Old Flask of bleach basekit for clown

The flask of bleach used to be a staple on clown for me. I always felt like using it got me hits that basekit clown just flat out wasn’t capable of. They nerfed it awhile back and while it wasn’t a major nerf it was enough to the point where I definitely can notice the difference.
I personally think they should make the old slowdown of the bleach the default for clown, and possibly heavily nerf or outright rework the current bleach addon. It was just a solid addon that made clown better at the only thing he’s good at. And hell it even worked as a counter to dead hard for distance sometimes. Just don’t see personally how it could be a negative change.
They nerfed it, do you really think they're going to consider making it basekit?
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I mean, making it basekit is kind of coherent with nerfing it.
I see often in other games where characters are bad, but have a very strong talent that makes them good, and the response is usually to nerf it, and make it baseline, in order to give another option for another talent.
(Example, in heroes of the storm, when a talent is always picked, but the hero isn't that good)
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Clown needs more map pressure. This is his problem. I don't think making him even more oppressive in chases is the right way to go. His chase is already very strong, killers are most fun, especially to go against, if they have both good map pressure and decent anti-loop. Focusing all the power of a killer into his chase just makes them very oppressive in chase, and generally not fun to go against.