Impact of MMR on the Enjoyment of the Game

Gluck Member Posts: 6
edited June 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Since MMR dropped I've really tried to like it, and played many hours, but it really has decreased my enjoyment of the game.

That being said I'm a killer main. My opponents are simply often too good! Any survivor with over 2k hours, or decent swf absolutely runs rings around me. I only have a chance if I'm playing my best killer, blight. I used to enjoy playing a big variety of killers but I simply can't have fun doing that anymore.

What's your opinion on MMR and do you think it actually improves the quality of matches in an asymmetrical format? If so, does it make the game more fun for killers and survivor, or just one of those parties?

Post edited by Mandy on


  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,241
    edited June 2022

    I actually prefer tougher matchmaking and feel that it gives me too much variety in opponents and teammates. Or rather, I'd like to have a quickplay option with current standards and a ranked option with tighter standards.

    The overwhelming majority of my killer games feel easy on most killers. And solo queue comes down to teammates throwing most of the time. If I die, it's almost always on my first or second hook at the end

  • Mattie_MayhemOG
    Mattie_MayhemOG Member Posts: 315

    The whole balancing around two kills is silly because every killer can get two kills a game by playing in the least fun way possible. Tunnel the first survivor you see and camp them until death and then do it again or just use NOED for an end game kill. Min 2 kill almost every time but EXTREAMLY unfun for everyone involved. Four skilled survivors are more powerful than MOST of the killers in the game even when its a skilled killer. Maybe if MMR considered something more than kills/escapes it would be effective, but currently it is deeply flawed.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited June 2022

    Bad for the game overall. The games player base decrease since mmr release speaks for itself.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,459
    edited June 2022

    I don't necessarily dislike it, but it doesn't really work when during peak times there's 20x the survivors in queue than killers. It's hard to matchmake a game where the first half of the day there's 3x as many killers, then the second half there's 20x the survivors. So during those times the difficulty of matches seem random.

    I'll say my games have been far more enjoyable after they did the matchmaking tests though. I hated MMR in the beginning since almost every match was sweaty, but now it seems there's a bigger disparity in the survivors MMR, so there's usually gonna be a weak link etc. Kind of like the old rank based matchmaking.

    The way I deal with it is I don't obsess over the 4k. 1 month is plenty to get pips enough to reach Iri 1, although I hate depipping, and there's little BP incentive to get a 4k instead of a 1k, unless you go for late sacrifices for big BP. And if the survs slam the gens in 4 minutes, fair enough, my MMR goes right down and I'll be less likely to meet such players next time.

  • xfireturtlex
    xfireturtlex Member Posts: 419

    On the killer side, its not too bad. It could use some tweaks, but usually it balances out. Get some sweats, drop a little, have some fun before the sweats kick back in.

    Survivor side (solo q) is absolute hell. Im stuck in a spot where the game thinks i can carry a team against high skill killers and that triggers an endless loop. Get bad teammates or ppl that DC/off themselves, lose game and depip. Get worse teamates, lose game and depip. Get slightly less skilled killer with more garbage teammates, maybe solo escape with single pip. Then repeat the whole process. Its a rare treat when i can get a teammate that can hold a chase longer than 20 seconds. Id love for them to bring back the old system. At least back then i didnt feel like i was constantly beatin my head against the wall.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    As a solo survior, i love it. Because the last weeks, i have games with people that aren´t allergic to gens, and sometimes even know how to run the killer (way better than i do). It feels good not to lose by default just because you have bad teammates. However, i think i tend to escape way too often, and mostly through camping and tunneling.

    But i have a lot more good matches than bad ones (meaning the killer spreads his hooks out, and while gens get done, there are snowball situations where you have to come back from as survivors, and so on.) Fun games, up to the point where it doesnt matter which side wins, because it was a gg all around.

    but overall, i think the killers get the short end of the stick in my bracket, because the random teams just funciton way better than before.

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    I find that it works well as killer. Survivor, not so much.

    As killer, I've found I get a nice bell of averages for 0-4ks. 4ks being rare and hard fought and 2ks being close to being 3ks.

    as for survivor, I play really altruistically, and I've dug myself into a hole where I generally get really incompetent, cowardly teammates. I'll stomp killers in chase, then get left to die on first hook while my teammates busy themselves with hiding in lockers, dropping pallets for no apparent reason, and tbagging at each other in a fight for dominance.

  • Yankus
    Yankus Member Posts: 638

    The steamcharts pretty much speak for themselves. As soon as mmr was released it started dropping every month. I play significantly less since MMR because every game is against sweaty SWFs and that's just not fun every game. I wouldn't mind facing them if every few games I'd get an easier or fun team but that's never the case at high mmr.

