Do you guys find yourself longing for old dbd (2016-2017)
Yea i know that but she came out like 2 months after the release so in a way your right but depends on what you mean with release... I know dbd was survivor sided you could infi loop shack...
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You could infinite loop a lot of things, groaning store house main, wretched shop windows cause all 3 were open on the one side with boarded up windows, iron works top room, shack back then even when they changed it to be 1 window was still an infinite with the guaranteed fast vault, og cow tree, og harvester... A lot of infinites existed.
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Wdym, there where never any infinite?
(Litterary a video full of infinites)- also you see that blurriness in the distance? Its easy to see on the coldwin Map. That's the depth of field. It's what made the atmosphere of dbd amazing and I cry over it being gone every day
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Did you miss-read what I said? Cause I never once said infinites didn't exist. I even gave examples of old infinites.
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It was sarcastic dude
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No. Don't let nostalgia take over, the game was not in a good state at all back then. Double pallets, shack having two windows, no medium vaults, no entity block, no bloodlust, instant full heals, 60 second gens, instant blinds, BNP completing gens instantly, hatch stand offs, and sabo permanently breaking hooks. The game would die within days if the current community played it.
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Not in the slightest. Once you take off the rose tinted glasses, old DBD was a mess in more ways than one.
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I'm more referring to the atmosphere and aesthetics and how the game felt. I do however agree that I got ahead of myself about those old gamebreakomg mechanics
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I miss when hook states only took 30 seconds instead of a minute. It made it so you had to make quick and important decisions as a survivor to either finish a gen or go rescue your friend on the hook. I miss old trapper traps with hit boxes that actually blocked off avenues of escape instead of doing basically nothing.
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Was it really only 30 seconds? I thought it was bumped up from 45 to 60, could be wrong though.
Edit: It was 45. From the wiki: "Increased the Summoning Phase and Struggle Phase duration from 45 seconds each to 60 seconds each."
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Maybe? Either way it was a significant change and I feel the game was never quite the same afterwards. Also I miss when killers and survivors had the same hit boxes and there was no looping.
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That's an interesting take. A lot of players (self included) are upset with it only being 60 seconds still after all these years. Survivors are still being forced into second stage because of camping, without enough time to do all the generators and gates.