Legion still feels terrible to play.

The whole reason why the killer fails is that frenzy wasn't fast enough to cover map distance when people preemptively ran. This leads to him having 0 map pressure, especially if the survivors are smart and just don't bother healing without the stupid boon totem. The movement speed buff is a drop in the bucket. I can't even tell if I'm actually faster after a hit and that's WITH the yellow addon.
So in the end not a single thing has changed. Legion still can't chain stab effectively unless you get a highly killer sided map, gets turned into a terrible M1 killer with no map pressure, and in the end you have to run full meta slow down builds which behavior apparently considers bad and wonders why such things are needed in the first place.
I shouldn't have to strive to be Otzdarva just to win effectively with survivors on my same skill level, and that's ignoring the fact that none of it is fun because of how weak everything feels. A killer who is meant to be able to out run survivors is too slow to catch anyone. Ain't that fun.
I don't know ... I got quite a couple of matches were I felt bad for hooking someone for the 3rd time, because it was so easy and fun to just dash between the 4 of them and downing the last one with a second stap. Once you are down to three survivors it becomes much harder, as you have to cycle back to one of the earlier ones .. but at the point you might already have the upper hand, so it might even out.
If you need some help, may I suggest the yellow add-on "Never Sleep Pills" and the yellow sketch book? The pills take away your speedboost while frenzying, but give you a massive +10s duration, while the sketch book gives you +0,3m/s for each consecutive stap, so you will soon speed about the map and stabbing everyone, downing the last one. So muc fun :>
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Appreciate the sentiment but I don't think those addons solve anything. I'm already using the movement speed boost addon and the sleeping pills would make my problems with the killer worse. It just seems like I can't catch up to people. Even if they're nearby instead of being on the outer edge of the terror radius it can be a close shave if they just get to a loop.
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Agreed. I love the Legion as a character design but gameplay wise it leaves a lot to be desired. They are basically limited to m1 on wounded survivors only which against competent players is awful. They get no vomit, no bottles, no traps, no cloak/speed dash, no phase, no hatchets, they get nothing unless the survivors are dumb enough to allow you to hit them 5 times in quick succession or forget to mend,
They need to be meaningfully changed otherwise they are just going to be a beginner basher.
Also add ons should augment the killer not be a must run to make them viable.