New player experience and retention

This might already be on BHVR's radar with the introduction of more flexible bots but I think it's a worthwhile subject to talk about especially because the reduction in grind seems to have completely ignored new players. I'm only two-three months in and have... quite a few hours now already but the start was very painful and I read and watched a lot of youtube before starting. In all honesty if it wasn't for the killer lore, I may have left.
Better Tutorials
The first part of this is the tutorial. Now the new bots may or may not help with this but even if it does there's a lot of obscure information in the game especially because you cannot easily try out given killers and understand their mechanics to help you fight against them. Ideally you'd have a playing against a given killer and playing as a given killer whether you own them or not. Obviously playing as the killer you haven't paid for would be a very basic tutorial of scripted interactions similar to the current Trapper tutorial but would still help newer players who want to learn without bumbling about with no idea what's going on. Admittedly addons muddle this even further but at least this would be a start.
Better Loading Screen Tips
In addition to this better loading screen tips that wouldn't stop showing up after you've played against a killer a given amount of times. A loading screen tip does not need to be relevant to the current game (e.g you might get a Nemesis tip while facing Deathslinger) and should not give away who the killer is outside of the first few games but just random things like...
The Pig
- Reverse bear traps timer only activate when a generator is completed. Think carefully before completing a generator if you or a team mate has a reverse bear trap on them.
- If you have an active reverse bear trap, you cannot leave the trial via the exit gates but you may leave through the hatch. If you have an inactive reverse bear trap you may leave the trial freely.
I think there's one in there about how the lunge and undetectable works but I'm not certain. I do remember that many tips are either vague or offer less important information. I know for a fact though people think they can't leave a trial with an inactive reverse bear trap (I'm just trying to give everyone a nice hat damn it) and also finish generators while the trap is on their head. Extra annoying with the iridescent addon with everyone fighting over the jigsaw boxes.
The Hag
- If you crouch walk over a trap it will not activate
- Flashlights can be used to destroy traps
And so on.
Lessen the grind for new players
Newer players have a massive disadvantage in terms of perks/addons/items etc. This is on top of the fact they are learning the game and bumbling about. This is made worse by the fact you only get 100,000 blood points for completing the tutorial which is enough to get one character to level 7. Yay?
The update proposed to reducing the grind actually hurts new players because We're Gunna Live Forever and BBQ and Chili are losing their blood point bonus with no immediate compensation. BBQ is a paid perk sure but WGLF is not and available by completing the tutorial. I agree that perks should not be attached to bloodpoint gain but newer players need some compensation. The grind is just too much early and they've got enough working against them.
I would propose bot games (alone or not) allowing blood point earnings, at least up to a certain cap so players can learn at their own pace. After a certain point the amount would be reduced to make it not worth farming bots if you really want to do that.
While I get it in some cases you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink in others there are those who simply don't know any better and want to learn but don't have the tools to do so. Does anyone else have thoughts on helping newer players out throughout their early games.