So Decisive strike...



  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @KingB said:
    Devs are too busy nerfing BBQ.

    The developers are afraid to rob power from their sweet survivor player-base. Wouldn't want them to feel inferior.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited December 2018

    @G4rr3tt said:
    This isnt what im asking for either, but you make legit no sense, saying that killer is harder to play and 1 perk can break a whole game, when it's way easier to get high rank as killer than survivor, and even at high ranks, i still see survivors use ds and go down INSTANTLY, i would even record it and make a whole clip showing how 90% of survivors who ds get insta down, myself included sometimes thanks to enduring and being far away from pallets or windows, the game doesnt have x2 million pallets like before, i was chase by a wraith who never chased me in a whole game, first time he chases me, i use 1 pallet in all a game, spirit fury comes up, 1 hit 1 shot noed, facecamped till i die, and that is fair on most of your eyes.. but cleansing at totem is not cus it's unfair towards the killer.. At this point playing survivor is toxic and unfair, if you are gonna complain at every little thing a survivor does (cleansing a totem, dropping pallets, looping aka trying to survive, using ds to not get moried or camped or give it more time) dont even bother playing killer, and learn from killers like truetalent, he did complain about ds but he's not bitching on the forums to please nerf it, and we can even see on his videos he runs the most random perks ever and still gets 4k at rank 1, even against swf, if he can do it, any of you can, if he did it when killer was weak, even more you can now, this is all pretty much a killer baby cry towards 1 perk that only 10% of survivors know how to really use good, again while most of them use it and miss or use it and go down instantly.

    Dude, common. You say I'm making no sense and then you say more nonsense like "if you are gonna complain at every little thing a survivor does (cleansing a totem, dropping pallets, looping aka trying to survive, using ds to not get moried or camped or give it more time)" NO ONE HAS SAID THIS, especially not me. Where are you pulling this crap from?

    "he's not bitching on the forums to please nerf it" Sense when is talking about how a perk is an issue and needs to be fixed "bitching"? Just because you fail to see its issue doesn't make it bitching. You don't see the perks issue because you have no experience with it at rank 1. I seriously don't mean this in a degrading way whatsoever, but you literally just don't have experience in the matter. Not playing rank 1 killer with low hours means you havn't seen the issues we are talking about. That's like me telling an aeronautical engineer that's building a plane that he's doing it wrong because I've road in a plane before, I just wouldn't do that, I'm not experienced with it. Aside from all that, truetalent as well as the devs both agree it's a broken perk, how is this debatable to you? This is universally accepted by almost everyone on both sides aside from the few that havn't played the game enough to understand why, like your case. I say this as fact, not as me trying to belittle you in any way.

    "i was chase by a wraith who never chased me in a whole game, first time he chases me, i use 1 pallet in all a game, spirit fury comes up, 1 hit 1 shot noed, facecamped till i die, and that is fair on most of your eyes" Why even bring this up? This has absolutely nothing to do with what we are talking about and I never said that was fair, you are assuming a lot of things.

  • G4rr3tt
    G4rr3tt Member Posts: 43
    edited December 2018

    I bring that up, because you talk about how broken a perk a is, for you ds is broken, for me it's broken that the only pallet i used in a whole game was insta destroyed, i got 1 shot with noed and facecamped, but whatever at this point, whatever i say you just gonna say it's nonsense too and that i pull "this crap" out of nowhere, that i dont know what im talking about cus i havent been on rank 1 killer. Again and i will keep saying this, i dont know what kind of survivors you have to face that make the game so unplayable due to 1 perk, but on my side, when im at rank 1, i never escape, if i use ds adrenaline or whatever, and even if i dont, there are no games where i dont get tunneled and facecamped, maybe it's my region? Cus im south american? i have no clue man, but from my pov at least where i play, survivors at rank 1 never escape due to lots of bming from killer side, but u prolly dont care, you are just another killer main who hates ds and will hate every survivor who runs it at this point so whatever lol

    BTW idk if links are allowed, but i was watching a stream, and hey look at this:

