When will camping be unfair?



  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    edited December 2018
    Orion said:

    @DarkWo1f997 said:
    Is that a trick question? I feel 14 days of game time may not be able to answer this question. I don’t even have an opinion of camping. 

    If only you'd read the OP, maybe you'd understand.

    Oh no I read it. My sense of humor takes priority over dat seaweious buishniss though because I don’t want to deal with antagonizing individuals.  I learned the hard way what happens to your brain if you try to talk to people that only like to argue. 

    Guess its a weird question because I didn’t know something fixed two years ago was still an issue. 
    Post edited by DarkWo1f997 on
  • MisterCremaster
    MisterCremaster Member Posts: 614
    edited December 2018

    @Orion Of course, the minute I say, "I never get messaged" - I immediately get salty survivors calling me terrible and camping. I got 4k on a SWF group and they only managed 1 generator. A.) I had BBQ Chill so I would never camp, B.) If I was camping, they should have gotten at least 3 generators.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @MisterCremaster said:
    @Orion Of course, the minute I say, "I never get messaged" - I immediately get salty survivors calling me terrible and camping. I got 4k on a SWF group and they only managed 1 generator. A.) I had BBQ Chill so I would never camp, B.) If I was camping, they should have gotten at least 3 generators.

    If you play Killer, you will get messages like that, eventually. It's only a matter of time.

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    @Orion said:

    @The_Crusader said:
    It has EVERYTHING to do with it.

    If the killer wants to catch the survivor, they will cstch them. It's only a matter of time - outside of maybe a rank 1 survivor going against a rank 15 killer.

    So the game gived you the advantage to catch them, then you sit there and say "right pal, the game is over for you. You can sit there for 2 minutes until you're dead".

    If they got spotted early enough then chances are they didn't even get to do anything in the game beyond touched a gen for 10 seconds.

    That person is willing to play the game with you. They're allowing you to take the power role over them and in return you're turning around and screwing them over. They get no points and depip because you wouldn't give them a chance.

    No it's not fair. Always seems to be the same people defending it too.

    If you don't have anything to say that is relevant to this thread, you can start your own. This thread is about whether or not camping is fair. The difficulty in catching a Survivor has nothing to do with it.

    You are literally using the fact that a once hooked survivor has failed a chase as an argument. Of course it has something to do with it. But really it doesn't matter, because if we are honest you didn't make this thread to have a discussion. You are hear to maka a statement that camping is ok by giving biased reasons.

    The thing is fairness is a subjective feeling and in the core of DbD, the killer IS the power role and understood as such. Yes I know the map design is designed against the killer, but there is good reason why killer's complain when game mechanics don't make them feel like beeing that power role.
    But going back to this. The core mechanic of the game is, that a survivor has two hook phases, with two possible rescues in mind. Basicly two chances. This is the core idea of the game. If a killer decides to camp, then they decide to take away that chance, by standing around you.
    And that is the reason why people say it's unfair. Because it feels that way. It feels cheap and annoying for the person perceiving it. It's the equivalent of a football/soccer game, when one team after scoring their first goal, stop any offensive attemps and fall back on a simple defensive strategy. It's reliable, allowed but like I said. It makes the game boring. And why are we playing DbD again? To be frustrated or to be entertained?

    And to be quite honest. The way hooks work in this game is kinda the thing that hurts killer the most. Camping and Tunneling are annyoing but very effecient strategies. And the Devs always have to keep them in mind while designing something. Not that they dislike it beeing used, but they don't want it to be the only working strategy in the game. They even said that about the sabotage changes, that they want more Sabo-squads, but don't want only sabo squads in the game. It should happen from here and there. And that's it.
    And that's probably why they did something like the healing changes, from which a killer mostly benefits the game, if they spread the pain.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Orion said:

    @MisterCremaster said:
    @Orion Of course, the minute I say, "I never get messaged" - I immediately get salty survivors calling me terrible and camping. I got 4k on a SWF group and they only managed 1 generator. A.) I had BBQ Chill so I would never camp, B.) If I was camping, they should have gotten at least 3 generators.

    If you play Killer, you will get messages like that, eventually. It's only a matter of time.

    I was playing nurse with insidious and NOED. I blinked behind the exit gates and wait for them to gen rush me so one of the victims would open it. The moment the gate open, a hopeless meg ran to me and I surprised her.

