Could a future we get killer S tier ?

Current just have only one is nurse.
We need more stronger killer.
Have killer B and C tier too much.
If Artist didn't get that PTB nerf (which was 100% fair btw, no complains), then she would be probably S.
I don't think they will make any more S tier killers. If they would do, people would cry Its OP and it would be nerfed anyway.
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Iam not 100% sure, but the devs said they would never make killers as powerful as Nurse or Blight again?
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A god tier blight can be just as oppressive as a nurse
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S tier is literally a tier so broken that it shouldn't be classified into the normal A-F classification. The only thing we have is Nurse because she so fundamentally breaks the rules of the games by ignoring basically every tool survivors have for protection, but she's difficult to play.
We will never get another S tier killer, because anything seen as that strong again would be nerfed into oblivion before reaching live servers. Nurse only hasn't been because she's been around so long that she's established her position, and trying to rework her into anything that would need to loop like a normal killer would pretty much just be slapping a Nurse skin on a brand new, worse killer.
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Blight would like a word, but otherwise I agree.
I think the hesitancy on BHVR'S end comes from how mechanically demanding an S tier killer usually is. Console Nurse and Blight aren't pretty. And every other S tier killer that was more simple had to be changed because they were horrible to play against (see Spirit).
Unfortunately A tier killers fall just short at the highest levels. They can't consistently overcome maps, RNG, or great survivor play. I'd love another S tier killer.
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Interestingly the devs mentioned in a dev chat last year that Twins at the very top end of the MMR brackets have one of the highest kill rates despite being one of the less popular killer choices. Apparently if you take enough time to really, really become a top tier Twins player it pays off, it’s just that not many people bother for whatever reason (including mean, I don’t play them much.) Also I don’t remember the timing of their Twins comment, it may have been a little before Circle of Healing came out, and I suspect the current healing meta hurts Twins a bit since I think they’re sort of hit and run and slug dependent.
I’d love to see a graph of kill rates by MMR similar to the graphs they showed us of perk usage rates by MMR. It’d be really interesting to see how various killers kill rates change based on the skill level of the players using them.
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not gonna happen probably... if you think about it the nurse was a "mistake" in their eyes... she's the only killer in the game that can bypass every kind of defense (except dead hard) that survivors have... she ignore the loop mechanics of the game (and they added that killer in the begin thinking that this game was an horror casual game and not the sweatfest of tunneling, camping, looping and genrushing that's today... remember how much dark maps were before being reworked)
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S-Tier shouldnt exist in the first place.
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No killer should be s tier, they should all be A tier
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Blight is high A tier. Not a single killer is on the level of nurse.
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a better idea: put all killers on par with one another, so all of them are viable, so all of them are actual threats. As it should be
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This is impossible to do some killers just have better power than others no matter how much you buff the bottom tiers killers they will still be weak in comparison to the top tier ones.
There's a reason why Blight and Nurse are S Tier they have high mobility,can end chase fast doesn't get countered by predrop hold W where the A tier killers like Pyramid and Oni struggle,plus they never cared about DS as they catch up to you in seconds.
don't want to sound pessimistic but Ghostface will never be a viable killer as long as maps like Eyrie of Cringe or mother's dwelling exists.
Maps are the problems in this game,you're playing Myers and you get fractured cowshed against a decent survivor team what do you do ?
I am sure by making maps smaller and less god pallets will help the bottom tier killers ALOT.
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Cmon man ur just being pessimistic. There is always a way to level playing field. Im not talking about mobility only, I mean Blight, Spirit and Nurse excel on those sure, theres no way wraith, GF, Myers or pig can come close in Mobility and chase potential the way things are rn but theres aways a way to make them at least close to those 3. And of course, maps are also unbalanced.
i mean, there are games with over 100 characters and most of them just come down to preference. Thats how it should be u know?
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He is 100% still an S tier killer. Any good blight that uses bump logic can attest to this. Oh wait.... not many blights use bump logic anymore, at least not good ones.
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Nemesis could be if the devs actually cared about him.
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They should really rework his zombies man. Overall he is indeed pretty solid. Makes pallets and windows a joke, love him
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Yeah games like Dota 2 have over 110+ different characters but MOBAs are 5vs5 so you don't have to play the most broken hero or meta ones,you can play a off-meta hero and still win beceause you have your team to help you and coordinate.
Characters in MOBAs are always viable even if they're not meta plus theyre not asymmetrical games.
But in DBD's case I just don't see how Ghostface or Wraith will ever be viable against 4 mediocre survivors even in SoloQ you're not a threat.
I mean you already know better than me you've been playing DBD since 2016
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yeah, but dbd has the potential bro. At some point Billy was so broken, he had the chase potential, the mobility, the lethality. They nerfed him to the ground and if they can do that the opposite is possible too.
I mean, I do fairly well with GF the way he is now, all things considered, so imo its just a matter of tuning.
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He shouldn't really have either. He needs his most iconic sprint and rocket launcher which would be much more fun and strong if balanced right.
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First off Blight is S tier when he uses any of his 7 great add-ons together.
Secondly they shouldn't be creating anymore S tier anything. Killers, perks or add-ons. The only reason Nurse is S tier is because she ignores the rules of the game.
The game is a lot healthier with A and B tier killers. Once the devs get around to fixing broken maps, then we'll see a lot more A and B tier killers winning matches.
