When will camping be unfair?

Orion Member Posts: 21,675
edited December 2018 in General Discussions

Camping is a hot-button issue for many Survivor mains, who often say it's "unfair". Well, I say it is fair, for now, but I'd like to discuss when it might become unfair.

First, let's analyze camping, from the Killer and Survivor's respective perspectives.
The Killer had to:

  • Find a Survivor (won at stealth)
  • Hit a Survivor
  • Hit a Survivor again (won the chase)
  • Pick up the Survivor
  • Get hit with Decisive Strike
  • Find the Survivor again (won at stealth again)
  • Hit the Survivor again (won the chase again)
  • Carry the Survivor to the hook while preventing flashlight rescues and bodyblocking (won at whatever you want to call this)

Now from the Survivor's perspective, the Survivor had to:

  • Be found by the Killer (lost at stealth)
  • Get hit by the Killer
  • Get hit by the Killer again (lost the chase)
  • Hit a skill check
  • Be found again (lost at stealth again)
  • Get hit again (lost the chase again)

Under these generic circumstances, the Killer did everything right. They found and hooked a Survivor. They succeeded every step of the way and should be rewarded for it. The Survivor's only success was hitting an easy skill check and they got their second chance for it. Camping is fair.

When would camping be unfair? Well, when the Killer did absolutely nothing right, the Survivor did absolutely nothing wrong, and yet the Survivor ends up on the hook anyway by the will of the Entity. Under this hypothetical and unfair scenario, the Survivor would be punished for doing everything right, as opposed to the current, normal scenario, where they're punished for doing everything wrong.



  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,496

    I don't know if I'd assume a DS in that algorithm. That said, I do agree with you. I'd say most people just don't find it as fun, not really as unfair.

  • alivebydeadight
    alivebydeadight Member Posts: 1,559

    @Orion said:

    @Blueberry said:
    I don't know if I'd assume a DS in that algorithm. That said, I do agree with you. I'd say most people just don't find it as fun, not really as unfair.

    DS is endemic in DbD.

    insidious on freddy is an op perk for him, please make freddy 0 movement speed

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @alivebydeadight said:

    @Orion said:

    @alivebydeadight said:

    @Orion said:

    @Blueberry said:
    I don't know if I'd assume a DS in that algorithm. That said, I do agree with you. I'd say most people just don't find it as fun, not really as unfair.

    DS is endemic in DbD.

    insidious on freddy is an op perk for him, please make freddy 0 movement speed

    If you don't have anything to say that is relevant to this thread, you can start your own.

    geez, just a joke, dont got to be pissy about it, ds isnt even that annoying

    If you don't have anything to say that is relevant to this thread, you can start your own.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I believe the devs said that you'll sometimes have such unfair moments in the game, that they're a part of the game.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @alivebydeadight said:

    @Orion said:

    @alivebydeadight said:

    @Orion said:

    @alivebydeadight said:

    @Orion said:

    @Blueberry said:
    I don't know if I'd assume a DS in that algorithm. That said, I do agree with you. I'd say most people just don't find it as fun, not really as unfair.

    DS is endemic in DbD.

    insidious on freddy is an op perk for him, please make freddy 0 movement speed

    If you don't have anything to say that is relevant to this thread, you can start your own.

    geez, just a joke, dont got to be pissy about it, ds isnt even that annoying

    If you don't have anything to say that is relevant to this thread, you can start your own.

    ugh, A. insidious is a camping perk that is [BAD WORD] annoying, B.literally mention that ds isnt that annoying

    If you don't have anything to say that is relevant to this thread, you can start your own.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Boss said:
    I believe the devs said that you'll sometimes have such unfair moments in the game, that they're a part of the game.

    Of course. That happens in any context. I've had the power go out in my city while I was playing. Lost that trial, lost a boatload of BP. It wasn't fair, but ######### happens.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @Orion said:

    @Boss said:
    I believe the devs said that you'll sometimes have such unfair moments in the game, that they're a part of the game.

    Of course. That happens in any context. I've had the power go out in my city while I was playing. Lost that trial, lost a boatload of BP. It wasn't fair, but ######### happens.