    "Nice crutch NOED"
    "Lol, it's just a game. Chill out."
  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    Nickenzie said:
    Orion said:

    @MisterCremaster said:
    @Orion Of course, the minute I say, "I never get messaged" - I immediately get salty survivors calling me terrible and camping. I got 4k on a SWF group and they only managed 1 generator. A.) I had BBQ Chill so I would never camp, B.) If I was camping, they should have gotten at least 3 generators.

    If you play Killer, you will get messages like that, eventually. It's only a matter of time.

    I was playing nurse with insidious and NOED. I blinked behind the exit gates and wait for them to gen rush me so one of the victims would open it. The moment the gate open, a hopeless meg ran to me and I surprised her.

    "Nice crutch NOED"
    "Lol, it's just a game. Chill out."
    People are naturally more hostile towards nurse players because of how ball busting she is for people that don’t know when to split up and survive individually. I’d actually argue that nurse’s idolization comes from her most likely unintentional ability to cripple teams that decide to stick together, especially quickly. And she’s able to catch up as well as long as she is paying attention. 
  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    @Orion doesn’t help that camping is different for every person. You get accused of it regardless if you’re camping or not. The accusation of camping has lost all impact for me at this point. It’s about as effective as “no u”. 
  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    Orion said:

    @alivebydeadight said:

    @Orion said:

    @alivebydeadight said:

    @Orion said:

    @alivebydeadight said:

    @Orion said:

    @Blueberry said:
    I don't know if I'd assume a DS in that algorithm. That said, I do agree with you. I'd say most people just don't find it as fun, not really as unfair.

    DS is endemic in DbD.

    insidious on freddy is an op perk for him, please make freddy 0 movement speed

    If you don't have anything to say that is relevant to this thread, you can start your own.

    geez, just a joke, dont got to be pissy about it, ds isnt even that annoying

    If you don't have anything to say that is relevant to this thread, you can start your own.

    ugh, A. insidious is a camping perk that is [BAD WORD] annoying, B.literally mention that ds isnt that annoying

    If you don't have anything to say that is relevant to this thread, you can start your own.

    He actually kinda made his points relevant and you still dismiss them? They're not a wordsmith but still....why be rude about it.
  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    Orion said:

    @alivebydeadight said:

    @Orion said:

    @alivebydeadight said:

    @Orion said:

    @alivebydeadight said:

    @Orion said:

    @Blueberry said:
    I don't know if I'd assume a DS in that algorithm. That said, I do agree with you. I'd say most people just don't find it as fun, not really as unfair.

    DS is endemic in DbD.

    insidious on freddy is an op perk for him, please make freddy 0 movement speed

    If you don't have anything to say that is relevant to this thread, you can start your own.

    geez, just a joke, dont got to be pissy about it, ds isnt even that annoying

    If you don't have anything to say that is relevant to this thread, you can start your own.

    ugh, A. insidious is a camping perk that is [BAD WORD] annoying, B.literally mention that ds isnt that annoying

    If you don't have anything to say that is relevant to this thread, you can start your own.

    He actually kinda made his points relevant and you still dismiss them? They're not a wordsmith but still....why be rude about it.
    @Orion is like the knife tip version of lowbei. He’s funny, but he goes Vietnam on people a lot. 
  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    @Carpemortum he means well, he just comes across as aggressive a lot. 
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Carpemortum said:
    He actually kinda made his points relevant and you still dismiss them? They're not a wordsmith but still....why be rude about it.

    This thread is about fairness. He spoke of things he finds annoying. He may not be a wordsmith (and neither am I), but I don't think "fair" and "annoying" are antonyms.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    Ahhhh. Lol I wasnt trykng to start anything, was just wondering about the hostility.
  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    @Orion doesn’t help that camping is different for every person. You get accused of it regardless if you’re camping or not. The accusation of camping has lost all impact for me at this point. It’s about as effective as “no u”. 
    Please tell me you recorded that hit lol run it with teir3 warden boom trapped with nurse and no ed
  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    Ahhhh. Lol I wasnt trykng to start anything, was just wondering about the hostility.
    Again don’t take him personally. He's
    just fed up with the irrational, unreasonable, inexperienced demands for nerfs that don’t need to be made. It all just comes down to having too much pride to accept that balance is present in the game, and that someone isn’t as good as they think they are. 