  • KateDunson
    KateDunson Member Posts: 714

    Saddest thing is that they don't care about our feedback, they are collecting data to see if we enjoy the game, nothing is gonna happen in the short run tho.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    My matches definitely feel like they have gotten better at least for killer since the tests. I at least now stand somewhat of a chance. I just don't play at night against SWF because at that point it starts becoming not fun overall. I find MMR really sucks for survivor. It sucks at taking an average of SWF scores, it sucks at giving you teammates that match your score for solo queue, it sucks at giving you a killer at your MMR (most of the time the killer is significantly higher and I get destroyed or significantly lower and can't even compete). The win conditions are incredibly terrible for it and I don't know why they thought grading it off of that was a good idea when everyone told them they didn't like it

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768
    edited June 2022

    Before the test changes to mmr every single match was a nightmare, now it's slightly more random.

    Post edited by Sludge on
  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    Before the recent test changes all of my games on killer and survivor were sweat storms across the board. I like competitive games, but sometimes you just need a break. After the recent MMR changes games seem more unbalanced, its almost like the game flips a coin when matching you with people. Heads you lucked out and got some less skilled players, tails you got some sweats.

    I definitely prefer the coin flip, but what's the point of an MMR system, if the game ignores it to give you faster que times. I loved the rank based days they did during the tests, I played for like 8 hours.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759
    edited June 2022

    There would be no impact if they didn't balance for mid and ignore the upper 40%

    this might change with the upcoming base game changes, we will see.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Here's the thing.

    I started under RBMM. I'd say maybe 1/10 of my games was remotely even, and it was far too easy for me to safety pip and luck my way to high purple ranks, getting paired against 2000+ hour monsters as a total newbie.

    Now...maybe 3/5 of my games are pretty even, win or lose. I still have maybe 1 game in 5 where I'm like 'okay, how the hell was I supposed to contest that?' but a lot of that comes down to the system not liking lobby dodges.

    My survivor games are...weird, but a lot of that comes down to just how volatile and snowbally this game can be. One mistake by my team cascades into us losing. But the skill differences aren't usually too extreme.

    I've been a killer main until a few months ago, so I can't say what survivor was like under ranks. But I will say that my killer experience is much improved, and survivor is fine.

    My complains about this game generally don't come down to matchmaking.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Skill of my teammates has improved, killer games got much worse.

    I no longer play killer for fun, just BP and be done with it. It also made me take some breaks from dbd and play different games which is a great thing.

    Overall matches are way too often stomp or be stomped, survivors are either much better or much worse than me. And killers are bit better but much more sweaty I guess

  • Carrow
    Carrow Member Posts: 500
    edited June 2022

    SBMM has been the absolute worst thing to happen in DBD for me personally. I started playing the game in January 2021 and for the most part had relatively balanced games both killer and survivor wise. Obviously, there were horrible matchups, but as a whole I had way more fun than feeling miserable.

    When they did the second round of SBMM testing, my games were actually improved and I was having the best time playing the game.

    The third round of SBMM testing was an incredibly miserable thing and when they enabled it permanently, my games went to ######### a majority of the time. With the grades based matchmaking, I had fun about 40% of my games. With SBMM, I have fun about 10% of my games. SoloQ has become horrible and after their latest "adjustments" its literally unplayable, I escape about once in every two dozen games. Teammates sui on hook or DC 30 seconds in or just hide all game, while the opponents are 6-8k hour incredibly experienced nurses and blights.

    Playing Killer however became an absolute breeze. Back with grade based MMR, I constantly had to lose games to keep myself in purple ranks because I got utterly destroyed in iridescent ranks. Now I just win most of my games until I go up against a super strong team that would give Tofu or Otz a challenge that destroy me and then back to clubbing little baby survivors that DH into the wall and don't look behind them.

    My two breaks from DBD both happened during SBMM and every single month I feel less and less inclined to play this game. I can pretty much tell that the moment something comes out that grabs my attention hard enough, I'll stop playing this game completely.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Solo Survivor is fun. I get competent teammates that usually know what to do (exceptions apply).

    Killer is a chore. Not fun at all. During the first 2 weeks after the changed mmr, it was a either a sweatfest or a noobstomp. Now its sweatfest only.

  • Verak32
    Verak32 Member Posts: 2

    So new MMR was added to game... That explains why every game is so terrible and unplayable. I had a long pause from DBD, got back recently and it surprised me what's going on with this game. Survivors and killers going in trials without perks, 3 of 5 games AFKing killers and teammates. And the rest 2 games from those 5 trials tunnelar and camper. Not to mention how many leavers I came across (truth to be told I'm not even surprised. If they have the same experience and have enough of it. No judgment here).