    You are damn right, ds is broken pls fix it lmao

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    the funny part is, that this is very well known by literally anyone who has ever used this perk even once / faced it once.
    even the devs know this too well, yet they dont do ######### in order to prevent it.
    sure, they come up with ideas, but thats it. they dont change anything. just ideas.

    i think they are too afraid of the survivor players reactions to this and another review bomb (as they have prooven, they can and will do this.), so i doubt this perk will ever be changed.

    i mean, look at it: they have promised changes for years now. they also did change it once, making it a lot better to play against, but still not good / balanced. now they keep promising for years, but they only came up with a "solution" like half a year ago, yet this has never even hit the PTB.
    i guess this game will be long dead by the time they actually bring the DS nerf out.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited December 2018
    How about this. Lets create a new perk.

    Once per survivor, if they drop a pallet and it stuns you, they get frozen in place for a second while you do a skillcheck. If you hit the skillcheck the killer reaches over to grab the survivor and then carries them on his/her shoulder.

    If we can have that which is the equivalent, you guys can keep DS. Fair?
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited December 2018

    @G4rr3tt said:
    I bring that up, because you talk about how broken a perk a is, for you ds is broken, for me it's broken that the only pallet i used in a whole game was insta destroyed, i got 1 shot with noed and facecamped, but whatever at this point, whatever i say you just gonna say it's nonsense too and that i pull "this crap" out of nowhere, that i dont know what im talking about cus i havent been on rank 1 killer. Again and i will keep saying this, i dont know what kind of survivors you have to face that make the game so unplayable due to 1 perk, but on my side, when im at rank 1, i never escape, if i use ds adrenaline or whatever, and even if i dont, there are no games where i dont get tunneled and facecamped, maybe it's my region? Cus im south american? i have no clue man, but from my pov at least where i play, survivors at rank 1 never escape due to lots of bming from killer side, but u prolly dont care, you are just another killer main who hates ds and will hate every survivor who runs it at this point so whatever lol

    BTW idk if links are allowed, but i was watching a stream, and hey look at this:

    You are damn right, ds is broken pls fix it lmao

    First, that video was a bug that was fixed in the latest patch so is quite irrelevant.

    If you think lots of those things are broken then make a thread about that. This is a thread about DS.

    You are also misunderstanding when I say things are nonsense or crap. Look back at every time I said that. Every time was because you brought up something completely off topic and unrelated to DS..NONE of it was about your explanations of why you think what you do, it was you getting off topic. You even do this again in your last comment "when im at rank 1, i never escape, if i use ds adrenaline or whatever, and even if i dont, there are no games where i dont get tunneled and facecamped, maybe it's my region? Cus im south american? i have no clue man, but from my pov at least where i play, survivors at rank 1 never escape". This is what i'm talking about. We aren't debating whether sides are balanced, fair, or if people are playing in a fun way, this is a thread ABOUT DS.

    I'm also not a "killer main" and idk why you would think that. I play both sides at rank 1 regularly. I hate DS because it is a free escape that the killer has no counter to and is simply punished for doing what he's supposed to. It also wastes time that the killer does not have in the games current balance. None of the killers abilities are absent of counters.

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    edited December 2018
    Its simple, I would make it more than once per game use, maybe an exhaustion instead or regular one but instead of getting free you stun in place for like 2s to wiggle out. Would exist a counter (iron grip or agitation) and when you are almost getting free wiggling out normally cuz the killer is greedy for a hook you get an escape instead not make it for a pixel ( happened a lot)

    I know they tryed that an they didn't like it but honestly wouldn't be an quick fix plus would make more meta stuff like iron grip and the new perks that's coming. You get a free wiggle out but if you manage to get far enough from a hook or the killed get greedy for the basement for example
  • G4rr3tt
    G4rr3tt Member Posts: 43

    Fixed last patch? that happened today on a live stream.... lol

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    G4rr3tt said:

    Fixed last patch? that happened today on a live stream.... lol

    Yeah but before that was almost common use abuse it, now happens once every blue moon as far ad I can see

    As my dude said "this game is perfect btw"
    You can't associate a bug to a mechanic. Are two different things
  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463
    edited December 2018
    Malakir said:
    tt_ivi_99 said:
    Since I get the feeling a number of you don't play the game in your own time, here are the last 3 of my games...

