Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

With coming nerf will there be at least one scenario for "Iron WIll"?



  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    So here is the deal: I guess the combo that you loved so much, ie exhaustion perk to get away and then IW to hide, was pretty much too effective. When you zoom off and the killer loses line of sight they have very little to work with. They can follow in the general direction, but then what? With IW they could be standing literally right next to you and have still no clue. While that is exciting and a lot of fun from the survivors perspective, it is extremely frustrating for the killer: they know that you are probably around, but they got no chance to ferret you out, because one perk shuts down their entire hearing.

    So now you got one or the other: when wounded you can try to hide in the vicinity, with the killer still having a chance to find you if they listen closely (excitement!), or you use your exhaustion perk and zoom off into the distance, but if the killer follows you the chase is on again. You still got options, just not the very opressive 1-2-combo of zooming off and then disappearing.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    All I'm saying... is that in this game perks are the center piece and everything else is moot

    So on one hand yes I do agree with you... but on the other hand there's too much stuff that either counts as "counterplay" or "skill"... when it comes to perks and playstyle

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    No, it doesn't. Now it doesnt work at all when exhausted. So saying it "works like before" is not true.

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252
  • Solomonkane
    Solomonkane Member Posts: 112

    Run it with No Mither.

  • PaintedDeath
    PaintedDeath Member Posts: 491

    Naw, I barely run exhaustion perks, and I can avoid killers while injured without Iron Will. Being able to get 75% closer without getting detected is just fine. Maybe get better at the game.

  • GingerBeard
    GingerBeard Member Posts: 272

    I'm a believer that the reduction to 75% will make it near useless, but time will tell. I think the exhaustion nerf was a fair trade and just that nerf alone would have been enough for now. Should've also fixed the silent breathing too but guess that'll never happen.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224
    edited July 2022

    They did this so you have to make reasoned choices when picking your perks by making sure they synergize for maximum effect.

    IW with the new reworked lightweight perk for example seems like a good combo for escaping chases without using an exhaustion perk.

    Old DBD is dead soon. Plan accordingly.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I’m a killer main but from my perspective it’s the Exhaustion nerf on Iron Will that will really hurt it. Anybody who uses Sprint Burst or Lithe or Dead Head or whatever to try and get away to hide before a killer gets too close will now have no protection from Iron Will.

    My guess is 75% noise reduction is probably enough to throw me off the scent personally depending on the situation. I have a feeling they probably could have just left it at that and not added the Exhaustion part, but who knows? 🤷‍♂️

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I do think people are overreacting a bit

    You are still bassically completely silent if you crouch or in a locker.

    Like it's not as strong as before but saying it's dead is a bit of a stretch

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 758

    I don't think so. At least it is not a dead perk like Stridor.

    People liked Stridor nerf because of Spirit and Iron Will nerf is unjustified? Smh

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    Sounds like an Exhaustion perk problem. Don't run an Exhaustion perk, issue solved.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Otz showed against a Spirit it's still really good.