The Perk Overhaul and The Nurse
Right, two horrendous changes that were made and resulted in those killers disappearing. Great example lol
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That's your opinion. Balance changes all the same. Can't say they don't make changes then disparage the ones they do. Quite hypocritical.
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That's not an opinion the steam charts back then showed it. LOL.
But sure let's keep putting survivors on a podium and feeding killer players breadcrumbs that will keep em playing right?
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And what changes to survivor have they made that have had any impact? Maps still have an impossible number of tiles and pallets, along with indefensible gen spreads.
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Everything you say in this thread is your opinion backed up by nothing but your own conjecture. It's like you only complain about the plights of a killer main about problems other people deal with just fine.
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Except they don’t. There is a reason you see 2 killers at high mmr. Other killers don’t have a chance. That’s not conjecture, that’s 4 years of experience.
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Okay, let's circle back to the main point of my discussion post then, since we seem to agree. Is a meta dominated by two killers, mainly Nurse, not stale? Since we only see 2 killers at high MMR?
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"Horrendous changes" <---> "That's not an opinion"
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You’re missing the point….. the reason there are only two is because this game is broken. The game is linear and shallow; most killers don’t have the tools to end chases fast enough. Even Nurse, who can end chases in 15-20 seconds, still often runs out of time because of how fast gens go.
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And if she doesn’t use range addons if she gets taken to a map with multiple floors or a large map she doesn’t get much pressure.
I play nurse with no addons for like twenty games to warm up and getting red forest mothers dwelling, swamp and artists map is absolute pain, you need like a dozen blinks just to get to the middle.
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I challenge you to make an argument based off of any form of tangible evidence, not your four years of experience.
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That's a total cop out and you know it. The devs don't provide much data because they don't want the game to look bad. You have also offered no evidence other than saying that I'm wrong.
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I said that Nurse has the lowest kill rate at all ranks but is the best killer by far. That's problematic to game balance, any other game with a ranked system and balance changes would've tweaked this character. I've also said the only reason they haven't changed her is because she has the 5th highest pick rate as of the most recent data. As far as you and I are concerned, you haven't contributed anything of substance other than, quite frankly, whining about game balance from your own experiences as a killer. Your source is yourself and your evidence is four years experience lol.
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ADS spam was so annoying!
It was funny seeing people defend a 0.15 second ADS.
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So true. Still not the most fun to face but at least I feel like I'm getting outplayed now.
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Before it was like oh I run to the pallet *boom shot* or if I fake it *M1*
It felt like a lose-lose situation no matter what unless he missed so horribly.
Hated how he exerted so much pressure by simply existing.
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Your point about killrate and best killer are meaningless. You saying that she hasn’t been changed because she is the 5th picked killer is also pure speculation based on nothing other than your gut instinct. How is that supposed to be at all compelling?
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Yeah, even as a killing main I can say that the nurse can be pretty overbearing sometimes, especially when you give her really good at add ons she becomes pretty much unbearable at that point for any survivors
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The nurse has easy counterplay. Just go on the forums and say she needs to be nerfed, and the nurse mains will arrive to write essays and tire their hands out, preventing them from playing nurse and avoiding the match in the first place.
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Not only that, said nurse mains often loves to explain how to deal with nurse, which should help people understand how to deal with nurse.
Although it doesn't really work somehow.
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Nurse haters aren't receptive. They'll irrationally screech and make sarcastic posts rather then discuss meaningfully.
Yes, this post was meant to sound like (some) of them. I'm past engaging them in good faith at this point.
I think they just want to be heard - And literally nothing else.
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Not really. If she has the range addon that makes her go BTW +10 meters extra (#########), from 20 to 30, good luck running away with other exhaustion perks. Trust me, I tried. Got hit anyway lol.
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I was only playing <3
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How you described it is not wholly inaccurate.
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Look at his post history.
For the luls.
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How is killrate compared to skill ceiling, as well as pickrate, meaningless? You can't say in game data is useless because BHVR doesn't want to look bad then discount what they give. You're trying to do the same thing when you said they don't make balance changes then you called Spirit and Deathslinger changes horrendous. Quite the run-around here.
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it meaningless because you are making unsupported inferences.
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Okay, is Nurse the best killer in the game? Has she been the best killer for years?
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You saying that’s why she hasn’t been touched is BS that you made up.
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I think I'm done with the back and forth. I just want to understand where you're coming from and find a stance we can move from where we both agree, but you're more interested in attacking and shilling than actually trying to discuss. Have a great rest of the Anniversary!
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Looking to try to crap all over McClean's legacy?