Sadako/Onryo: Token based system for Manifestation instead of a passive one.

After playing a lot with Sadako these last few days, I started to realize that her chase power (flickering during manifastation) has potential to be a really nice anti-loop power for her, if it wasn't a "Passive one".
We all know that for Sadako be able to use this ability, she first need to be Demanifested and then Manifest so that flickering happen.
So to use that in the most efficient way in a chase, she needs to chase someone Demanifested until survivors go to a loop. On most cases that hurts her more than helps, not only she needs to chase someone knowing that she can't attack, the moment that survivors mess up on a loop she needs to Manifest before attack, wich can make survivors be able to drop a pallet or jump to a window.
With that in mind, I just got a ideia that maybe could help her in these situations, a Token System for her power (Manifestation only).
Instead of getting a flickering after manifest, she just need to press the 'Secondary Power Button' (CTRL) while MANIFESTED to go invisible for 1.25 seconds and consumes a token in the process (She CAN'T use all of them once), she will be able to do that 'x' (maybe 3 times, total of 3.75seconds) times, of course for each token used it will have a cooldown.
With this system, she will no longer need to Demanifest and then Manifest during a chase to use her phase ability and will have some skill involving this mechanic.
What do you think? To OP or still bad?
I try to be as punctual as I can on sadako threads to make fun of her and how she is a joke, but idk man it reallly seems like a cool idea, nothing busted like the suggestion of going through walls and nothing that requires a new mechanic introduced, just something she already has.
Imo its a cool change, but you know bhvr doesn't take feedback and they just change how they see fit, thats why we have the hillbilly fiasco and slinger getting his gun turned into the cringe launcher.
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While Demanifested, she should be able to walk through Pallets and Walls.
So God Pallets arent an issue, but she needs to manifest to make damage.
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how about this: instead of just having the meme buildup to mori that is extremely impractical, make it so that her manifest flickering appears more erratic to survivors that have more stacks. If they're full? She flickers with maximum potency at all times to that survivor while manifested. They're already piss easy to get rid of and they played it super safe with her tv cooldowns, so it should be a more interactive level of threat. She can't even see exactly how many stacks people have, just a general idea less they're full or empty.
Im sure there are better ideas but gotdang she needs something
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Ngl but the idea behind conndemmed actually doing something is amazing. Turn 7 shits back into 7 days again.
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They are actually taking feedback from the community these past patches and as you said, it's not something busted or a new mechanic, so it can be easily implement without many changes on her kit.
But they don't need to do exacly like this, it's just a ideia that they can take and improve.
I don't like these ideas of her be able to go through windows/walls/pallets.
She can start chases while Demanifested wich can make survivors block windows so easily and if you're playing on a god pallet, what stops survivors from jumping to the opposite side of it? No matter what, you will have to break it.
They're cool ideas can't deny that, but in gameplay wise, nah.
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It's so strange how Dredge can see Nightfall progress and survivors can't, while Sadako can't see condemned progress past 1 bar but survivors can. She really is the worse version of Dredge. But like this suggestion shows, she doesn't have to be. Hell, even something as simple as lowering the post TV teleport cooldown to 50 instead of 100 would do wonders.
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Old newspaper add-on needs to become base kit+ something needs to be done for god pallets but there is already many good suggestions about this. when u spawn on rpd u just lose cuz if u play against 10k hours gods which is each match thanks to sbmm in an asymmetrical game they predrop 2-3 RPD pallets or The Game pallets u lose 3 gens
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As you said, Sadako in general only needs some number tweaks on her kit to be a decent killer, like: Reducing her teleport cooldown, Increase the duration of her post-projection movement speed bonus, Increase her invisibility while manifested (or make a system like the one I suggested), etc.