    1) Down survivor. Walk to basement nearby. They hit 35% and surprise Decisive strike me. I now have another chase which lets a gen get done and I'm robbed of early momentum.

    2) Down survivor at end while other is dying on hook. Pick up survivor, decisive strike, free escape into hatch.

    3) Down survivor in exit gates, pick up, decisive strike and yet another free victory.

    Lets be completely honest with each other. Its little more than a free victory. In the above 2 situations there's literally nothing you can do to win. They either crawl to the exit or they strike you and walk out. Is that really what you want? You want the survivors to have a free win? 

    It's beyond broken. It's a laughing stock, and still we have nothing.

    The other ideas weren't perfect but they sure as hell sounded better than what we have now.

    Oooooof said:

    One more of these killers that complains about DS. Its only stressfull if all survivors have the perk and when is you gonna se that? Never anymore. 

    Yeah that's not true is it pal.

    Every 4/5 games has Decisive Strike in it for me - and thats a low estimation. Often times it will be at least 2 DS users in a game, sometimes 3.

    I'd love to download this version of DBD that survivor mains are playing where nobody uses Decisive Strike.
    If you wanna nerf Decisive then nerf NOED as well
    One guarantees a scape, the other one guarantees a kill.
    Another guy comparing noed with DS. Noed can be prevented before it even activate DS is a Press a Button to escape, which is different

    If you don't find a difference between an hex and especially noed that leave the killer with 3 perk until late game and being even prevented and leave him with 3 perks for actually the whole game, then I can't help you. Some people needs to think sometimes and other times they can't

    I stopped using any hex ages ago, its a gamble I won't take, its pointless even run ruin for how fast get destroyed. I used it when practicing nurse on console, 8/10 times didn't even procd because they cleaned everything so yeah, totally comparable
    If you really cant down the obsession enough times to make him lose his DS when everyone is doing totems, therefore no one doing gens, you really deserve that DS hit.

    You can also protect one hidden totem in particular, just like survivors have different things to do like gens, totems or even chests, the killer can look for a good totem spot and go there every now and then to defend his NOED.

    You can also drop the obsession and pick her up again when you are near a hook. If you dont have any hook near take her somewhere she doesnt have any loops and she'll go down in less than 5 seconds.

    And you are right, you cant compare NOED with DS. Just because you have NOED doesnt mean you dont have to worry about protecting at least 1 totem the entire match. Its your fault because you arent doing anything to keep your NOED alive till the end of the match while survivors are spending time looking for it.

    Guy with DS has to worry obout not getting near hooks or pray to be the obsession because sometimes DS is as useless as NOED without totems since you dont get to be the obsession and you cant even use it.

    So yh, if you nerf DS, nerf NOED as well and just stop crying and trying to be seen as a victim of some perk.

    NOED can even grant you more than just 1 kill, DS is 1 escape if you havent killed the obsession by the time exit gates are open.

    Looks like you are the one who doesnt think btw, the obsession saves his DS for the right time, why waste it if you dont have any loops nearby and you gonna get downed in less than 5 seconds?. The killer protects his totems to ensure his NOED makes it till the end of the game, why not doing it if you know survivors are gonna be looking for it?

    Even tho I feel like It needs some kind of rework like make 1 or even 2 save unhooks to activate it or something, but not just one big nerf. You guys dont even give any ideas on how to balance it, just make a post about it so we can all talk about It, but dont just come here asking for a nerf withouth even giving any ideas on how to balance the perk just because you dont get your 4k.
  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    You get rid of it because it shouldn't exist in the first place. That's how you balance it.

    Literally everyone who has any experience with videogames and balance knows this.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @The_Crusader said:
    You get rid of it because it shouldn't exist in the first place. That's how you balance it.

    Literally everyone who has any experience with videogames and balance knows this.

    It's based upon character lore and it should be in the game but not in it's current format. Literally everyone who has any experience with videogames and balance knows this.

