Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Self Care Nerf vs Circle of Healing

Was thinking through the changes and I realized something: with the Self Care nerf, Circle of healing is a 15% stronger heal than Self Care. I recognize the dev team generally disagrees with the community on the strength of boons, but this feels vaguely inconsistent - if the goal with the self care change is to largely target the high MMR players who use Self Care wisely, then should that same principle not apply to Circle of Healing, the only really contentious boon?

I'm not necessarily saying I think CoH needs too much more nerfing (it's certainly meta enough for it but it's not as oppressive as it was) but I'm surprised a team-wide free heal perk is stronger than a personal free heal perk in just about every way...and CoH is absolutely most oppressive at high MMR where survivors know to boon the most out of the way totems where the killer can't afford to go kick it, which is the same argument that they used for Self Care. Food for thought more than anything.


  • Caleegi
    Caleegi Member Posts: 410

    Im surprised and sad that self care and spine chill were nerfed…i thought they were some of the fairest perks…

  • brock
    brock Member Posts: 305

    Yeah Circle of Healing still needs some kind of change, but like Adjatha said, they won't nerf/rework it until Mikaela is purchased by all the playerbase.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    They will only probably touch again coh only when it will became again one of the most used perks with stability. Also like other said when Mikaela dlc will Be purchase by almost all player base (or a New heling perk to sell will Be out).

  • BearMerchant
    BearMerchant Member Posts: 106

    I think removing the buff to healing on medkits was fair but the hit to its healing speed was unnecessary. It's already a newbie trap and with status effects like mangled it's going to result in a lot of low MMR teammates self-caring in a corner for a straight minute. I think that part of the nerf should be reverted, it's way too punishing when CoH exists.

  • tofurkey_jerky
    tofurkey_jerky Member Posts: 36

    I actually can't believe COH was totally untouched. Is it literally just because it's picked less than self care? Good teams use COH to much better effect than self care, and it's so annoying to deal with if the boon is somewhere hidden up stairs.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    There's zero reason to use selfcare over coh anymore. At least before we were at a point where it took longer to bless and heal than it did to selfcare but even that isn't true anymore. I still think coh is overtuned, but selfcare did not need to be nerfed this harshly.

  • bittercranberry
    bittercranberry Member Posts: 454

    mind is blown

    conspiracy confirmed?

    DBD is now a gatcha game/ for the whales???

    I mean have you seen what they"ve done on DBD mobile?

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Well, the other two explanation aren't more comforting:

    • Everyone on the balance team is objectively bad at math
    • Or everyone on the balance team has no idea what they're doing.

    I'd take a conspiracy over the thought that the people at the helm don't have the capacity to make better choices if they really wanted to.

  • Necronl0rd
    Necronl0rd Member Posts: 14

    As far as I know CoH speed is based on self care speed, so if self care is nerfed to 35% base then CoH maybe is nerfed to to 35% base (+50%)

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163

    Seems like it's because self care can be used anywhere at any time. The killer always has an inkling to where a boon is located and can paint a decent enough picture of where survivors will run off to based on that. Also it seems like self care was intended to be used with botany knowledge and med-kits.

  • bittercranberry
    bittercranberry Member Posts: 454

    someone better book mark this so you can pull it up that you called it!! LMAO

    honestly wont surprise me if this is the case bc the reworks are horrendous... and youre making way to much sense & i mean WAAAAY to much sense.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    So what this means is #boycottboons?

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814
    edited June 2022

    That's never been the case.

    Default self-healing takes 32 seconds. Default healing another takes 16 seconds.

    Circle of Healing released with +100% healing speed. That let CoH survivors heal themselves in 16 seconds or 8 seconds with a med-kit.

    Self-Care, previously, heals with a -50% PENALTY, thus taking twice as long. So self-healing would take 64 seconds, four times slower than CoH. However, this penalty was negated if you had a med-kit, allowing you to self-heal in only 13 seconds

    Even with TWO nerfs, CoH FOR SOME REASON still gives you a +50% BONUS, which makes self-healing take 21 seconds, which is STILL three times faster than Self-Care. And it still benefits med-kits.

    And now Self-Care is getting another 15% shaved off of it, AND losing the med-kit bonus, which makes CoH even more brain-dead obviously better.

    And it's all yours for the low low cost of one Mikaela Reed DLC transaction!

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited June 2022

    Pretty wild that they think SC needed a nerf but CoH is totally fine. Even pre-nerf SC is still significantly worse than CoH..and SC got nerfed. Makes no sense.

    CoH needs a rework, it's flawed by design.

    Post edited by Blueberry on
  • feechima
    feechima Member Posts: 905

    I don't think self care needed a nerf, but they are sticking with nerfing the 'meta' perks as an argument for changing things that didn't need changing so because it is the 3rd most used perk it had to receive something or else the entire community would have gone, "So why didn't you nerf self-care since it's meta?" As for CoH, which has been nerfed three times already, you've got to understand that a substantial change to one boon means a change to all boons. If killers could snuff out CoH permanently they could also do that to all other boons which would effectively kill about four perks in usage just to mollify half the community about the use of one. Presumably, they have other boon ideas on the backburner just like they have more scourge hook ideas. Would you want to jeopardize a perk that hasn't even come out yet?

    There is a lot of planning we don't see behind the scenes and set up for future changes. Now, I'm looking at the perk Overcome thinking they knew the distance nerf when getting hit, was coming all along.

  • Reshy
    Reshy Member Posts: 402

    The problem is Behavior only looked at the most used perks, and Circle of Healing is only needed to be run by a single survivor so it's usage rate is artificially low. I think that what they should do for Circle of Healing is remove the self-care aspect of it, and prevent it from stacking with medkits. I don't really think the self-heal speed needs a nerf for Self-Care.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    This is primarily because developers the world round are flying blind. It is the nature of the beast.

    When you're working behind a camera and trying to pull together aspects to turn script into film - it's easy to lose sight of what the consumer feels when they sit in a theater and experience your product first hand.

    Developers like Behavior rely on statisticians to show them data, and that data is what helps them make educated and mature decisions.

    The fact is, Circle Of Healing will always - ALWAYS be brought into matches 1/4 of the time as much as Self Care... because you only need 1 boon for the whole team, and self care you need 4. Statistically, on paper, it will look like Self Care is getting 4x the love that CoH is.

    At least, that's what I anticipate is happening.

    Developers use numbers, and if Statistics in college has taught me anything - it's that numbers, more often than we'd like to think, can be the biggest liars in the room.