Delete the "Unhook Someone Who's Unhooked You" Challenge
I hate this challenge so much. It literally asks you to play poorly by asking not one but 2 of you to get hooked, just to complete this challenge. I have been stuck on this for a while and I play a lot of solo so it's been nearly impossible for me to complete without me purposely antagonizing it to happen.
I have to run face first into the killer after ACTIVELY seeking them out, get downed and HOPEFULLY get hooked if the other survivors dont blind/stun the killer, and then pay close attention to whomever unhooks me and HOPE they get downed, hooked, and HOPE I'm close enough to them to be the one to unhook them. I HAVE TO DO THIS FOUR TIMES?!
So after a WEEK of this bs, I ask my friends for help. And I think I have the dumbest friends on EARTH because these clowns will blind the killer and make him drop me the second I'm picked up, and then sabo the hook the killer was going to use, antagonize the killer, so they get downed and hooked first. We've been doing this for 3 hours now as a 3-man and these dumb mfkers can't seem to understand, I GET HOOKED FIRST. THEN YOU SAVE ME. THEN I SAVE YOU. And when we FINALLY got that order of operations correct--its a Pyramid Head, and he ONLY uses Cage of Atonement, so it DOESN'T COUNT towards the challenge.
I've been trying for this challenge for about 20 games and only got one.
doesn't help that I'm in solo queue and these types encourage swf play
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hate this challenge with all my heart
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Took me 4 hours to get 2/4. I am so close to Jeff's new pants i can smell them and I am PISSED that I paid money, good money, to unlock stuff in the rift and yet I CANT because this game wants me to play POORLY. to the point that it wants us to force us to lose, to get this challenge. because getting this done in ONE game is literally impossible, so it makes us ruin several games.
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Yes! Please it's not a good challenge
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Its a totally fine challenge and its not even that hard to do.
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I avoid these unless I'm playing with friends. Was going back through some of my undone survivor challenges and I came across a "unlock the hatch with a key" ones and oh my god, in this economy?
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I don't know if this is the worst designed challenge in the game, but is sure does feel like it is.
I swear every time this challenge is equipped the killer either camps, my unhooker is on death hook, or the unhooker is too good to get downed; it's one of the most aggravating things in the entire game. I'd rather be forced to play 100 matches against pre-rework Doctor with a gen slowdown build on The Game, than to be forced to play this challenge.