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The Dumb Perk that wasn't Changed


  • Once the Exit Gates are powered, instantly heal one health state and sprint at 150% of your normal running movement speed for 5 seconds.
  • Adrenaline is on hold if you are disabled at the moment it triggers and will instead activate upon being freed.
  • If playing against The Nightmare, Adrenaline will wake you up from the Dream World upon activating.

Adrenaline causes the Exhaustion status effect for 60/50/40 seconds and ignores the current exhaustion timer.

The Problems

  • There is little a Killer can do to counterplay this aside from making sure the Generators are not completed, or apply the Broken Status Effect on Survivors to prevent them from recovering to full health.
  • Even then, the Survivor also has the speed boost that they are granted upon being picked up by the perk. Since this overrides the Exhaustion status effect, this makes this pretty good against unaware Killer players.
  • When a Survivor is unhooked after the Exit Gates are powered, if the Killer does not apply the Exposed status effect on that Survivor, the Survivor not only gains the speed boost, but the instant full heal from the Perk and guarantees an escape--this is something that is currently being removed from the game, by the way. How this was missed is beyond me.
  • Any endgame pressure that the Killer may have is completely reset if multiple Survivors activate this Perk.
  • This Perk hinders the power of one Killer for no reason: The Nightmare. This is an unnecessary component of the Perk, since no other Perk directly affects a Killer's power.
  • This Perk circumvents the Exhaustion status effect and basically stacks with other Exhaustion perks--this means you can potentially just use any speed boost Exhaustion Perk for its duration, then Adrenaline for its duration, too.

The Solution: Adrenaline

  • Once the Exit Gates are powered, instantly recover one full health state and sprint at 150% of your normal running movement speed for 3 seconds.
    • If you are currently affected by a negative status effect that is not affected by a Killer's Power or Hex Totem, you will instantly recover from that status effect.
    • This does not apply to the Broken or Exhausted status effects.
  • Adrenaline applies the Exhaustion status effect for 60/50/40 seconds, but will not apply the speed boost if the user is already Exhausted.
  • Adrenaline does not activate if the user is currently hooked as the Exit Gates are powered.

This version of Adrenaline modernizes the Perk in order to make it more fair for players all around. This version of Adrenaline aims to become more balanced by reducing the sprint burst duration to be in line with other Exhaustion perks, giving it stricter activation requirements to ensure that there are no unnecessary activations or free escapes that come from it, and removes its ability to counter a Killer's power.

However, this version is not without its major buffs, as now it will completely get rid of the Blindness, Deep Wound, Exposed, Hemorrhage, Hindered, Incapacitated, Mangled and Oblivious status effects. This ability works whenever the player is not affected directly by a Killer's power or by a Hex Totem, meaning that it would apply this effect if the player is affected by normal perks or Killer add-ons that apply timed status effects.

For instance, this change would remove the Oblivious status effect caused by two of Ghost Face's add-ons, but not the Oblivious status effect caused by The Nightmare's Dream World.

As for the instance a Hex Totem's effects are timed, such as Hex: Retribution and Hex: Haunted Ground, those are exceptions to the Hex Totem rule, and those effects will also be removed.

I think this would be the best way to modernize a perk that desperately needs it. It hasn't been updated since 1.8.1, so it's way past due for an update.


  • smappdooda
    smappdooda Member Posts: 544

    Remember they changed the scourge hook because it had too many benefits. Adrenaline needs the same treatment. Far too many things stack with this. I'd be happy if it just didn't activate on hook. You got caught, you don't deserve a reward, especially with the new BT base kit.

  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    What if it just unhooked you regardless of hook state but left you injured? :0

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,703

    The only thing I agree with is that it should not wake you up against freddy. That targets one specific killer and perks shouldn't do that.

    Other than that, Adrenaline is perfectly fine as it is. It's a one-time use perk that only triggers at the end of the game, and it should be impactful when it does activate. It shouldn't be a dead perk if you happen to be on the hook at the exact moment the exits are powered, nor should existing Exhaustion prevent the speed boost. It has its own activation requirement, therefore it has special rules regarding bypassing an existing Exhaustion timer.

  • SekiSeki
    SekiSeki Member Posts: 516

    Falling asleep on adrenaline haha

  • TheKissKing
    TheKissKing Member Posts: 59

    Worse sprint burst

  • WhoIsZachery
    WhoIsZachery Member Posts: 21

    "The only counter is making sure the generators aren't completed."

    Imagine preventing survivors from meeting their objective.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 956
    edited July 2022

    I really hate adrenaline. When a solo survivor uses it, it's extremely situational and most of the time useless. When a 3-man or 4-man SWF uses it, it's potentially busted. Once a 4 adrenaline SWF gets to one gen left. they forfeit healing completely and rush a single gen as fast as possible, since they technically are making progress to doing gens AND to healing everyone at the same time. That takes a lot from the killer's ability to apply pressure and punishing them for not healing.

    A perk that gives a huge benefit for SWF teams and barely anything to solo survivors should never be a thing.

    Post edited by Malkhrim on
  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,096

    It's as I say, The perk should not activate if hooked or being carried.

    It probably shouldn't wake you up.

    If it didn't do either of those it'd be pretty okay.

    I'll leave whether or not it should bypass already being exhausted to everyone else.

  • BubbleBuster
    BubbleBuster Member Posts: 387

    This perk shouldn't wake you up.

    Other than that it is totally fine.

    a better description would be "if the killer is losing, make them lose even more"; there's rarely a situation where a team filled with Adrenalins will turn a 4k into a 0k. This perk doesn't do anything when 2 Survivors are already dead and the guy you are chasing has it.

    There's 1 billion different circumstances where Adrenalin doesn't do anything. Sometimes even when it activates it effect sometimes that just doesn't matter. Some survivors unhook you with Borrowed Time and suddenly you didn't need Adrenalin in the first place.

    This perk is wonderful when it works but it is super inconsistent unless used in a swf.

    IMO this is a perfectly balanced meta perk, it does 1 job, it is inconsistent but if it works it just works and it punishes killers that are losing.