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Deathslinger's "Yellow Bottle" Rework - Wanted Posters


I was discussing Deathslinger's weaknesses in another thread and feel that, like pre-rework Clown, the only way Deathslinger can get an edge on his weaknesses without relying on specific perks, is to get another layer of mechanics added to his power.

Deathslinger's Weakness: Mobility

Like other ranged killers, Deathslinger moves at a humble 4.4m/s. However, unlike other ranged killers, his ranged weapon does not have a limitless range - his redeemer's chain defaults to a mere 18 meters! Of course, in practice, any longer would exceed the maximum durability of the chain before you could reel someone in, so giving him the ability to fire further isn't liable to help him out all that much.

For this reason, Deathslinger is a famous case of a killer who wins the 1v1 but loses the 4v1. He's very powerful in chase, but doesn't have the resources to be everywhere at once.

A New Mechanic: Wanted Posters

The first four times a generator is completed, the Entity places a bounty on one of the survivors and leaves a wanted poster on a wall somewhere in the trial. The Deathslinger sees the aura of wanted posters within 24m. Each poster corresponds to one survivor, and no survivor can be the target of more than one bounty.

The Deathslinger can interact with a wanted poster to accept the bounty, immediately exposing the targeted survivor for 70s, causing them to scream - revealing their location - and activating killer instinct on that survivor for 4 seconds.

The Deathslinger's UI would include unique borders around survivor portraits to indicate when a bounty poster has spawned somewhere in the trial targeting them, and will see a 70s timer once the bounty has been accepted that ticks down, indicating how much time remains until the exposed status expires.

From this point forward, the next time the Deathslinger hooks the survivor with an active bounty (even if the exposed status has cleared), the Deathslinger acquires a bounty reward token. The Deathslinger gains a permanent movespeed bonus when they acquire a bounty reward, which grows more powerful with each additional token (2% / 3% / 4% / 5%). The Deathslinger can only have one bounty active at a time (after all, why would the Entity trust the Deathslinger with another if he can't complete the first?)

Predicted Impacts

  1. Deathslinger's power becomes much more thematic.
  2. Deathslinger become implicitly incentivized to spread hook states.
  3. Survivors may work together to try and deny the Deathslinger from catching their prey.
  4. Newly exposed survivors may feel pressure to hide, which would distract from generators.
  5. Deathslinger transforms from being a 4.4m/s killer to a 4.6m/s killer over the course of the match.
  6. Deathslinger uniquely enjoys better synergy with further speed-enhancing compared to other ranged killers.


  • Member Posts: 1,023

    Im not a game designer so I cant say if this will be balanced but the idea of wanted posters is so fitting that I want it now.

  • Member Posts: 601

    I am! But I also know that good design doesn't occur from one person in a vacuum. I assume the need for the Deathslinger to find and physically interact with these posters would be a partial offset to the power it provides (in the same way clown yellow bottles compete for the same ammo that purple ones do) - the 70s exposed duration is as high as it is to account for the almost-certain scenario where the Deathslinger not only has to find the survivor in question, but also win a chase against them. 70s may even be too low in this case!

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