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Two Bugs Regarding the Dredge and a Green Glyph Spawn

lethargicsauce Member Posts: 90

These steps apply to both bugs, and I do have video evidence of both. I didn't get to record the thing that caused the camera-lock bug, but I can explain it still.

Step 1: Boot up the game

Step 2: Play as Jeff Johansen with Distortion, Off The Record, Renewal, and Kinship

Step 3: Verse the Dredge on Midwich

Step 4: Be a bozo like me and take a fat L by locking a locker the Dredge is about to come out of.

Step 5: Notice that my screen has a recover bar and looks like I'm either in the Dredge's body, in the walls, maybe with Nightfall's visuals, or in the locker (I couldn't really tell to be honest) (as seen in the following screenshot:).

Step 6: Notice that my camera is locked in place after being unhooked (and also notice that I never saw myself get carried to the hook.

Step 7: Camera stays locked.


As for the Green Glyph bug...

Step 1: Same match versing the Dredge

Step 2: Attempt to interact with the Green Glyph that spawned in the thin locker above the exit gate

Step 3: Be unable to interact with it from any angle (as seen here:)

Step 4: Sadge :(

Below is a video showing the Green Glyph and Camera-Lock bugs (glyph is at 7:08):

This was the first time I've had either of these issues.

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