Practice game mode for both survivors and killer different from custom matches

A lobby made for players wanting to try out different things in a real game scenario
Survivors cant be downed by killers but can still register hits so killers can get the feel of hit-boxes and see what might work. Survivors can choose their status whether injured or downed so they can learn the mechanics or effects of certain perks. Gens could be infinite and so could pallets so that they can test skill checks and looping ability.
The match should be about 10 minutes long, which is average for a normal match, but players can quit and leave when they want with no penalty. There could possibly be more than one killer so that everyone can try looping or playing as killer.
There should be a kick option and a report option still if there are people trolling and not allowing others to practice. Also a setting to choose how advanced you want your teammates or opponent to be, and there shouldn't be a required 5 players to start a game, so that wait times aren't terrible.
Do you guys think this could work? Personally I would enjoy this because sometimes finding a custom match is difficult when not everyone can play at the same time.