Sound Bug while playing pinhead

KaNANI Member Posts: 11

Playing: Pinhead

Perks: Hex:Plaything, Jolt, Thanatophobia, Corrupt Intervention

Add-ons: Burning Candle, Wriggling Maggots

Map: The Game

The start of the match was completely normal but at some point (not positive exactly when) some of my sounds were messed up. I could no longer hear and gen progress, or the explosion from Jolt when downing someone, I couldn't hear any grunts of pain (none of the survivors were running iron will) I couldn't hear them cleansing totems, Didn't get the sound of hooks or unhooks or gen explosions (i did get the visual tho), I could not hear pallet drops or foot steps, I also could not hear the hatch ( i did find and close it)

I could hear pinheads lines, his chains, his chains when breaking a pallet, gen, or wall. I could hear them when hitting the surivor, but i would not hear the survivor scream when downed or hit.

All sounds regarding the surivors was completely quiet.

I was going against a, Cheryll, Haddie, Meg, and Jane

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