  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614
    edited December 2018

    Out of curiosity, are these "Camping" threads all so common because of the after game chat toxicity on PC? Because, and I'm not trying to sound cynical, but I don't get what the big deal is. I asked about these silly "rules of etiquette" on here, and the consensus was "play how you want." So, is it just because killers are tired of taking textual abuse after games? (PS4 player here, and rarely get post-game messages at all)

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @MisterCremaster said:
    Out of curiosity, are these "Camping" threads all so common because of the after game chat toxicity on PC? Because, and I'm not trying to sound cynical, but I don't get what the big deal is. I asked about these silly "rules of etiquette" on here, and the consensus was "play how you want." So, is it just because killers are tired of taking textual abuse after games? (PS4 player here, and rarely get post-game messages at all)

    I'll give an example of how PC goes...

    I've had my profile private for over 1000 hours of DbD playing time now, cause i got sick of the spamming of my message inbox.
    I tried 2 days ago to give the community another chance.
    Literally the 3rd match and i got UMFG CAMPAH on my profile.

    No joke: If you play this game seriously, you'll get those daily.

  • ceridwen309
    ceridwen309 Member Posts: 502

    One of the scenarios where I could see camping as unfair would be: Players have continuous revives, and respawn at a specific designated point. This point is then camped and utilized by the killer to keep you off the field entirely. (although....now that I ponder this....you do have 3 other players hanging around....objectives could still get done.) Failed Scenario. (although, could be grounds for abuse...)

    ok....so that didn't work....let's try....painting the previous scenario that orion thought out earlier:

    "Well, when the Killer did absolutely nothing right, the Survivor did absolutely nothing wrong, and yet the Survivor ends up on the hook anyway by the will of the Entity....." ~Orion

    -Survivors are super stealthy....but manage to take damage by the environment/non-killer specific traps/other survivors.

    -Survivors may get in a chase with the killer, but manage to lose them....and then get damaged by the environment again in some way. They are downed, and easily found with a hypothetical deerstalker or good eyes.

    -The survivor is then camped to secure the kill.

    This scenario seems more unfair....but unsure....what do you think orion?

  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614

    @Boss said:

    @MisterCremaster said:
    Out of curiosity, are these "Camping" threads all so common because of the after game chat toxicity on PC? Because, and I'm not trying to sound cynical, but I don't get what the big deal is. I asked about these silly "rules of etiquette" on here, and the consensus was "play how you want." So, is it just because killers are tired of taking textual abuse after games? (PS4 player here, and rarely get post-game messages at all)

    I'll give an example of how PC goes...

    I've had my profile private for over 1000 hours of DbD playing time now, cause i got sick of the spamming of my message inbox.
    I tried 2 days ago to give the community another chance.
    Literally the 3rd match and i got UMFG CAMPAH on my profile.

    No joke: If you play this game seriously, you'll get those daily.

    That sucks. I can understand how that would get exhausting. Frankly, if someone dies in this game, I put all the blame on the survivors. Killer just doing the job killer was meant to do.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @ceridwen309 said:
    One of the scenarios where I could see camping as unfair would be: Players have continuous revives, and respawn at a specific designated point. This point is then camped and utilized by the killer to keep you off the field entirely. (although....now that I ponder this....you do have 3 other players hanging around....objectives could still get done.) Failed Scenario. (although, could be grounds for abuse...)

    ok....so that didn't work....let's try....painting the previous scenario that orion thought out earlier:

    "Well, when the Killer did absolutely nothing right, the Survivor did absolutely nothing wrong, and yet the Survivor ends up on the hook anyway by the will of the Entity....." ~Orion

    -Survivors are super stealthy....but manage to take damage by the environment/non-killer specific traps/other survivors.

    -Survivors may get in a chase with the killer, but manage to lose them....and then get damaged by the environment again in some way. They are downed, and easily found with a hypothetical deerstalker or good eyes.

    -The survivor is then camped to secure the kill.

    This scenario seems more unfair....but unsure....what do you think orion?

    Indeed, that would be unfair, assuming the traps and environment are unavoidable.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    Would it be ok to tag some of the typical survivor mains, so that they can join this?
    Or would that be counterproductive or namecalling?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Wolf74 said:
    Would it be ok to tag some of the typical survivor mains, so that they can join this?
    Or would that be counterproductive or namecalling?

    It would definitely be counterproductive because, if I understand your usage of "typical", they wouldn't be productive members of this discussion. Regardless, they're bound to find this thread eventually.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Delfador said:
    I mean I don't have any problem with camping but as a killer I don't see any point to camp.

    It is the most boring thing to do in the entire game, worse than repairing generators. At least generators give you skill checks here and there.

    I don't understand why people care so much about 4k. A good chase is all that matters for me.

