An easy fix to the bad killer perk, Beast of Prey!

Hello world!
Let's cut right to the point: There are a few perks, for both Survivors and Killers, which see little to no use because of their minimal utility. Unfortunate! Today, I want to suggest an easy change to the Beast of Prey perk, to make it just a little more viable!

What is does right now is this:
Your lust for a kill is so intense that your connection with the Entity is momentarily lost, making you totally unpredictable.
The Red Stain disappears after gaining Bloodlust Tier 1 and stays hidden until you lose Bloodlust.
Gain 30/40/50 % more Bloodpoints for actions in the Hunter Category.

Why is this bad? Well, removing the red stain during a chase - AFTER that chase has been going on for 15 seconds - isn't that useful! It's extremely situational, and good survivors look behind them during the chase. Even if one would argue that cheeky no-stain jukes are good, the perk only applies after bloodlust is active! The bloodpoint component, while somewhat acceptable, doesn't really compare to the likes of common perks like BBQ and Chili, either. Hex: Thrill of the Hunt offers a very comparable bloodpoint bonus in the same category, but has a far greater effect on gameplay as well!

Well, how to fix it? Simple! Add the following to the perk:
Your bloodlust increases 6/8/10% faster during the chase.

Easy, right? It follows the existing theme, and adds a small but non-situational component to an underloved perk! This would help in the chase - if only very slightly - and also make it easier to hide the stain by reaching Bloodlust 1 faster!

What are your thoughts? is this fix good? Leave a comment, and thanks for reading!


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383
    1,5 second tier 3

    Much wow
  • That_One_Scrub
    That_One_Scrub Member Posts: 35

    @Milo said:
    1,5 second tier 3

    Much wow

    4.5 seconds, actually. 1.5 seconds at each tier. Consider that Enduring, one of the better perks in the game right now, only reduces each pallet stun by 0.9 seconds! (Granted that buying that time away from a stun is more useful than buying Bloodlust time from non-Bloodlust, but even so, that's time shaved off of a window-based loop, etc.)

    Anyway, the numbers are negotiable. Primarily, I think the concept of a faster bloodlust progression is a sensible and in-character buff to the perk. Assuming the numbers are tweaked to something suitable, what do you think of the concept?