Opportunity for the killer to end a drawn-out match

Hello, I mostly play survivors, but yesterday I played a match on killer. I'm not a strong player and there was a discord party against me. The match lasted 45+ minutes only because the two remaining players did nothing but hide. During this time, it was possible to repair everything and escape many times - I have nothing against it, I know how to lose.
It was a battle between our nerves - will I disconnected or not.
It took me a long time to catch them one by one, wait for the stun perk to deactivate, and so on. It's just a waste of time, half an hour was wasted, I could play 2 more matches during this time.
Therefore, I propose to add to the game the ability for the killer to end the match. Let's say if within 10 minutes
- not a single generator repaired
- no chase started
there was an opportunity to end the match somehow and distribute reports to the survivors.