No excuse for not having a bleed-out button when all currently living Survivors are on the ground.

It is not fun, nor amusing, nor okay for a Killer to waste everyone's time by letting them bleed out slowly because they are a Salty Sammy.

At least let us bleed out 3x as fast so we can move on and ACTUALLY PLAY YOUR DAMN GAME.

Just embarrassing this hasn't been added yet.


  • Darkest_Night
    Darkest_Night Member Posts: 151

    I think the majority of slug fests often come as a cumulative effort of several previous games. All it really takes after a few bad rounds is that one survivor who clicks that flashlight to be obnoxious and that switch is flipped.

    "Eff it! Time to screw their day up for that one"

    Think of it as a kinda toxic penalty. The toxic ones usually get the rest of their team screwed for it.

  • ItsDigDuck
    ItsDigDuck Member Posts: 44

    I literally just got out of a game where I was slugged 9 times, as one of 2 survivors left. My friend is MUCH better than me (no one had flashlights, the 3 of us were doing our best to win). We were running a 3 stack, and our random rage quit on first hook. Freddy kept slugging me and leaving me on the ground, my friend would do a drive be res, run the freddy, lose him, freddy would find me, slugged again. NINE times.

    This game lasted 35 minutes. The two of us were alive for the last 25 of it. If you think I am exaggerating, you are more than welcome to check the vod out for my stream that ended 10 minutes ago.

    Why should I have to suffer because freddy wants his 3k so bad (we all brought flan, he didn't) that he is willing to play like that? Maybe not just when you are slugged, but maybe a threshold of like, 33%? Like, you've been on the ground, you can give up if you want now.