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Suggestion: 100 auric cells per devotion


Since we have absolutely no way of grinding auric cells without buying them, I think with the overhaul update they are doing soon, BHVR could make devotion actually useful rather it just being a useless number that does more harm than good (resets the number of shards you earn per level) they could make devotion award 100 auric cells for the work you put in

Sure it could be bad for BHVR's business model in theory but remember this is only 100 auric cells and it takes a very long time to get to level 100, while a licenced character costs 500, meaning you will have to do this 5 times, making it a very long grind. This won't change much in relation to people buying auric cells as most of the people that buy microtransations don't have the time to do a grind like that, but then there are hardcore players who would do such a grind and in turn, keep more players in the game while also rewarding long time play. 

Yes it's an insane grind almost nobody mentally stable would do, and that's the point. People would still buy auric cells so it won't hurt BHVR's income while also retaining more of a playerbase for those that are hardcore by rewarding them for their play

Think about GTA online, one of the most successful games of all time and they do not lock anything behind microtransactions as you can grind everything that you want in game without spending any additional monry. Yet, Rockstar still make lots of money despite this, possibly more than BHVR ever does

If 100 is considered too much since BHVR does sales, it's possible to lower the reward to 50 instead. I hope some kind of reward for leveling up devotion gets added but this idea would be one of my favorites to see


  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,268

    You will never get auric cells as rewards.

    You could buy licensed stuff and BHVR would have to pay for it for real.

    BPs and IRIs are their own stuff - they could give you as much as they want.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992
    edited May 2022

    Not happening in the base game, but they give out Auric Cells like candy on Halloween night in DbD Mobile (year-round).

    Edited for clarity.

    Post edited by GoshJosh on
  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,871

    Never happening.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Terrible idea imo, i personally think they should give a shard multiplier for every devotion you have, like 15% per devotion

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2022

    Yeah I realize in hindsight this is a bad idea after receiving flak on Reddit XD

    Just wish there was SOME kind of at to get auric cells instead of buying as other games allow you to grind for stuff they add in some kind a way whether it's hard, easy or absolutely insane