Concerned about Legion with this latest Developer Update

We all know that Thanataphobia is already a must for Legion and that Legion as it stands isn't exactly the most invigorating killer to face. As much as I love having to mend for five minutes every match, I don't want to spend half an hour repairing gens because Thana now slows the speeds by 22% and gens take ten seconds longer to repair. Not to mention that everytime you get ran off a gen you'll be mending again.
I fear these changes are going to make Legion even more obnoxious to verse - not necessarily strong - and an absolute bore on the survivor side. Thana is usually only seen on Plague and Legion anyway, it should be balanced around those two killers accordingly (although maybe this buff was to make it more accessible to other killers?). Thana was a pain in the arse before but managable. Now I fear it's going to make Legion matches drag even longer than they normally do. Maybe the nerf of other gen regression such as Ruin will balance it out but I'm unsure. Will have to see the PTB to be sure.
"Toughts?" after Thana gets this buff Legion is a suicide on first hook every match for me.
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You aren't describing anything that isn't already the case with Legion and 2% isn't going that much.
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I'm sure the tried and tested, stay separated and work on different gens will destroy a legion all the same.
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The Thana changes are dumb frankly. It doesn't make Thana any more appealing on the 90% of killers that don't run it now, it just makes it more oppressive on Legion and Plague that keep people injured.
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I mean yea it's a fun issue but at the same time. Congrats you got a free win because legion is garbage, so it's like... meh, who cares. Sure it will be a boring match but it will for damn sure be an easy one.
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Meh. I can't believe I get to dust off this old chestnut, but:
It's...not that much, unless you sit injured the entire match. It's not like Legion is setting the kill rates on fire anyway.
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I'll admit I thought Thana was 16% currently LUL. Guess it got buffed when I wasn't looking
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Gens are 90 seconds now. 2% isn't much but pair it with that, a gen will take now 115 seconds to repair solo with 4 stacks. It's forever Freddy once again
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Its not 2% its the combination of 10 extra seconds per gen plus an increased 2% from Thanatophobia, current 4 stacks Thanato makes a gen go from 80 to 96 a 16 increase which for 5 gens amounts for 80 extra seconds (a whole full generator), after both changes it will go from 90 to 110 which for 5 gens amounts to 100 extra seconds (1 current gen+ 20% of another one).
Now this for normal Killers isnt that bad, normal Killers cant spread damage like madmen because either they commit to a chase or spread the damage, usually it takes a Killer more than 16 seconds (time to takes to heal) to spread damage unless they find 2 Survivors clustered, Legion is different, Legion can spread damage easily since their power gives them free first hits plus it adds 12/8 extra seconds to the 16 seconds required by adding Deep Wounds on top.
This without taking on account free 2,5% insta regress from regular kicks and other regression things, not even taking Dying Light on acount.
Legion is awful to go against now, it will be even worse after the patch, Ill repeat myself, first suicide hook on every match, they want the win they can take it, not a problem for me, just let me out and let me hop into a less boring trial...
Its not about the killrates or the chance of escaping, its about matches that drag eternally, you could put me against a Killer designed to lose to 4E every single time but made it so every match lasted for 30 minutes and I can guarantee I would suicide or DC ALWAYS, not everyone cares only about escaping/4K, some people want to have engaging games and my idea is not having to either spend 28 seconds healing or having to deal with gens that dont finish because they take almost 2 minutes.
Post edited by HectorBrando on0 -
As a killer main I would like to at least try it but knowing he has add ons to give mangled and broken could cause issues with thank so idk. I'm on the fence with this one