Remove "inside of your Terror Radius" from Dissolution

Was just playing a match as the Dredge a moment ago and was incredibly confused as of why dissolution completely failed to function on a survivor I was in chase with. Upon reading the perk more closely I realize it says it only works if they fast vault a pallet "inside of your terror radius" and it dawns upon me that I was in nightfall at the time. Why is it that a teachable perk from the dredge has this really dumb interaction with his own power? In my opinion I don't see why dissolution needs to be within your terror radius at all as I find it very hard to believe that a survivor is going to manage to (without me activating undetectable in some way) exit my terror radius and fast vault a pallet in the time that it's active after I hit them. Even then if a survivor was to completely exit my terror radius why would they ever fast vault a pallet? I'm mainly curious if this was actually put in for the purpose of the undetectable/oblivious status and if it was then why? It doesn't sound overpowered to me if a survivor didn't have your terror radius from a perk such as nemesis or tinkerer mid chase to then also activate dissolution.


  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Yeah I’m not sure why they made it terror radius based instead of a flat radius of say 32 meters. It just means killers who can attack while Undetectable don’t get as much benefit from it. 🤷‍♂️

  • Darkest_Night
    Darkest_Night Member Posts: 151

    Yea this need to be fixed.....because it doesn't work if Dredge is in nightfall, which negates the perks purpose of actually breaking pallets when survivors are fast vaulting mid chase