    Good job BEHAVIOR. This game is even more fun than it used to be... Every gamer wants to play a game for hour and half but have only about 10 minutes of normal play...

    And to my fellow players (those who plays normally): Be strong mates and have iron nerves. Maybe it'll get better with time.

  • Gluck
    Gluck Member Posts: 6

    For me, increasing the level of competitiveness, in this case through mmr, just feels like it's encouraging me to resort to very unfun tactics like tunnelling or even camping.

    The most fun games I have as a killer in dbd are those where I can apply some pressure and get as many hooks as possible, not looking to get cheesy or cheap kills.

    The least fun games I have as killer are where you are involved in a brief chase and then POP POP POP gens are done :) and you didn't even really get a chance to play the game, and neither did the survs.

    This is why since MMR I can only enjoy more competitive killers like blight. I had like a few months of constant 4k's, which was boring, which has now degraded into constant swfs with meta perks and a focus on gen rushing. That's boring too. It really discourages playing a variety of killers or doing anything non-meta.

    Ultimately, I used to love this game when lobbies were more random. When I play survivor I do not enjoy quick genrushes either, there has to be a bit of randomness and risk!

  • Murgleïs
    Murgleïs Member Posts: 1,067
    edited June 2022

    You should probably play a selfish build. Meta is good in SWF or high MMR but won’t help you climb the MMR. Try :

    • Deliverance. If your team starts to get decent, you can problably go Unbreakable over this.
    • DS : in case you get tunneled out your own deliverance, or in end game to get a free escape in case your team don’t come to save you
    • Iron will : to escape chases when you can mind game between staying at the loop and hold W
    • Dead hard : because it’s broken.

    Hatch won’t increase your MMR but at least you won’t lose any.

    Play selfish, use as many pallets as you need. Don’t take unecessary risks for others. Always prioritize your life over someone else.

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    Yeah, I know I should play more selfishly. I just really like playing altruistically.

  • THE_Crazy_Hyena
    THE_Crazy_Hyena Member Posts: 248

    I can agree on this. While SBMM might be good for some, it is a mixed bag of ups and downs. At least before everything changed, you were usually put up against players of a similar rank, and the original rank system did not reset you all the way back to rank 20 (or ash 4 nowadays), which can create some very unbalanced matches on either side. I used to be at around the high purple ranks and lower red ranks as survivor (between rank 3 and 6), and I usually got fair games against a multitude of killers. Of course, you could get the odd sweaty tryhard killer main who played nurse or pre-rework Billy all the time, making the games quite boring for survivors. But nothing like what the game has de-volved into nowadays. First off, what is up with the hidden rankings? and second, why did SBMM get implemented in the first place? Every other game that has a similar system implemented does lose a lot of the fun aspect, since everything gets dictated by the established meta.

    My experience coming back to this game has been (Survivor side solo queue): Either you get a party of competent teammates who does gens and can loop the killer, or you get a team of potatoes that the SBMM wants you to carry by yourself, like the kind that only hides away when they hear the faintest heartbeat, those who DC or kill themselves upon first hook. There is like no in-between. And the killers I face are usually sweaty ones who will tunnel the first player hooked until they are taken out, then the killer will rinse and repeat. The few ones that are not completely sweats can be somewhat fair, and fun to play against. However, nowadays most killer players are playing the new killer, and in my opinion, he is the most boring killer to face, as the counterplay is very lacking (if you don't have Dead Hard).

    Killer side has been even worse in my opinion. I like to play the older killers, but it has been a chore, due to the unbalanced matchmaking. I usually get full SWF groups who genrush me into oblivion, or employ silly tactics like Head On, and countless flashlights from multiple angles. But the worst are the bully-teams and the potential cheaters. I had two back to back games that were really tilting.

    Game 1. Wraith: I just came back to the game after a good break, and I got matched against the sweatiest group of survivors who only ran meta perks (tier 3), top-tier medkits and two purple flashlights, with the best add-ons. They churned through those gens in no time at all, and the one who took the chase knew exactly where to find the most toxic double T-walls. Being that my killers are nowhere near optimal, I had ZERO chance of getting to the survivor, even with bloodlust. The worst part was after the game, and after a barrage of teabagging in the exit gate, they had the audacity to expel a slurry of toxic words, and taunting me in chat. Turned out they all had private profiles too.. go figure.

    Game 2. Trapper: Next game took me to the new map, and at first everything looked normal. I set up traps at key chokepoints, mostly well hidden. But as soon as I turn my back to the traps, they snap one by one, like between 5-8 seconds after setting them, and no survivors are in sight. I caught one of them and proceeded to facecamp him afterwards. I have a sneaking suspicion that at least one of them were cheating, as they knew instantly where all my traps were, and the generators got done extremely fast.