The Perk Overhaul and The Nurse

The Perk Overhaul is coming up to shake up the game's stale meta. Killers feel like they must run slowdown perks to compete in games where generators are completed way too quickly. Survivors feel like they only have 8 or so strong perks, and have to run second chance perks in a state of the game where MMR leads to tunneling and camping. With that being said, perks aren't the only thing stale about the meta. Nurse is, has been, and for the foreseeable future, will always be the best killer in the game. She isn't placed into S tier with killers like Blight... She has her own tier. Perks are stale, but so is the highest tier of killer. With that being said, if Nurse is still far and away the best killer in the game after the Perk Overhaul, it's time for some tuning or a rework.
Yawn nerf nurse thread no 10000000000111
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When even the best of players can only last on average about 40 seconds with all the tools meant for 4 people at their disposal, yeah theres something wrong. Especially with the perk overhaul coming up shes gonna need a touch down
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What’s the counterplay? I’d love to know.
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I don't even think that's the main issue. It's that she has the lowest kill rate at all levels but she is unarguably the best killer, far and away. Any other game would've reworked this character. But she's one of the first main killers and loved by some, hated by others. Reworking her would be a controversial decision.
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Nurse mains will come here to defend her, ignore them.
Youre absolutely right, nurse needs a rework. If they make solo survivor even more miserable with all the changes, and nurse gets a pass, that’s when I will stop supporting BHVR.
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I'm going to have to agree she needs a tone down after the perk overhaul
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"Be unpredictable" -every nurse main known to man
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Can you please give suggestions on how please and thank you :)
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low mmr survivor mains will come here to claim she's OP ignore them.
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Any proof to back up your claims as a nurse in comp games only manages 2k's and 1k's and that's with the survivors limiting what perks they can use.
And on the BHVr killer stats, she's the lowest played killer with the lowest kill rate.
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I'm sure they'll re-examine her after the perk nerf if she becomes a problem...
Seems like common sense to me.
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her main counter is dead hard which is about to go away.
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Can you elaborate with more words?
What do you mean by 'if' in this instance?
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Eh, the other exhaustion perks are still useful against Nurses. Blight is going to be a much bigger issue on that front.
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Nobody knows their own MMR lol
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I don't see the problem with her outside of add-ons and maybe her blink attack is an m1.
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M2 i would say
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Nurse has the lowest kill rate but is without a doubt the strongest killer for one simple reason: her mechanics fall outside of the normal range of what one could call the standard arsenal of all DBD killers.
If someone were to give you a bow and a bunch of arrows chances are you would be terrible with it at first, but there is a very clear reason why even in Ancient Rome those gladiators equipped with bow and arrows (sagittarius) were only put against animals or Noxii (lowest of the low, traitors, deserters etc.). In Nurse's case the bow happens to be magical: the quiver never empties and its arrows are capable of shooting through walls.
This being said, I understand why BVHR devs are reluctant to touch her. This game needs that one killer capable of cutting all survivors - including SWF teams - down to size once you reach a certain skill level with them, and I say that as a solo survivor-main approaching 4k hours. However, one thing that absolutely needs to be addressed is the fact that the use of her unique power still represents a basic attack, and that should definitely be changed
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40 seconds? That's generous asf if you ask me,
That's still really good compared to being two tapped off the bat bruh,
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You said „if“ she becomes a Problem. She’ll most likely be even more problematic.
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I don't really understand what your trying to say but I'm assuming that your saying that it should be a special attack rather then a basic attack after she blinks in which case I agree.
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Nevermind i misread something but yeah that’s what I mean. Her blinks should be a special attack.
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Oh silly me, all I need to do is acquire the same level of skill as a competitive Dbd player! It’s all so simple!
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No because that's not how we operate in DbD we refuse to learn counter plays but instead we must Nerf everything that we deem op!
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No Pig actually can do stuff on loops with ambush, they rather go against a trapper.
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This. Enough is enough. At least offer up a fresh take because this is so overplayed.
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I did. After the Perk Overhaul, there's no longer an excuse.
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Notice how when you watch a survivor streamer who is actually good they turn nurses into absolute clowns? These survivors should watch them.
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Nah they just want all killers to be the same strat Hold W and pre drop pallets
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"if Nurse is still far and away the best killer in the game after the Perk Overhaul"
Those are literally the words in the OP - I was definitely confused by the sudden backtrack from an evidence based approach.
Unless they're implying it's guaranteed she will be a problem without knowing how said perks will be changed....or this is all stemming from the potential nerf of Dead Hard, which has yet to have its changes announced....
If these aren't baseless assumptions at this point, though, I'm all for hearing the evidence.
