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Event challenge "Almost Made It"

The event survivor challenge, Almost Made It, is not being tracked. I have been in chase while vaulting and going from healthy to injure intentionally for the challenge and haven't got a single point towards it. Xbox Series S. Attempted on several different maps being Coldwind Farms, Dead Dawg Saloon and Eyrie of Crows.
You have to do it in one match so the points don't accumulate either you complete it or you don't it wont tell you how close you got.
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It's not bugged, I've been getting them and you can take as many matches as you need.
It is a fidgety, pretty circumstantial challenge though.
- You have to be vaulting a pallet or window; and
- You have to be healthy and then be injured at some point during this process; and
- You have to be in a chase.
- All of the above have to happen at the same time. It's super easy to perhaps miss one element by a moment or two.
Just keep trying and take plenty of things to recover with, it can take some attempts to trigger.
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I was in chase, I slow vault so it will trigger but it will not give me points because BHVR didn't implement the tracking in properly or BHVR doesn't have good challenge ideas
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The tracking is deff wonky, I went out of my way to get hit while vaulting the window, while I was in chase and still didn't get it... Not* to mention the challenge itself sucks
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yeah... timing is dumb... it just counts or doesn't count...
right when I took the challenge I was playing vs ghostface that hit me after I vaulted shack window, so I was in chase back then.. it didn't count
right now i played vs blight and he hit me exactly same and it counted :/
20 hits inbetween those didn't count either
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As far as I can tell, it's actually basic attacks, even if the wording doesn't require it.
I tried to force progress by slow vaulting to make sure the hit registered during the animation.
Feral Frenzy and Punishment of the Damned didn't count. The 4 times I got hit with a standard m1, I progressed.
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Yeah, I think the tracking is just too unforgiving about what it considers a hit during vaulting. I've had about 10 that feel like they should count, and only two of them have.