    Different people have different priorities. It's that simple.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @alivebydeadight said:

    @Orion said:

    @alivebydeadight said:

    @Orion said:

    @alivebydeadight said:

    @Orion said:

    @alivebydeadight said:

    @Orion said:

    @Blueberry said:
    I don't know if I'd assume a DS in that algorithm. That said, I do agree with you. I'd say most people just don't find it as fun, not really as unfair.

    DS is endemic in DbD.

    insidious on freddy is an op perk for him, please make freddy 0 movement speed

    If you don't have anything to say that is relevant to this thread, you can start your own.

    geez, just a joke, dont got to be pissy about it, ds isnt even that annoying

    If you don't have anything to say that is relevant to this thread, you can start your own.

    ugh, A. insidious is a camping perk that is [BAD WORD] annoying, B.literally mention that ds isnt that annoying

    If you don't have anything to say that is relevant to this thread, you can start your own.


    This thread is about whether or not camping is fair. Annoyance has nothing to do with it.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @The_Crusader said:
    Well said.

    Its easier now than ever before to catch a survivor. This guy has a Nurse avatar too strangely.

    I also love how he implies only the obsession gets camped. Lmao. Campers gonna camp anyone they get regardless of whether they have DS or not.

    If you don't have anything to say that is relevant to this thread, you can start your own. This thread is about whether or not camping is fair. The difficulty in catching a Survivor and my profile picture have nothing to do with it.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Peanits @MandyTalk Can you guys help me out with the people veering wildly off-topic?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @The_Crusader said:
    Well your idea of them having DS makes no sense and is only used as an attempt.to justify your argument. People get camped regardless of whether they have DS or not so that part should be disregarded.

    DS was put there to guarantee that the Survivor succeeded at something (namely, a skill check). The argument is the same with or without it.

    @The_Crusader said:
    As others have said LOL at the idea that catching a survivor is hard. You can attack. They can not. You move at 4.6m per second. They only move at 4m per second.

    The entire game is made so that the killer is able to catch the survivor.

    You seem dead impressed with yourself for it though. Do you want a medal?

    If you don't have anything to say that is relevant to this thread, you can start your own. This thread is about whether or not camping is fair. The difficulty in catching a Survivor has nothing to do with it.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @The_Crusader said:
    It has EVERYTHING to do with it.

    If the killer wants to catch the survivor, they will cstch them. It's only a matter of time - outside of maybe a rank 1 survivor going against a rank 15 killer.

    So the game gived you the advantage to catch them, then you sit there and say "right pal, the game is over for you. You can sit there for 2 minutes until you're dead".

    If they got spotted early enough then chances are they didn't even get to do anything in the game beyond touched a gen for 10 seconds.

    That person is willing to play the game with you. They're allowing you to take the power role over them and in return you're turning around and screwing them over. They get no points and depip because you wouldn't give them a chance.

    No it's not fair. Always seems to be the same people defending it too.

    If you don't have anything to say that is relevant to this thread, you can start your own. This thread is about whether or not camping is fair. The difficulty in catching a Survivor has nothing to do with it.

  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    I play both killer and now doing survivor to get better as them and if I did but the killers given loads of chances for a rescue and doesn't camp (barring bubba because I main Jake and they just want there trophy and wraiths because well there wraiths lol) but to add more to it I get mad at the survivors for letting me die (most common with 3man teams) then the killer and sure sometimes I teabag a killer but I often get camped for it So my fault but If I'm not camped then after match i apologise for it and explain I wanted them to chase me so others could do gens or get a rescue and u try not to camp unless I'm hook rushed know I'm.being followed by a unsuccessful flash save or pallet save (man people are slow to pallet stun at times)  or they have just been disrespectful jerks all game (I.e doing a cheap pallet for no reason not in chase not seen not saving others just for points because that's just being a jerk who's messing over others I don't mind teabagging at pallets as much now as I can see it's a incentive to have them chase you more but if you stand at a pallet just for flashlight blinds during or after a break then yer I'm stage 2 camping you for it)
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Orion said:

    Camping is a hot-button issue for many Survivor mains, who often say it's "unfair". Well, I say it is fair, for now, but I'd like to discuss when it might become unfair.

