Pc - Killer bugged out stuck in endless hook animation

L3kkim Member Posts: 4

Step 1: Booted up game

Step 2: Played vs a hacker

Step 3: Played another game vs a very laggy killer

Step 4: Got downed and taken to basement for hook

Step 5: Killer got stuck in endless animation loop and couldn't proceed from there. Even after End Game Collapse ended.

Additional Info:

Character played: Adam Francis

Perks: Borrowed Time, Self-Care, Deliverance, Decisive Strike

Map: RPD

Frequency: The entire game

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1 votes

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  • Ayesha
    Ayesha Member Posts: 38

    After 5.7.0 the game has a problem with handling network spikes, so a tiny spike on the connection can actually break the game for you. One of the examples might be a spike when using an ability will stick you on that ability or even disable its usage entirely, this bug hasn't got any recognition till now (no mention of this bug being acknowledged on the latest patch notes/community manager answer it on bug reporting forum).

    Edit: The bug has been acknowledged on 6.0.0 PTB, but some people still have it on the PTB itself... weird

    Here are some reports that might be related to this bug: