Opinion: Sloppy butcher should also give bonus brutality points


I mean think about it, we have perks like distressing which increases deviousness points and thrill of the hunt/beast of prey which increases hunting points, so why not one for brutality?

Why sloppy butcher you ask? Because to activate sloppy butcher you need to hit a survivor, which also gives brutality points at the same time. Plus, you're spilling more blood when you have that perk so wouldn't it make sense to have it give extra brutality points as well?

Idk just something that seems simple to me, it's not like it has to be an overpowered bonus either, it can be something as little as a static 25%

Also, as a sidenote: what do you think about making monstrous shrine give you bonus sacrifice points as really it's one of the most underpowered perks (although that may change with the overhaul update coming soon)