    Now see I can use your argument and have it prove my point even better since every game that has a lore based character they use stuff from that lore.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    @G4rr3tt said:
    Fixed last patch? that happened today on a live stream.... lol

    Like Malakir already said, we're talking about the mechanic of the skill, not a bug that will be fixed. That's kind of off topic.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited December 2018
    powerbats said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    You get rid of it because it shouldn't exist in the first place. That's how you balance it.

    Literally everyone who has any experience with videogames and balance knows this.

    It's based upon character lore and it should be in the game but not in it's current format. Literally everyone who has any experience with videogames and balance knows this.

    Now see I can use your argument and have it prove my point even better since every game that has a lore based character they use stuff from that lore.

    You can't take everything from movies and translate them directly to videogames. Literally anyone with expsrience with videogames knows this. Thats why games have always taken liberties with movie franchises for decades now.

    Besides you admit it shouldn't be in the game so...

    I mean Freddy transforms and does many crazy things in the nightmare on elm street series. Should we include them in the game since they're part of the lore? Have him be able to transform into a giant worm? Have him disguise himself as survivors? Have him teleport?
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @The_Crusader said:

    You can't take everything from movies and translate them directly to videogames. Literally anyone with expsrience with videogames knows this. Thats why games have always taken liberties with movie franchises for decades now.

    **Yes they have taken liberties but they've also tried to be as true to the lore as possible which everyone with any experience knows.

    Besides you admit it shouldn't be in the game so...

    Oh where did I say that again?

    What I said was that "** it should be in the game but not in it's current format**."

    Now notice how I never once said it shouldn't be in the game.

    Now one could say there was a simple misunderstanding but you obviously knew exactly what you were typing and either didn't care you'd get caught or didn't think I'd' respond.

    I mean Freddy transforms and does many crazy things in the nightmare on elm street series. Should we include them in the game since they're part of the lore? Have him be able to transform into a giant worm? Have him disguise himself as survivors? Have him teleport?

    Oh good grief, now you're just plain trolling here with that argument, the characters can't transform due to game coding limitations. Which of course you knew already but decided to throw out that totally ludicrous argument.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited December 2018
    powerbats said:

    @The_Crusader said:

    You can't take everything from movies and translate them directly to videogames. Literally anyone with expsrience with videogames knows this. Thats why games have always taken liberties with movie franchises for decades now.

    **Yes they have taken liberties but they've also tried to be as true to the lore as possible which everyone with any experience knows.

    Besides you admit it shouldn't be in the game so...

    Oh where did I say that again?

    What I said was that "** it should be in the game but not in it's current format**."

    Now notice how I never once said it shouldn't be in the game.

    Now one could say there was a simple misunderstanding but you obviously knew exactly what you were typing and either didn't care you'd get caught or didn't think I'd' respond.

    I mean Freddy transforms and does many crazy things in the nightmare on elm street series. Should we include them in the game since they're part of the lore? Have him be able to transform into a giant worm? Have him disguise himself as survivors? Have him teleport?

    Oh good grief, now you're just plain trolling here with that argument, the characters can't transform due to game coding limitations. Which of course you knew already but decided to throw out that totally ludicrous argument.

    You admitted it shouldn't be in the game in its current form. That's the whole point of this thread - Decisive strike in its current form.

    But if you're saying its lore then I'm assuming you're taking the stance that it still involves the survivor stabbing the killer and getting a free escape so.....yeah, it shouldn't be in the game.

    Sure there are coding limitations now but are you saying that if there wasn't then such abilities should be in the game for Lore reasons?

    The lore reasons argument makes no damn sense. Especially not with a killer like Freddy in the game. Pretty sure lore wise he could pull off the Bloodwarden exit gate block at any time if the survivors were asleep since he can manipulate the enviroments in movies. I guess they should make it so that survivors need to be awake to escape Freddy.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @The_Crusader said:

    You admitted it shouldn't be in the game in its current form. That's the whole point of this thread - Decisive strike in its current form.

    Now you're changing your tune 1st you said I admitted it shouldn't even be in the game. Now you're saying I admitted it shouldn't be in the game in it's current form. I've said for quite some time it should be changed but not removed.

