Graphics update and optimization.

karimew Member Posts: 37
edited November 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions
I noticed the graphics were updated a little on the PTB and it looks really nice and I give props for that. However, I think the graphics need to be optimized better. I know this is easier said then done, but I have a very decent computer and I can’t play/stream in medium quality settings without dropping frames. I don’t have this issue with Overwatch and I play that in the highest settings while streaming at the same time as well. There is no way to turn off vsync unless you go into the coding but I don’t suggest that. 

It would just be nice to have it more optimized so it isn’t taking up a chunk of GPU no matter the setting it’s on. I have friends who have to play it on low despite having decent computers as well. Please consider better optimizing for the game/graphics in the near future! I beg of you 🙏