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Is Killer even fun anymore??

I stopped playing killer about a year ago, and don't touch it much at all. For good reason.

Even before SBMM, I remained in grey ranks, as I wasn't too great. However there were several matches where I as the killer had to face red rank survivors.

To this day I haven't had a fair match of killer. One time I even got the chance to see my opponents stats, which dwarfed my 40 days, with a whopping 110 days.

I've noticed that my matches as a killer became more a chore than a game. It was one thing to have survivors make good plays. It was a whole new ball park when I am constantly facing people WAY outside of my skill bracket.

Do keep in mind that I rarely play killer because of this, when I once enjoyed it, regardless of who I played. I'm also NOT complaining about perks that survivors have, and nerfs to killer perks. I am genuinely just not having fun as a killer anymore, because my matches are far too unbalanced.

And to further my point, I used to struggle as Survivor, but now it's almost TOO easy. I remember earlier days of my time with DBD, (Close to when the Pig came out) where the ranks determined my opponents. At least then, the game recognized that my effort put into a match determined who I would go against, which almost ALWAYS remained within the same ranks.

What do you think? Do you still have fun as a killer? Is there things you would recommend I try that might help better my experience?

Thank you!


  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,855

    I have fun, but only thematically. I main Ghost Face because theme-wise, just a load of fun...especially when playing to spook and jumpscare. However, he's frustrating to play at high MMR because he's just so weak due to his power being easily disabled. He has little approach potential in high MMR.

    I also have fun with Deathslinger because I'm a fan of gunslinger type of characters. Again though, he's weak vs his counterpart huntress.

    Long story short, it's fun...thematically. It's not so fun mechanic-wise.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    Killer is the only fun, survivor is miserable. And for some reason many killer-players are like from a cesspool of society. Griefing, taunting, harassing.

  • Ravio_Li
    Ravio_Li Member Posts: 126

    In general, killer isn't fun to play as you either get stomped, or stomp on people.

    It's really hard to get a match that's in between. And I even play generally considered Low Tier killers like Clown and Sadako and these still apply.

    But what it really boils down to killer being unfun for me is the downtime between chases. That time when you just have to patrol because you can't find anyone. I get why it's there, but it doesn't make downtime any more enjoyable. Then when I do find someone, it's either: Done in 10 seconds, or they're a good looper and it takes a while. And that gets stale, really fast.

    Still is more fun than bashing your head into a wall like Solo queue survivor is, but the fun quickly fades into boredom again.

  • ProfSinful
    ProfSinful Member Posts: 271

    Just be a chad, play huntress and yeet hatchets for fun. Doesn't even matter what the outcome of my game is if I land a sick trick shot or snipe

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 746

    well between frustrating killer experience, or absolutely boring and super easy survivor experience... i prefer a challenge

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 746

    ahahha +1 to this

    one of my.last games i was sniping people in the artist's map from the second floor. it was fun to land the shots

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    Of course it's fun, if you don't go out of your way to be a dick and get 4k each game. If you just go for fun chases, it's nice. Even vs 4-man swf groups.

  • Hilidaris
    Hilidaris Member Posts: 164

    Didn't knew wanting to get 4k was being a dick, isn't it the goal of the killer ?

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    .... that's not what I said, but sure

    I meant being a dick to get 4k, i.e. slugging, tunneling and whatnot. You can have fun without doing that and still get kills, but going out of your way to play like that to guarantee 4 kills is no fun for anyone involved.

  • Hilidaris
    Hilidaris Member Posts: 164

    I personaly get more fun by getting a 4k, it might involve slugging and tunneling, but again they're part of the most effective way to get the win.

    I don't blame killer for slugging / tunneling when I play survivor (except if it's slugging just for the sake of just wasting my time to annoy me)

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    I mean I'm not saying I don't have fun when I kill everyone. But killing everyone isn't a requirement for me having fun, I have more fun if the chases are fun. I've had games where I let people go for unhooks cause otherwise everyone would have died way too fast and that would have been boring.

    And yeah slugging to go for other people is fine, slugging at the end of the game when everyone else is dead/slugged is bad.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    Well even that you exaggerate you can win with only m1 and most loops in fact are mind-gameable. But map like gideon meat factory is nightmare for m1 killers ofcourse. But dead hard is veey annoying as you need 3 hits to down survivor.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,494

    I find 3K usually more fun than 4K for me it's fine if one escape and some of these games are very entertaining. While I 4K it can be just blowout or slug fest so usually it's just too easy ofcourse lot of times I let last one go.

  • vanGlasse1
    vanGlasse1 Member Posts: 295

    as long as you're truly caring about anything at all, hardly

    but if you just don't care and want to go nuts, run whatever you want, play however you want, never for a single second care or expect anything from the other side, then maybe, just maybe, sometimes yea it can be fun

  • AnchorTea
    AnchorTea Member Posts: 1,019

    Playing killer is tough and stressful for most people.