Hopefully a nurse nerf/rework is being worked on as we speak

Cause everyone knows she needs a nerf, she is insane to go against, especially in solo q, her addons are insane and her power doesn't have enough limitations to be fair, being able to teleport and teleport through walls and the ground is just inherently op.
Yes nurse can be difficult to pick up or take a while to get the hang of, but once you do kills come easily and is unfair and miserable to go against. Matches turn out like this, and everyone gets killed at 5 gens, like being at a higher spectrum in mmr, most nurses you face are going to be decent so every nurse u face you're just commonly going to die to.
If someone is good with a killer, he deserves to be rewarded. As survivor, it's just a matter of holding W and try to fake your directions while she's about to blink so you waste a lot of her time while your team is working on gens. Ignore loops with her because she can blink right on top of you and just run to waste as much of her time as possible.
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Good survivors can still win against good nurse. People just relly too much on dead hard instead of breaking line of sight, double back, double double back. Just think of nurse had up to 7 blinks and killer perks were much stronger. It was a lot of complaining about her and they nerfed her to the ground. Then the Spirit was a target of complains - silent phase, standing still, collision in phase, massive postphase lunge, no vault animation, stridor countering iron will, strong add ons. All that was nerfed, and now Nurse again? She's along with Artist the only killer that has a chance to win against good teams. Wait for the perks rebalancing. Usually a change goes in hand with change. But Nurse should stay as she is, she's hard to play and devs said they don't want to punish a good nurse players by another nerf.
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Yeah, she desperately needs an Add-On Pass.
Her base-kit is fine tho
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If that picture with you DCing is the reason you made this thread, I sincerely hope nurse will not get a nerf because she will not deserve such.
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Y'know what? She does need rework.. but Nerf? Nah.
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She does deserve a nerf tho lol. I dc'd cause there was no point I earned basically nothing.
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She has no counter. And holding W is not a counter.
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I don´t think so.
If the matchmaking would work better you would not go against a nurse until you are the SWF that deserves her.
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Oh man, the classic "This has no counterplay" argument. If it's in the game, it means that it's OK as it is for now. Probably the thing she needs is an add-on pass but that's all. I don't think we'll see a rework of her any time soon considering that she has the lowest kill rate in the game.
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We know if its in the game doesn't make it "OK" they've made plenty mistakes before an buffed and nerfed killers accordingly, this is just another oops.
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Uh, if she has lowest kill rate we definitely needs a buff.
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She doesn't have a low kill rate because she's bad. She only had a low kill rate because people at low mmr, or people who don't know how to play her. At high mmr she is a beast and gets the highest kill rate, she only has a low rate overall because she's hard to pick up at first but once you know how to play her, kills come easily to her.
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Doesn't matter, statistics is there.
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Let's break it down - Nurse is a killer, that ignores every single obstacle that survivor can use against her. She is a killer, that you cannot play against like you do against other killers. You have to calculate her distance of blink, attempt to predict. Any nerf she could have would potentially make her either useless or not change her at all. Rework is also not a great idea, because Nurse mains often invest a lot of time to master her, which would piss off a large amount of experienced community, including some coaches, or even perhaps streamers that actually help the game.
Nurse has been around for quite a long time, she has the worst statistics, but the best chase potential. Only change I'd do to her is to probably rework her ability to get burnt to make it easier, which could make her weak against Flashlights, Fireworks or some perks. I genuinely think, that besides that, there is nothing else to change. She is tremendously hard to master, there is no way you are going to do that in a period of one month and the time investment to her is enormous.
The math of going up against Nurse is also low, because she doesn't have the highest pickrate. Even at higher MMR, I have seen more Trappers than Nurses, which is interesting to my eyes. Rarely have I seen a Nurse and when I did, she wasn't that strong to kill all of us at 5 gens. Keep in mind that you have to know how to play against her and it is almost as hard as learning how to play Nurse herself.
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What.... it literally does matter, it explains why she has a low kill rate when she is an extremely strong killer. You can't just disregard an explanation and just run with statistics. You make no sense.
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There is really no objective data that tells she is broken, when all the data shown is telling she is fine, the chances are she is fine.
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Most of the data is saying she is not fine. Lowest kill rate and far and away highest effectiveness compared to any other killer is a game balance issue. As of the last Kill & Pick Rate statistics, she had the lowest kill rate at all levels. That much hasn't changed post-MMR. She is still the best killer in the game at higher levels. Any player at any rank will say she's the best. Those two things together are a game balance nightmare.
If you want to defend Nurse through game data, say that she is the 5th most played killer as of the most recent data instead and shouldn't get changed because she is played a lot. That'll get you farther.
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"still the best killer" but somehow every ######### data shows she is weakest? that's funny.
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The data also says that Freddy and Pig have extremely high kill rates thus meaning they are the strongest killers in the game and are "fine"
Is that accurate, yes or no
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She has been the best killer since her release, she is the best killer right now, and for the foreseeable future, she will always be the best killer. I'm not sure what else to tell you, you can remain willfully ignorant but that's on you, not me or this discussion.
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You know, that's exactly the reason why BHVR never buff them, or actually nerf them.
You might be surprised but truth is it IS accurate.
I'm sorry, repeatedly mumbling "no it's true you are just ignorant" without any actual evidence doesn't make your words truth.
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addon pass, specifically range addons 100%
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The only nerf she needs are the recently bug-now-a-feature range addons.
Everyone who knows the bug from 5.6.0 knows what I'm talking about.
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This killer says SHE IS NOT THE BEST.
She hasn't been FUN to play since her early nerf of speed to nothing.
If you have issues with Nurse.. Learn to fight nurse. and YES . W is a solution with her. Getting good at moving away from her rather than trying to hide like a regular killer is a solution.