Sadako - suggestions for the devs

Dear devs,
Here are some suggestions to make Sadako a better killer.
1) Similar to the doctor, condemned status creates Sadako ilusions pointing out their locations. The illusions can also have terror radius, pursue and walk around survivors depending on the condemnation level.
2) Condemnation may debuff survivors, worsening the gen repair speed, making them blind or oblivious.
3) Condemnation builds up slowly over time during chases or being close to TVs or being close to advanced cursed survivors.
4) Lower TV cooldown, unless the survivors take the tape. In that case, the TV turn on again only when the survivor put the tape on another distant TV.
I definitely think the best way to buff the Onryô is to lean more indo her Condemned power. Like you've done here, make it easier to get and adjust the benefits accordingly.