More swimsuits please?

Most slashers have loads of swimsuits in them, so I would like more of those please. Maybe one for vommy mommy. But not for hag, that’s a nope.
The game is far more than just a slasher flick. It covers a wide variety of genres. There's already plenty of swimsuits and other summer themed outfits representing the slasher 'aspect' of the game.
I'd prefer more creative outfit collections in the future.
I want a Survivor in full medieval knight armour, which makes stupidly loud clanging noises every time they move. Impractical, sure, but it would be fun.
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Like Arthur from evil dead?
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Kinda sounds like Dwelf. I was coming up from the basement in Myer's house on Haddonfield and I heard a faint jingle of bells above me. Long story short, all 4 survivors ended up dying in that basement.
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yes please. And Quentin needs more cosmetics anyways.
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Actually, all this swimsuits and pyjamas and "cute" animal-suits kinda kill the moot for myself. I know that the game isn't "scary" anymore, as everyone playing it for more then 30h became jaded to that and no one respects killers anymore, but still keep at least a modicum of a gloomy atmosphere :V
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swimsuit hag
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Can we have a perk that makes the character fart?
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Yes! Claudette in a onesie pajama!
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Yes plz
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Nah mate you gotta look for a more fitting killer
Swimsuit clown and bubba lol
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Speedo Meyers and demo?
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That's the spirit lol
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Nuuuuuuu! You misunderstood meeee D:
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I mean I think waterfront massacre is the longest running cosmetic collection so I don't think BHVR disagrees with you tbh.