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Dredge Ridiculously Overpowered

Am I the only one who thinks The Dredge is too OP? He needs nerfing

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  • Member Posts: 376

    Only his add ons and make the teleport cooldowns longer tbh.

    The one add-on that boosts his nightfall charge speed by 66% comes into mind. Also, I would not mind having nightfall last half the time, as it is simply too dark on certain maps. Makes you disoriented quite a lot

  • Member Posts: 73

    he's def ridiculous. if anything, they should at least reduce his movement speed to balance him out

  • Member Posts: 3,389
  • Member Posts: 5,623

    He needs buffs tbh

  • Member Posts: 809

    From my survivor POV he definitely needs a buff :v

    He has chance to be a really high tier killer, but he's so predictable that after 3-4 games, it's hard to be outplayed by him.

    I'd delete his locker aura, cuz he already makes so much noise that the additional indicator seems useless. Or turn down the noise a bit.

    Also his teleport speed outside of nightfall is a joke. He's supposed to juke you by using lockers, but it takes him ages to get into one.

    The only thing i would maybe nerf from him is the distance he can travel after leaving the remnant, cuz no limit kinda sucks, usually killers have their power gauge depleted when using power

  • Member Posts: 2,014

    skill issue

  • Member Posts: 6,492

    How so? I definitely disagree. I wouldn't be against a few very minor nerfs to things like his Bloodlust not canceling when he uses his ability, but other than that, he seems perfectly fine.

  • Member Posts: 6,492

    Please no. He is perfectly balanced, we don't need another Hug tech Blight or Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 6,492

    Half the time would be such an exaggerated nerf. Just make it so you can actually see within the radius you are supposed to see a bit easier. Like reducing or removing the vignette effect that darkens the edges of the screen.

    I also think his teleport cooldown is completely fine at the moment, 12 seconds is definitely enough to balance it out. Maybe 14 or 15 seconds would still work well, but again, I think that would be unnecessary, at the moment at least. Good map pressure is what makes this killer actually strong and balanced.

  • Member Posts: 95

    I don't think he needs nerfs at all. He's pretty balanced, survivor players just don't like that the new killer messes with their standard ways of playing. They're claiming he's op so they can go back to bullying killers with no risks.

    Personally I think he's fine. Maybe needs a few quality of life changes, and a very slight nerf to survivors' nightfall visibility (make it very slightly easier for them to see during nightfall), but otherwise he's fine. May end up needing buffs after the initial period of players learning how to play as and against him.

  • Member Posts: 3,477

    No Dredge is pretty good but not stronger than survivors. There are better killers in the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,513

    Hah! Nice one.

  • Member Posts: 531

    sum like that

  • Member Posts: 357

    he is a upper B tier killer with good counterplay he is fine

  • Member Posts: 6,492

    You really think so? I don't think he is really op or anything, but I also don't think he is underpowered. Actually pretty damn strong. Would surprise me if most people would just leave him be and go back to other killers.

  • Member Posts: 82

    Honestly I think all he needs is a small speed nerf. Being a 4.6 killer who can teleport map-wide unlimitedly is pretty wild. Onryo is 4.6 but after using a teleport, she can't use that same teleport spot for 100 seconds unless she has certain add-ons. Dredge can move back and forth over and over again with no penalty and has full speed for a killer. Even something like 4.4, like Hag has would be a bit of an equalizer. I think that's kind of part of what makes him viewed as "Onryo, but better".

  • Member Posts: 800

    he's perfectly fine and if anything he could use a couple buffs.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    in PTB, the radius was 16 meters. in current live. its about 12 meters line of sight. I'm not sure what nerf your asking for? increase of nightfall distance by +2 for 14 meters of sight? It would just return to its PTB completely pointless form.

    I wish his purple add-ons were better.

    Boat key increases his locker teleport speed by 25% during day time.... why daytime... why not night time. The day time TP is kinda pointless.

    Why does field recorder apply exhaustion when the survivor touches remnant? why isn't it applies 15 second of exhaustion after re-winding for 5 seconds, similar to wraith's blind warrior add-on or sadako's iri-tape add-on.

    Lavalier Microphone would be an amazing tracking add-on if it applied on first locker instead of 3rd locker.

    Tilling blade makes no sense for an add-on. For one, why does it have a timer of 60 seconds on mangled? mangled effect is suppose to be permanent. The add-on sounds like it should be written as Survivors during Nightfall suffer Blindness, Mangled and Haemorrhage.

    I'd say his add-on could use some improvement. some very strange add-on descriptions in my opinion. I feel like he has chance to be really good vs good survivor teams if some of these add-ons were improved.

  • Member Posts: 346

    What distance are you referring to? Him being able to hold is “ power “ indefinitely while using his anti-loop?

  • Member Posts: 6,492

    Wait, what locker aura? When do survivors see the aura of lockers?

    I think he is perfectly fine, I don't think he needs any buffs personally. The limited teleport movement speed outside of Nightfall is needed, since his map pressure is already really good. You shouldn't be able to traverse the map too fast as well. He still has some mindgame potential with lockers in chase if they are very close to him, maybe only being seperated by a wall.

    I also don't think a Dredge would ever want to hold his power for too long, since he is slower than a survivor while doing so, so I don't think a time limit is needed. It doesn't help too much with camping either since survivors can just destroy the remnant by running into it.

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  • Member Posts: 10

    Legit same here, I get a massive headache from his nightfall (not a migraine, but close enough). I'd be entirely fine with him if they fixed the effects...

  • Member Posts: 809

    yes, It's fine for anti loop, but It's kinda sad when they hide the remnant near hooked person and use it as camping tool, when their body goes out patrolling.

    It's hard to call it differently than aura, it's not the typical aura reading, i mean the aura around the locker, that purple-ish mist

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    I wonder what's "over" powered about him, it's not like he has slowdown like pinhead or great anti-loop like artist and such, he has mobility but mobility doesn't make him win.

    His power certainly makes survivor's life miserable but in reality anything but shadow teleport doesn't really have direct impact on them, so I doubt he is "OP".

  • Member Posts: 138

    This is the wrong place to be asking that question. Killer mains will of course disagree and since most people on the forum are killer mains it’s safe to say they won’t think he is OP. He is def OP. The ability to teleport without a cooldown is ridiculous and then top it off with the nightfall where it’s impossible to see and he moves faster is too much. Maybe it’s balanced for high mmr swf, but the majority of survivors don’t play at high mmr or in a swf.

  • Member Posts: 532

    He's fine the way he is. He's low B tier in my opinion. You can counter him pretty easily, especially since you can ruin his ability by simply locking all of the lockers ahead of time. It takes him about as long to break 1 lock as it takes the survivor to lock 3 lockers.

  • Member Posts: 153

    Nope he's great for me

  • Member Posts: 10

    You do know that the killer mains are literally sweating just as hard as the survivors right? Just sayin'. I don't get the whole survivors do this, killers do that, both sides are equally toxic and both sides just blame eachother xD But true, he doesn't need much of a nerf, just fix the visuals so people don't get physical headaches from playing vs him, easy clap.

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