Impassable bushes on the new garden map are not obvious enough

philomela Member Posts: 34
edited June 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Half of these bushes seem like they're going to be enterable just like most of the bushes in the game, but then you collide with them instead. I don't know if it's the lighting in certain areas or just the physical model.

After years of playing on maps like Family Residence, Badham school or the swamp it feels pretty bad bumping into these things instead of hiding in them and naturally you always die if you're in a chase and this happens.

Maybe there's a way you can make it more obvious that they're unpathable? Like adding a small stone border or wooden planter box around them or something.

edit: for comparison I don't remember ever having this experience on any of the other maps because it was always obvious which bushes you couldn't pass (and the opposite experience of first being surprised when you can enter a bush is not as much of a problem...)