make it just one click to unlock or smarter

about the bloodweb:

1.make it just one click to unlock, no need to hold. Or at least make one-click an option, if someone likes hold, then fine he can hold. Add a one-click-unlock to the setting, so other people who like to click without hold can choose that one-click-unlock option.

2.make it smarter. For example there are 4 nodes, 1→2→3→4, if I want to get 4, I have to click-hold 1, then click-hold 2, then 3, then 4. Why not I just click-hold 4 it unlocks 1234 directly when I got enough bloodpoints? Surely there might be other path to 4, then make it random, unlock a random path, I don't care, I got enough bloodpoints, I want 4. And this moment the click-hold could be useful, if the path is not what I want, I will release then try again.