The new corrupted interversion has a problem

if it stays active until a survivor is knocked down, how do survivors exit the game if the killer is in AFK? being that there are only 4 gens unlocked with the perk
Oh, i understand, thanks
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it has that 2 minutes duration
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If i see a legion with corrupt, i will take the mend bleedout for the team
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The concern I have with corrupt intervention changes is the fact that a SWF can abuse that. They can purposely get a survivor to enter a locker for killer to grab them, then another survivor to do a flashlight save. If that deactivates corrupt intervention, survivors will abuse this.
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yes, I've been thinking about it, in my opinion, the flash light safe (mainly in lockers) should be nerfed, as it is really strong in the right hands, I find a lot of people complaining about the DS( that only works once per game), while I know a lot of streamers using and abusing flashlight save and no one complains, the reason must be that not everyone knows how to use it, but I'm sure that if everyone used it, there would already be requests for nerfs
But I liked the proposal of the new corrupt, because it will be useful for killers or players who take time to take down survivors, while killers like Nurse and Blight who take down fast don't abuse the corrupt to camp and tunnel the survs knowing that they won't lose as many gens doing this
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The new Corrupt should probably stay active until the first HOOK instead of the first dying state.
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The problem is that there are killers who snowball, like, oni, nurse, twins, then they put all survs on the floor without hooking, but on the other hand the idea is good, because survs have anti-slug mechanics, but I think one way or another, flashlight save in lockers needs nerf, regardless of the perk issue