    Now you're trying to twist the thread to fit your argument, yes the thread is about it's current form and how to change it. I'ts not that it should be removed and not be in the game. It's not twist anything and everything to fit your narrative and then change your narrative when you get called on it.

    But if you're saying its lore then I'm assuming you're taking the stance that it still involves the survivor stabbing the killer and getting a free escape so.....yeah, it shouldn't be in the game.

    Why, just because you don't like something because you can't handle it doesn't mean it shouldn't be in the game. DS is still going to give a free escape, just how free of an escape and with what conditions are what's still to be determined.

    Sure there are coding limitations now but are you saying that if there wasn't then such abilities should be in the game for Lore reasons?

    Oh just stop good grief, now it's beyond obvious you're just trolling. Before it was well if Freddy could turn into a worm nonsense. Now it's well if coding limitations weren't there we could make hi turn into a worm nonsense. You keep twisting yourself into a ever deeper knot of convoluted logic just to try and back up your argument.

    The lore reasons argument makes no damn sense. Especially not with a killer like Freddy in the game. Pretty sure lore wise he could pull off the Bloodwarden exit gate block at any time if the survivors were asleep since he can manipulate the enviroments in movies. I guess they should make it so that survivors need to be awake to escape Freddy.

    Ok now I know you're just flat out trolling, you're literally throwing stuff out there trying to make your arguments look better and it's not working. I could use your same convoluted failed arguments and I'd get laughed out of the forums.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited December 2018
    What the hell are you babbling about? You're the one doing mental gymnastics here and trying to do so with a pretentious attitude as if it somehow makes you right. That other guy was right about you.

    Lets make this real simple...

    1) This thread is about Decisive Strike in its current form - you admit it shouldn't exist. So we agree on that.

    2) You then use the "well this happened in a movie so it needs to be in the game "cus lore". Which I'm saying is weak and then leaves the game open to have a lot of poorly balanced things in the game for the same reason.

    The Freddy idea wasn't convoluted at all. He can control the enviroments in dreams. There's no reason he has to walk around pallets or let them go through exit gates. He makes walls move in the movies ffs lol

    Just because something happens in the movie it doesn't need to be in the game.

    Omg laurie stabbed michael with glass so it needs to be in the game!!

    Well spoiler alert she decapitates him in H20, guess she should be able to mori killers now cus something something lore.
  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    I love how people jump to the OP throat calling The_Crusader a killer main because they disagree with them on one point.
    The_Crusader as also complained MULTIPLE TIME on the forum about tunneling, camping and the like.
    Here's one of his recent thread for example titled "Survivor is unplayable now"
    But sure he is a "Killer main"
    Seem more like the people making accusation bias is showing it's ugly head

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688

    @Dragonredking said:
    I love how people jump to the OP throat calling The_Crusader a killer main because they disagree with them on one point.
    The_Crusader as also complained MULTIPLE TIME on the forum about tunneling, camping and the like.
    Here's one of his recent thread for example titled "Survivor is unplayable now"
    But sure he is a "Killer main"
    Seem more like the people making accusation bias is showing it's ugly head

    Lol thank you. I get grief from both sides.

    I play survivor and killer a lot. Like most killer mains my biggest gripe is Decisive Strike, it's so bad. I also feel that yes survivor meta perks when stacked across 4 survivors at 16 perks can feel like it's too much at times.

    and like most survivor mains my biggest gripes are killers who either never leave the hook or only go terror radius away before running back to tunnel. I also feel NOED boosts bad killers.

    Both issues bug me. Killer is fun because it;s very fast paced action and can be rewarding as you have to outsmart the survivors with mindgames. Then it's nice to switch to survivor because it can be tense at times but it's also not an all-out thing as half the time you're sat chilling holding M1 on a gen.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    People just throw this killer main or survivor main crap around when someone disagrees with them. That said, I get skeptical of anyone that even uses those terms. Most people that have played this game for a long time and are experienced don't use those terms for obvious reasons. The only people that throw those words around are usually newer players that don't know what they're talking about.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited December 2018
    Ok new example just now.