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Noone, including you, has a clue what the perk overhaul is going to look like, so there's no longer an excuse in your mind, sure, but the rest of us are going to wait till patch notes actually break on the matter.
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Excuse me, I suppose after Nurse being the best killer for years and largely being unaffected by any add-on or perks changes in the meantime, I'd reckon some meta perks being changed would have no effect on Nurse being regarded by every player, killer or survivor main, as the strongest killer.
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You're excused.
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Thank you :)
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Like, why even lie though?
As someone who has actually played in several competitive tournaments (comp dbd itself is a joke), I can tell you that every tournament has restrictions on Nurse, Blight and Spirit.
And even with these restrictions, which are usually that nurse is only allowed one addon, Nurse still dominates. That is, if nurse isn't banned in the ban/pick phase, which she usually is.
So tired of the mental gymnastics these nurse players will go to to defend their OP toy.
Wouldn't it be better to advocate for balance for both survivor and killer.
Everyone can admit that SWF is busted. Why can't you do the same when Nurse is just as broken? Both should be nerfed. Note that I didn't say solo queue and lower tier killers should be buffed. SWF and nurse are TOO powerful. When both sides are TOO powerful it makes the game super boring.
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nurse needs to get nerfed to the ground. time for low tier killers to rise.
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My prediction is that Nurse will be even more ridiculously broken than she is now and she will lead to more DCs than Iri Huntress or MD Ring Spirit.
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She's just so simple to counter that no one will actually elaborate when asked what the counters are.
"Just go watch videos"
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in a game where SWF is meta and counters most killer powers and strategies leaving not a lot of counterplay, a killer like nurse is needed
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This would gut her viability with every 'basic attack' perk in the game.
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Uh, we always insist that the nurse is OP and top of the top tier across all killers but there is not even an actual evidence that proves it.
It's just our feeling, so I doubt she needs to be changed.
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What's the point of these threads anymore?
Group A- What is the counterplay? Please inform me?
Group B- Explains counterplay
Group A- ignores group B
Rinse repeat every couple hours when a new Nurse thread is posted. What counterplay expectations do people have? Is this forum filled with absolute gods who no-hit run every killer for 5 gens except Nurse? No. You aren't doing that to any killer. I bet 99.9% of you don't last a minute in chase against any killer on average. But players on here seem to think that if you can't do that against Nurse for whatever reason, it's broken.
Players explain how to last 40+ seconds in every one of these threads. People aren't even arguing in good faith anymore.
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Blight is one of the easiest killers to loop in the game especially with them taking out hug tech.
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yeah, just like how even Survivors get 4k'd by killers like Billy or Plague? No one plays perfect and of course there are exceptions
the on average 40 seconds comes from a friend of mine who plays in competitive and is the captain of his team
Stats aren't the full picture, she has the lowest killrate because she's the most difficult killer to learn, and considering the average player in this game is pretty bad, its no wonder why her killrate is so low.
You're Welcome.
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Block LOS, force 50/50 mindgames, run to areas of the map with chained LOS blockers to make her guess even more, pre run, w key after she goes into fatigue to get to a location, gen rush, stay healed with circle of healing and medkits, sprint burst, dead hard, overcome, use pallets if you're a god at the game, completely disregard windows, hide on death hook, hide in general.
Range I'll agree is complete and utter BS but recharge nurse is fine.
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Nope. Just no.
Nurse "counterplay" is hoping that the nurse you go against is much worse than you.
As soon as a nurse reaches a skill point that isn't even very high, playing nurse means that you have the decided advantage against survivors even if they are more skilled than that nurse.
Same goes for SWF. A SWF, just by being in a group means that the killer playing against them must be much, much better.
It is common knowledge that SWF needs to be nerfed/is too powerful. It is mind-boggling that you nurse players can't accept the same about your chosen role.
Is it because nurse is a solo role, and if you accept that nurse is OP you will always have to accept that you aren't as good at the game as you thought? Meanwhile SWF is a group, so it is harder to identify who the "weak link" is?
It is accepted on the Korean server as fact that nurse is too powerful. People on this forum would be laughed off the server for claiming that nurse is balanced.
Speaking of, why not go to the most popular korean streams and ask what they think about nurse? You'll get the same answer no matter who you ask.
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I guess I don't accept it because I think players are way too quick to accept mediocrity. I play a whole lot more than Nurse. I actually play survivor more than killer these days. Why do I escape from Nurse more often than not? Where are these skilled Nurse players everyone is running into? Why are my teammates dropping quickly while I survive chases? It's almost as if there's counterplay if you're good at it.
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The only thing wrong with nurse is her range add-ons,, plz stop crying about nurse 😂😂