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That quote has floated around prior to Blight. So the statement is a contradiction to itself. 😆
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I believe Nurse still has to chase survivors, down them with two hits, and carry them to a hook.
It's like saying Huntress breaks the rules because she can down a survivor cross map.
Or that Billy and Bubba break the rules by one shotting survivors instead of going though attack cooldowns between health states.
Or Buuba downing four survivors in one attack animation.
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Basicly no, because anytime we get something remotely stronger than survs in this "asymmetrical" horror game, it gets nerfed into the ground as soon as all those little Surv mains realize they just actually have to have skill.
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killers should all be having the same chances at all levels, why are people forced to play a certain killer to actually compete in higher levels...?
I don't get it...
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Because of salty tears flooding the forums.
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Mustn't have faced a Starstruck + Agitation Nurse lol
Look I get she needs to do the "2 hits, hook" thing but she really doesn't follow the main rules of the game. I don't think any killer is designed to completely ignore the two things survivors use to defend themselves, pallets and windows. I fully believe if the Nurse was to be released today she wouldn't be anywhere near as good.
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My first reaction as developer would be "wait people are not able to play 95% of our killers in high ranks? let's fix that"
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S-Tier is the nerf-tier. D-Tier is the buff-tier.
S-Tier is Nurse, Blight and Spirit with this coming update. (I think it might be argued that Dredge may be S-Tier).
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So a Trapper running Starstruck + Agitation is breaking the rules?
A killer that can damage over pallets and windows is ignoring the game rules?
Huntress, Hag, Plague, Deathslinger, PH, Twins, Trickster, Nemesis, Pinhead, Artist, and Dredge excluded right?
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Ok I guess I can't say anything about Nurse then 😂 didn't expect that today when I made the original reply to the discussion.
Somehow in a post about getting more S tier killers I'm in a Nurse debate lol
Enjoy your day mate 👍
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They need to remove her ability to blink through walls and pallets. She's been the top tier killer for too long, nerf her to Trappers level and buff Trapper to Nurses level. The same killer should not stay at the top for years at a time. It's time for a different top tier killer.
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Yes, because her three blink addon wasn't complete trash before they changed it.
Maybe, use that wall to make her mess up besides running in predictable patterns.
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I agree with the walk through Walls. That would fit to her Demanifestation-Ability. If u can walk through humans, then u can walk through walls. The wall could turn into a color to warn survivors from where she will come (not too soon).
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Nurse literally ignores windows, pallets and jungle gyms lmao no other killer does that. She does not abide by the most basic in game mechanics.
she still needs two hits to down a surv which is easier when u can ignore walls. Huntress has to be smart about her hatchets and throw them through smart gaps in order to hit survs. As long as nurse is able to see a surv its a hit. Billy has a high skill ceiling for his unforgiving turn rate, still has to worry about loops. Same as bubba. Their lethality has downsides. What is the downside to blink? Being out of breath for 2 secs? Cmon
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I see it B as much
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I think survs should always feel like surviving a match is is going to be a challenge coming in, but never like death is overwhelmingly likely, which is what it feels like when you are at higher MMR and see a Nurse/Blight.
We need fewer C/D tier killers, not more S tier killers.
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Yep, because Nurse has basekit aura reading whenever a survivor breaks LoS. No way to counter. Might as well run in the open.
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Ill just leave this play right here.
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It’s my play, so thx. What I meant is, Feng outplayed me, if I were playing my main man Ghosty that misplay, at that mmr, would’ve cost me possibly another 10 secs. With nurse I corrected it immediately, just by having some game sense. I wasn’t even playing strong perks btw
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The answer is no. When they release an A-tier killer, they inevitably nerf them. Even when they release F-tier killers, they're reluctant to move them up above low D.
They will never release another S-tier killer, except by accident (Twins before CoH and the various pounce/addon nerfs, for example) or if they're incredibly difficult to control (like Blight and Nurse).
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tbf i think artist was really close to becoming s-tier. if they just removed the locker/flashlight counter to her crows, decreased the cooldown of birds, and gave her busted adddons akin to nurse range addons and alch ring/comp 33 blight she would be s-tier. as she stands tho she’s on the top of a-tier
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Yeah, it shouldn’t be that quick tbh. Her addons allow me to get away with way too many mistakes. Her basekit tho is top nothc
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Blight and Artist are probably S tier
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Artist id say is A tier. Her mobility is lower than Spirit, blight and Nurse
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Her mobility is lower but her chase is really good and being able to pressure a gen from anywhere on the map makes up for her mobility a bit.
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True, but unlike Blight, Nurse and Spirit, holding W works on Artist. Thats the only reason I put her on A tier tbh
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Holding W works on her too an extent. She is still 115 and its easy to zone survivors from getting to another loop buy chucking down birds to cut them off. Im not quite sure if she is S but definitely a contender imo. I feel she is the samish level as new spirit.
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If they ever do make a new S tier killer, it will probably be so hard to use, to compensate, that, why bother trying to master it? Might as well learn nurse or blight for that matter.
I would rather have a good A tier killer that does not require a PhD and 5 years of experience to use effectively. Like dredge. Dredge really hit the spot for me, would love to see more like it in terms of balance.
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seriously? that is straight up bs
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I mean, it's not like they know how to anyways, dredge is the closest one they succeeded at imo and he's hovering around high B low A