it returns to Pinhead or you're just stuck and can't do anything at all. No movement or anything. Just watching the game go by as you can't do anything.

Pinhead should be killswitched if this is an issue. As of right now he is unplayable for me.

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  • DarrellM74
    DarrellM74 Member Posts: 64

    I get the same thing, send out the chain and the screen goes black for 5-10 seconds or send it out too far and it gets stuck while you stand there and cant actually send the chain or go back to Pinhead.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    this happen to me too I couldn't use my power when I try at some point I got stuck and couldn't do anything.

  • Incel
    Incel Member Posts: 17

    I got stuck when i want break a palet

  • Ayesha
    Ayesha Member Posts: 38

    After 5.7.0 the game has a problem with handling network spikes, so a tiny spike on the connection can actually break the game for you. One of the examples might be a spike when using an ability will stick you on that ability or even disable its usage entirely, this bug hasn't got any recognition till now (no mention of this bug being acknowledged on the latest patch notes/community manager answer it on bug reporting forum). Community staff won't even bother to let everyone on the bug forum know if the bug is being handled or investigated, just silent treatment.

    Edit: The bug has been acknowledged on 6.0.0 PTB, but some people still have it on the PTB itself... weird

    Here are some reports that might be related to this bug:

  • whereismykebab
    whereismykebab Member Posts: 228

    On a related note, the box is still bugged as well, as in you can spend 2 minutes trying to start to solve the box but be interrupded by chains each time...