    Using Myers in tier 3. Down the obsession meg (decisive), their SWF mate nea sits on the last gen pops it, both get their adrenaline crutch as expected, chase nea, down her, hook her and shes dead, hear the door beeping behind me, turn around and down meg just before tier 3 ends. No hooks nearby so I have to take the decisive, during the stun she taps the door it opens and escapes.

    Then cries at me about "gen camping" whatever that is.

    Like is there even a point in playing when survivors have so much BS?

    The DS is unfair on the rest of the survivors. Because DS always gets left alone until the end and DS obsession always makes it out.

    At least make Enduring an early unlockable ffs. You need like 2000 hours to get all perks on all killers its ridiculous.

    And I dont get how some people try to pretend nobody takes it anymore. Its in almost every single game I get. Often 2 of them. Sometimes 3, rare cases 4.

    Its not the fact they escape. If a survivor escapes good for them. Its the fact that as killer you feel you can't do anything to stop it. A player should never play a game and feel like they can't do anything about a situation.
  • G4rr3tt
    G4rr3tt Member Posts: 43

    So, first you say "it doesnt happen anymore" so it kind of doesnt matter, now when i tell you it's recent and still happens, and it happened to me today and i have a clip as well, and it actually happens to me quite frecuently, even using ds, going to waste, and getting hooked as the perk is wasted, happens a lot, yet i dont go around crying about it, neither i do cry about noed, or ruin or anything, even tunneling and camping which is the grossest stuff to deal with along with a an egocentric swf, i still keep my crap on my head and i dont go around crying about it asking for nerfs, like many playesr already said in here as well, let's supose and say what you say, the perk gives 1 free escape, 1 free escape to 1 survivor, your noed, can bring you more kills, than a ds escapes, and ds is a honestly a solo perk, it's not something that affects your team. Too much baby cry in here

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @The_Crusader said:
    Ok new example just now.

    Using Myers in tier 3. Down the obsession meg (decisive), their SWF mate nea sits on the last gen pops it, both get their adrenaline crutch as expected, chase nea, down her, hook her and shes dead, hear the door beeping behind me, turn around and down meg just before tier 3 ends. No hooks nearby so I have to take the decisive, during the stun she taps the door it opens and escapes.

    Then cries at me about "gen camping" whatever that is.

    Like is there even a point in playing when survivors have so much BS?

    The DS is unfair on the rest of the survivors. Because DS always gets left alone until the end and DS obsession always makes it out.

    At least make Enduring an early unlockable ffs. You need like 2000 hours to get all perks on all killers its ridiculous.

    And I dont get how some people try to pretend nobody takes it anymore. Its in almost every single game I get. Often 2 of them. Sometimes 3, rare cases 4.

    Its not the fact they escape. If a survivor escapes good for them. Its the fact that as killer you feel you can't do anything to stop it. A player should never play a game and feel like they can't do anything about a situation.

    1 Could you've slugged there assuming that perhaps 1 might be close or was there not enough time?

    2, No nearby hooks is that because you just used Nea on the one closest to gate or where there any close enough to begin with ?

    3.Gen camping I get as Myers and Spirit for some reason, especially when it's 3 gens left and they're all basically right next to each other. I just point out the logic behind guarding them since they're all so close together I can patroil back and forth.

    1. You as a killer need to plan better and assume they're always running the most powerful perks even when they're not. I do the same as survivor and always assume they've got BBQ/NOED and then depending on killer other 2 perks. I adjust my chases and angles always during the game and especially when it's down to 1 gen.

    So that even if they get AD and DS me i've got a more than equal chance of still downing them because i've maneuvered them to where i want them to be.

    1. Are you referring to the unique killer for the perk or overall as an unlockable since that's just cherry picking your favorite perks then. It's also not supposed to be easy to get every single perk on every single killer with ease.

    2. I see it occasionally but not as often and usually when it's there it's 1 person and rarely more if they do unless it's someone doing adept.

    3. I faced a 4 man swf that brought into the lobby 3 flashlights and a TB, the 3 flashlight users all ended up having purples. They also all 3 had DS which given their loadouts and characters I expected and so I took Enduring.

