BHVR’s Map Design is Still Pretty Terrible


And they never learn their lesson.

Evident in the Garden of Joy, with the map being entirely too big, with an extremely safe and large main building, connected loops, increased pallet volume, and lack of readability for both sides.

The Game is somehow unchanged in DBD, which makes for a mind-numbing experience for killers against a halfway decent team. There must be at least 20 pallets on the map and MOST OF THEM are completely safe. Breakable walls galore that just trap people in rooms or make it cumbersome for people to get to other areas of the map.

The problem has always existed too, but BHVR has failed to improve. Blood Lodge has way too many pallets and is extremely large, with there being no real 3 gen setup on the map due to how far apart the gens spawn from each other. Meanwhile Shelter Woods is literally a completely dead map full of only dead space and an over abundance of LT walls.

The problem at its root stems from the misguided notion for BHVR to add RNG mechanics to all of the maps.

Seriously, the map balance is the biggest issue with the game, and needs to be addressed immediately. Most of the maps are completely unbalanced in one direction, and all it leads to is frustration. But BHVR continues to make the same mistakes over and over again when it comes to the balance. It needs to be improved.
