With increased bloodpoint caps, bloodpoint earning should be increased

Increasing the Bloodpoint Cap to each category to 10,000 is a nice change, but - it won't do much for most people most of the time. How often do you even hit the cap, and by how much would you even go over if you do? A corresponding increase to bloodpoints earned for actions should increase. And there should be more scoring events overall (for example, being chased by Victor or chasing as Victor. Also earning points for distracting the killer if they are within 16 meters of the hook while you're hooked) to help reach those caps easier. I think a roughly 20 or 30% increase in BP gained per action would go a long way toward improving BP gain to help make up for the loss of the bonus provided by perks like BBQ+Chili and We're Gonna Live Forever. 

This would be an impactful change to further help players and make matches fill more fulfilling.