    It gets really tiring really quickly and patience is worn thin and broken. It’s irritating how many survivor one tricks think they know what’s best for killer balance, and it’s the same with the other way around. 

    Being assertive is the only way to keep things in check.  
  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    I wouldn't be surprised if survivors get in-built Kindred 3 + Deliverance in the near future, with all the nerfs being afforded to "legitimate" playstyles.

  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469

    ::tries not to bash face into wall::

    Why not put "force fields" around survivors to prevent killers from stopping unhooks?

    But what about ttttuuuunnneling?

    Make the survivor invincible for 30 seconds after an unhook Or better yet, make the survivor go invisible!! Yeah! Invisible! for 30 seconds!!! If the killer still manages to hit them then they get stunned for 30 seconds! That would fix tunneling AND camping! AYYYYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAAYAYAYyyyyyy!

    [Disclaimer: this post is sarcasm and a joke. ]

  • mcNuggets
    mcNuggets Member Posts: 767

    @Orion said:
    Camping is a hot-button issue for many Survivor mains, who often say it's "unfair". Well, I say it is fair, for now, but I'd like to discuss when it might become unfair.

    First, let's analyze camping, from the Killer and Survivor's respective perspectives.
    The Killer had to:

    • Find a Survivor (won at stealth)
    • Hit a Survivor
    • Hit a Survivor again (won the chase)
    • Pick up the Survivor
    • Get hit with Decisive Strike
    • Find the Survivor again (won at stealth again)
    • Hit the Survivor again (won the chase again)
    • Carry the Survivor to the hook while preventing flashlight rescues and bodyblocking (won at whatever you want to call this)

    Now from the Survivor's perspective, the Survivor had to:

    • Be found by the Killer (lost at stealth)
    • Get hit by the Killer
    • Get hit by the Killer again (lost the chase)
    • Hit a skill check
    • Be found again (lost at stealth again)
    • Get hit again (lost the chase again)

    Under these generic circumstances, the Killer did everything right. They found and hooked a Survivor. They succeeded every step of the way and should be rewarded for it. The Survivor's only success was hitting an easy skill check and they got their second chance for it. Camping is fair.

    When would camping be unfair? Well, when the Killer did absolutely nothing right, the Survivor did absolutely nothing wrong, and yet the Survivor ends up on the hook anyway by the will of the Entity. Under this hypothetical and unfair scenario, the Survivor would be punished for doing everything right, as opposed to the current, normal scenario, where they're punished for doing everything wrong.

    Playing survivor is the only unfair thing lol.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    If camping is fair, then genrush is fair.
    I'd rather have none of those ez cheese strats be the strongest tools available. Playing a close, fun game is what dbd should become. Not "Camping is legit, just rush gens next time. Facecamp is counterable" yada yada its boring

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Weederick said:
    If camping is fair, then genrush is fair.
    I'd rather have none of those ez cheese strats be the strongest tools available. Playing a close, fun game is what dbd should become. Not "Camping is legit, just rush gens next time. Facecamp is counterable" yada yada its boring

    Read the thread to know why camping is fair and make your own thread if you wish to discuss something else.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    Camping is fair. Because the camper has no skill at that point other than securing 1k. The others can do work and win. I had a game last night with a friend and 2 randoms. He camped me while they did all the gens and then he was SO FLUSTERED they managed to get me off and we all escaped. 

    Canping sucks, but it's fair because it essentially guarantees 3 escapes if the survivors arent overly altruistic and just do work.
  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    Weederick said:

    If camping is fair, then genrush is fair.
    I'd rather have none of those ez cheese strats be the strongest tools available. Playing a close, fun game is what dbd should become. Not "Camping is legit, just rush gens next time. Facecamp is counterable" yada yada its boring

    Getting gens done asap is the survivors ENTIRE GOAL.  It's the killers job to stop it. Period.
  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    @Weederick said:

    @Orion said:

    @Weederick said:
    If camping is fair, then genrush is fair.
    I'd rather have none of those ez cheese strats be the strongest tools available. Playing a close, fun game is what dbd should become. Not "Camping is legit, just rush gens next time. Facecamp is counterable" yada yada its boring

    Read the thread to know why camping is fair and make your own thread if you wish to discuss something else.

    I read your stupid arguments and its a very biased opinion. even if you do everything wrong as killer, you get bloodlust and down them. As if its hard and skillfull to down survivors nowadays.