    First, let's analyze camping, from the Killer and Survivor's respective perspectives.
    The Killer had to:

    • Find a Survivor (won at stealth)
    • Hit a Survivor
    • Hit a Survivor again (won the chase)
    • Pick up the Survivor
    • Get hit with Decisive Strike
    • Find the Survivor again (won at stealth again)
    • Hit the Survivor again (won the chase again)
    • Carry the Survivor to the hook while preventing flashlight rescues and bodyblocking (won at whatever you want to call this)

    Now from the Survivor's perspective, the Survivor had to:

    • Be found by the Killer (lost at stealth)
    • Get hit by the Killer
    • Get hit by the Killer again (lost the chase)
    • Hit a skill check
    • Be found again (lost at stealth again)
    • Get hit again (lost the chase again)

    Under these generic circumstances, the Killer did everything right. They found and hooked a Survivor. They succeeded every step of the way and should be rewarded for it. The Survivor's only success was hitting an easy skill check and they got their second chance for it. Camping is fair.

    When would camping be unfair? Well, when the Killer did absolutely nothing right, the Survivor did absolutely nothing wrong, and yet the Survivor ends up on the hook anyway by the will of the Entity. Under this hypothetical and unfair scenario, the Survivor would be punished for doing everything right, as opposed to the current, normal scenario, where they're punished for doing everything wrong.

    I agree with basically everything but the only time camping is just unfair is when I'm at a disadvantage. For example: A survivor DC'd and there's 5 generators remaining yet I'm getting one hooked because there's no survivors are close to the hook. That's when I think, in my opinion, camping is unfair.
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    edited December 2018

    if the survivor had done nothing wrong, the entity itself would have had to come down on him and put him on the hook.
    cuz lets face reality here: a survivor with no mistakes wont even be seen by the killer.

    a little rant about your portrait of the killers jobs though: in your description it sounds like everyone and their mother is running DS. this is (luckily) not the case, but it sounds like it, if you know what i mean...

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Mister_xD said:
    if the survivor had done nothing wrong, the entity itself qould have had to come down on him and put him on the hook.
    cuz lets face reality here: a survivors with no mistakes wont even be seen by the killer.

    a little rant about your portrait of the killers jobs though: in your description it sounds like everyone and their mother is running DS. this is (luckily) not the case, but it sounds like it, if you know what i mean...

    DS is endemic in DbD. Trials without at least one Survivor running DS are rare.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    @Orion said:

    @Mister_xD said:
    if the survivor had done nothing wrong, the entity itself qould have had to come down on him and put him on the hook.
    cuz lets face reality here: a survivors with no mistakes wont even be seen by the killer.

    a little rant about your portrait of the killers jobs though: in your description it sounds like everyone and their mother is running DS. this is (luckily) not the case, but it sounds like it, if you know what i mean...

    DS is endemic in DbD. Trials without at least one Survivor running DS are rare.

    i definitely agree on that, however your post does not really make it clear that only one person runs it, but it sounds like no matter who you find, they will strike you.
    just wanted to point this out to you, so there wont be any hate comments in that direction ^^

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Mister_xD said:

    @Orion said:

    @Mister_xD said:
    if the survivor had done nothing wrong, the entity itself qould have had to come down on him and put him on the hook.
    cuz lets face reality here: a survivors with no mistakes wont even be seen by the killer.

    a little rant about your portrait of the killers jobs though: in your description it sounds like everyone and their mother is running DS. this is (luckily) not the case, but it sounds like it, if you know what i mean...

    DS is endemic in DbD. Trials without at least one Survivor running DS are rare.

    i definitely agree on that, however your post does not really make it clear that only one person runs it, but it sounds like no matter who you find, they will strike you.
    just wanted to point this out to you, so there wont be any hate comments in that direction ^^

    There already were. I knew there would be when I put it there. It's how I know those people have no arguments against the idea.

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    edited December 2018
    Is that a trick question? I feel 14 days of game time may not be able to answer this question. I don’t even have an opinion of camping. 
  • ShrimpTwiggs
    ShrimpTwiggs Member Posts: 1,181

    I hate that camping is a playstyle because it's annoying, frustrating, and overall boring. I've had those games where the killer would chase me until almost all the gens were done and then I'd end up being the only one dead because I was camped to death. I hate it as survivor and I hate it as killer. But, despite that, I consider it a legitimate tactic. Because judging things as either fair or unfair based on how fun they are for the other side is a bad idea. Killers don't like being genrushed, but it's in the survivor's best interest to get the gens fixed as soon as possible. Imagine if you got messages from the killer calling you a 'genrusher.'

    Is camping fun? No.
    Is it frustrating? Yes.
    Does that make it unfair? No.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @DarkWo1f997 said:
    Is that a trick question? I feel 14 days of game time may not be able to answer this question. I don’t even have an opinion of camping. 

    If only you'd read the OP, maybe you'd understand.