    I ate all 3 of their DS and multiple flashlight blinds I still sacrificed all 3 of them on 3 hooks each and I could've killed the David but chose to let him go. I knew they'd use Ds so I always chased them into a spot that favored me when they'd use it. They were all downed again within 10 seconds at most and I never felt like I couldn't do anything about it, I could and did.

    It's all about mindset in the end, if you go into a match expecting to lose and have a bad game you're going to lose and have a bad game.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited December 2018
    I could have slugged yes, then left them to crawl around for 2 minutes until they find hatch - or if they didnt want to risk crawling near a hook they would have just stayed in the corner to spite me.

    I know you're trying with your list there but at the end of the day they shouldn't put players into an unwinnable situation based on a choice made before the game even began. It's not fair.

    Oh and don't give me the "its not supposed to be easy to unlock perks" line because everytime you complain about a specific problem in this game people will just give you the "well bring ____" line.

    But thats entitely the issue isn't it? People say bring enduring as if it was that simple. Clearly it isn't because it takes hours upon hours upon hours to get that perk at level 3 on each killer. If I could bring it I would but I don't have that option yet unless I only stick to about 3 killers.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @The_Crusader said:

    But thats entitely the issue isn't it? People say bring enduring as if it was that simple. Clearly it isn't because it takes hours upon hours upon hours to get that perk at level 3 on each killer. If I could bring it I would but I don't have that option yet unless I only stick to about 3 killers.

    The same could be said for Self Care unlocking as once it's teachable which is way more important than Enduring to a killer generally other than BBQ. The best perks do take some time to get and it's not just the teachables either.

    It took me well over 73 rollovers of my lvl 50 blood web on Adam to get his Deliverance tier III unlocked and on Spirit Rancor tier III was around the same.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Also it could be worse if you think about it, if everything was easy you'd have nothing to complain about and you'd not be interested in the game anymore.

    So the devs have secretly kept everyone motivated by giving them things to complain about which the devs can keep working on.

    Thus they keep your interest in the game and of course any dlc they bring out all without ever having to really do anything to keep you interested.


  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    There's plenty of random BS in the game. Instaheals, keys, moris...plenty to keep complaining about but keep interested.

    If DS was a rare item rather than something guarenteed at least once almost every single game I think it wouldn't be as bad.

    We know keys and moris are broken but yes they do allow that random "omg" moment to happen which we all love when it pays off for us.

    I think DS could be one of these if it wasn't so damn common.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @The_Crusader said:
    There's plenty of random BS in the game. Instaheals, keys, moris...plenty to keep complaining about but keep interested.

    If DS was a rare item rather than something guarenteed at least once almost every single game I think it wouldn't be as bad.

    We know keys and moris are broken but yes they do allow that random "omg" moment to happen which we all love when it pays off for us.

    I think DS could be one of these if it wasn't so damn common.

    I'd prefer a flat out stun of say 6 seconds if you hit the 1st skillcheck which should be harder. But instead of you being dropped you can wiggle during that time frame. The killer can run Enduring which eats up the timer and reduces the stun time.

    If the killer dribbles you it should increase your overall struggle progress since it's not going to be a instant escape anymore.

    To make it fair to the killer it's once you've hit 35% on the struggle meter then the skillcheck comes up with say 15-20% chance at success. Again if you get dribbled that increases your progress so killers will want to dribble less.

    For survivors saving it is a bad idea since if you wait until your closer to the hook to start struggling you're screwed. If it takes 20 seconds to wiggle out and you wait until the killer is 10 seconds from hooking you and you only get 6 seconds of free struggle you're toast.

    In this case Iron Grasp would be deadly for the killer since they'll add several seconds to the struggle meter but even if the survivor manages to wiggle out the killers stun is going to be wearing off shortly after they wiggle out.

    This would help killers by preventing someone from waiting until they're about to get hooked and running to the exit gate and out etc. DS would become a much more carefully used perk instead of a get out of jail free card to use the killer description of it.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @powerbats said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    There's plenty of random BS in the game. Instaheals, keys, moris...plenty to keep complaining about but keep interested.

    If DS was a rare item rather than something guarenteed at least once almost every single game I think it wouldn't be as bad.

    We know keys and moris are broken but yes they do allow that random "omg" moment to happen which we all love when it pays off for us.

