Suggestion: Buff Pharmacy to be similar to Residual Manifest

Residual Manifest is basically Pharmacy for Flashlights, but there's a big difference, that being for Residual Manifest you don't search/unlock a chest. Instead, you rummage through one and are guaranteed a beamer. And that has me thinking, why isn't Pharmacy also like that? If you run Pharmacy you have to search/unlock a chest which means that if other players are opening chests, then unless you find a chest first, it's not guaranteed you'll be able to find a Green Medkit.

So I inquire, why not give Pharmacy (a relatively weak perk unless in a chest build IMO) the ability to rummage for a Green Medkit instead of being forced to find a chest at the beginning of a match in case some other player completely blocks you from using your already weak perk?

Maybe some more changes can go into Pharmacy or something but that's mainly all that I was thinking of doing for Pharmacy, so yeah.
