Doctor's Static Blast works with Hex: Plaything

GillyBeannn Member Posts: 549
edited June 2022 in Bug Reporting

Static Blast is based on Doctor's TR and Plaything makes the survivors oblivious which means they cannot be effected anything TR if they can't hear it, Static Blast and Killer Instinct. For some reason Oblivious survivors from Plaything can still be effected by static blast despite it being based around his TR. I don't know if it effects any other oblivious status perks

Post edited by Rizzo on
1 votes

Not a bug · Last Updated


  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,622

    Not a bug. Doctor’s static blast is the only thing that breaks that rule with Oblivious. Basically, the range is tied to his terror radius, but you don’t need to be considered to be “in the terror radius” to be affected. If that makes sense.

    This is sort of noted in his power description where it says “static blast negates oblivious”.

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