    Maybe another Bloodlust nerf will turn that frown upside down :3

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    Orion said:

    @Mister_xD said:
    if the survivor had done nothing wrong, the entity itself qould have had to come down on him and put him on the hook.
    cuz lets face reality here: a survivors with no mistakes wont even be seen by the killer.

    a little rant about your portrait of the killers jobs though: in your description it sounds like everyone and their mother is running DS. this is (luckily) not the case, but it sounds like it, if you know what i mean...

    DS is endemic in DbD. Trials without at least one Survivor running DS are rare.

    You ought to give PS4 a try then. DS isn't as popular here as it is on PC.
  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,447
     Borrowed Time is getting a nice buff to help against the killers who camp and tunnel. So hopefully this will encourage killers not to focus one person.
  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    @Star99er said:
     Borrowed Time is getting a nice buff to help against the killers who camp and tunnel. So hopefully this will encourage killers not to focus one person.

    The buff literally does the exact opposite.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Nickenzie said:
    Orion said:

    @MisterCremaster said:
    @Orion Of course, the minute I say, "I never get messaged" - I immediately get salty survivors calling me terrible and camping. I got 4k on a SWF group and they only managed 1 generator. A.) I had BBQ Chill so I would never camp, B.) If I was camping, they should have gotten at least 3 generators.

    If you play Killer, you will get messages like that, eventually. It's only a matter of time.

    I was playing nurse with insidious and NOED. I blinked behind the exit gates and wait for them to gen rush me so one of the victims would open it. The moment the gate open, a hopeless meg ran to me and I surprised her.

    "Nice crutch NOED"
    "Lol, it's just a game. Chill out."
    People are naturally more hostile towards nurse players because of how ball busting she is for people that don’t know when to split up and survive individually. I’d actually argue that nurse’s idolization comes from her most likely unintentional ability to cripple teams that decide to stick together, especially quickly. And she’s able to catch up as well as long as she is paying attention. 
    I don't like NOED because it's a crutch but I was doing something I seen on YouTube for fun lol.
  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    Nickenzie said:
    Nickenzie said:
    Orion said:

    @MisterCremaster said:
    @Orion Of course, the minute I say, "I never get messaged" - I immediately get salty survivors calling me terrible and camping. I got 4k on a SWF group and they only managed 1 generator. A.) I had BBQ Chill so I would never camp, B.) If I was camping, they should have gotten at least 3 generators.

    If you play Killer, you will get messages like that, eventually. It's only a matter of time.

    I was playing nurse with insidious and NOED. I blinked behind the exit gates and wait for them to gen rush me so one of the victims would open it. The moment the gate open, a hopeless meg ran to me and I surprised her.

    "Nice crutch NOED"
    "Lol, it's just a game. Chill out."
    People are naturally more hostile towards nurse players because of how ball busting she is for people that don’t know when to split up and survive individually. I’d actually argue that nurse’s idolization comes from her most likely unintentional ability to cripple teams that decide to stick together, especially quickly. And she’s able to catch up as well as long as she is paying attention. 
    I don't like NOED because it's a crutch but I was doing something I seen on YouTube for fun lol.
    Its a crutch if you won't do totems to counter it. So even if there is a counter its a crutch because you're lazy. I like this logic

    By that almost anything is a crutch
  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    The only time I camp and get a 4k is against terrible survivors (didn't Cleanse NOED totem even after gate opens, 3 people rushing hook with Myers in EWIII, etc...)

    Otherwise if I hard camp it usually only gets me 1-2 k.

    Sorry, but if survivors are getting 4k'd against a killer who camps from the first hook, they are really bad survivors!

  • sadmuffins13
    sadmuffins13 Member Posts: 73
    First game of the night got camped by leather face. Welcome to the fog lol.
  • HelloThere
    HelloThere Member Posts: 59

    I am a killer main but because of dailys i have to play survivor. I know I'm bad at playing survivor but i still think in some scenarios camping is a bit unfair. You can play normally as a survivor, don't annoy the killer and pump bc of bad luck into the killer. He got you hooked, stands right in front of you and stares you into your soul. (That's my definition of camping.) So your whole match that you have waited for like 5 minutes is gone and you have to wait another 5 minutes. It kinda takes the chance of having any sort of interesting gameplay and/or the fun in the game. You have to think of both sides, their fun and their feelings.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Holy necro.