    I think DS could be one of these if it wasn't so damn common.

    I'd prefer a flat out stun of say 6 seconds if you hit the 1st skillcheck which should be harder. But instead of you being dropped you can wiggle during that time frame. The killer can run Enduring which eats up the timer and reduces the stun time.

    If the killer dribbles you it should increase your overall struggle progress since it's not going to be a instant escape anymore.

    To make it fair to the killer it's once you've hit 35% on the struggle meter then the skillcheck comes up with say 15-20% chance at success. Again if you get dribbled that increases your progress so killers will want to dribble less.

    For survivors saving it is a bad idea since if you wait until your closer to the hook to start struggling you're screwed. If it takes 20 seconds to wiggle out and you wait until the killer is 10 seconds from hooking you and you only get 6 seconds of free struggle you're toast.

    In this case Iron Grasp would be deadly for the killer since they'll add several seconds to the struggle meter but even if the survivor manages to wiggle out the killers stun is going to be wearing off shortly after they wiggle out.

    This would help killers by preventing someone from waiting until they're about to get hooked and running to the exit gate and out etc. DS would become a much more carefully used perk instead of a get out of jail free card to use the killer description of it.

    Iron Grasp adds 2 seconds of wiggle time. The devs tried your idea, but it apparently only made SWF even more powerful by giving them the chance to coordinate a flashlight rescue.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068
    edited December 2018

    @Orion said:

    Iron Grasp adds 2 seconds of wiggle time. The devs tried your idea, but it apparently only made SWF even more powerful by giving them the chance to coordinate a flashlight rescue.

    I'd actually accounted for that in a thread about the DS stun the killer should be immune to flashlight blinds due to them already being stunned. since if you're stunned you usually close your eyes when you grunt in pain, it's just a natural reflex.

    You just got stabbed and stunned so naturally it'd be like getting an electric shock, your muscles tense up and you close your eyes in pain. Now since you're muscles have tense up anything you're holding will be help tight until in this case it can wiggle free.

    I don't remember if I ever got a response from a mod or the devs on that part and if I remember right this was right around the time they were talking about doing the flashlight changes.

    I'd have to go back and check a few months have gone by since it might've been around the time Clown came out. It might've been more recent than that as well, I'll go digging alter today.

    @Orion ps check your profile comments it said nothing happening here lol.

  • WhiteAqua7
    WhiteAqua7 Member Posts: 30
    Devs are too busy nerfing BT which is survivor's only protection against campers 
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    KingB said:
    Devs are too busy nerfing BBQ.
    I think theres going to be 7 counters to that perk now after this update... and even after this casuals will still complain even when the killer is using it just to get bp
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    Bruh every killer runs NOED, Ruin and BBQ, and you're trying to nerf the only way survivors fight back -_-

    Yeah the only way survivors can fight back!! /\..... like screw the fact that survivors can loop and have stealth play options and other means to go against the killer... DS has to be how it is with no counter play or requirement to because survivors dont wanna think while playing they just want everything given to them... 
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Bravo0413 said:
    ToppingPanic said:

    Bruh every killer runs NOED, Ruin and BBQ, and you're trying to nerf the only way survivors fight back -_-

    Yeah the only way survivors can fight back!! /..... like screw the fact that survivors can loop and have stealth play options and other means to go against the killer... DS has to be how it is with no counter play or requirement to because survivors dont wanna think while playing they just want everything given to them... 

    I think that claim about every killer is vastly overused the same as every survivor runs DS/DH/AD. and DS does need an adjustment to not be so strong.

  • Eul
    Eul Member Posts: 24
    DS is a bit op now. Yea i know they nurfed it by creating more hooks on the map. But 35% wiggle is still nothing, if you have DS and feel like you are gonna die then you can just give up on loop or pallet and just run far from the nearest hook. Or if your teammates are good enough they can just block the killer and only take a single hit will make it 35% ...

    And 4 seconds stun is just way too long while giving surv one more chance is already a bit too much.

    Some would say just get the enduring but...that's how they said when the flashlight was op. Oh just get the lightborn or if you have played killer before you will know how ridiculous it is