Is Ds as a basekit insted of bt would be better?

Im just wondering what you guys think about this. Like bt as a basekit is food and all but killers can still tunnel but just a little bit more effort or they can just wait out bt. I know off the record exist but still if a killer wants to tunnel nothing can stop him. Im a dredge main and ı have been playing survivor for the pasr 4 days without playing killer and every almost every game ı got camped or tunneled or both and I didnt used ds because of the adept challanges. So ım asking is the idea of ds being basekit better then bt being basekit?


  • Jarky
    Jarky Member Posts: 599

    I'm in agreement with Onyx on this - it is a controversial take and it's probably something a lot of people would consider 'too much' to give to the survivors at this point, but I think if you truly want to make tunnelling the absolute WORST option a killer can do then it needs to be a clear and decisive (heh) message to killer players that if you're gonna tunnel this player, not only are you having to deal with endurance, but you're ALSO going to get stunned.

    I also think DS in and of itself is in a weird spot for them design wise. They want to shake the meta up, understandably, but DS was taken because tunnelling just isn't fun to go against and it was an extra punishment/protection against that (in its current live form, I appreciate that previous versions of DS were too strong) and subsequently nerfing it to make it less desirable puts survivors in a weird spot.

    I also think, consequently, because new DS is now MUCH weaker, survivors are going to run it far less - and from a killer's perspective, tunnelling might actually be stronger in this new patch. If you think of it from a killer's point of view, if you have a healthy survivor unhooking and a survivor unhooked with endurance, that's still both survivors requiring two hits to down with basic attacks (especially now endurance can't stack on top of deep wounds). Logically - if both survivors require the same amount of effort to down with basic attacks, and DS is much much less of a threat than before and even potentially not even being used with much frequency, then why not tunnel the unhooked survivor. You're going to turn it into a 3 v 1 much quicker.

    HATCH Member Posts: 61

    Hello its me again I played 5 more survivor games and in ALL of them I got camped or tunneled or both ds should be basekit too

  • Reshy
    Reshy Member Posts: 402

    You can down and hook another person or even two in the time it takes Decisive Strike and the new OTR to wear off. At that point it's not tunneling. Honestly, they should make it disable if another player gets hooked.

  • SekiSeki
    SekiSeki Member Posts: 516

    Nahh, people would just use it aggressively in combination with other perks.

    Honestly, I think extending the immunity window by 0.25 seconds after unhook and giving the survivor an instant sprint burst after unhook would help solve the issue.

    As long as I can move a little bit after the unhook, I can loop the killer longer. At that point, countering tunneling is more skill based and not team based. I'd rather not get unhooked in front of the killer by Meg and go down without a chance.

    I don't run DS, ever. I find it boring to run and would use the perk slot on something more entertaining, if I get tunneled, so be it.

  • Onyx
    Onyx Member Posts: 214

    I am soooo tired of this excuse of "it will just be abused/used aggressively". If they are doing that it means they aren't doing gens, so like... who cares?! I want fixes not excuses. Killers can be balanced around that after, no need to implement a fix around the current killer status. Literally implement anti-camping and harsher anti-tunneling methods, then rebalance killers around the new gamestyle. Waiting for this miracle solution to drop from heaven won't do anything for survivors, because it is not gonna come.

  • SekiSeki
    SekiSeki Member Posts: 516

    I gave you a viable solution. Clear as day. But you just want to argue, later.

  • Reshy
    Reshy Member Posts: 402

    How about this, we give them DS and BT basekit, but survivors who are unhooked also gain the Incapacitated status for the same duration ensuring that they cannot progress the game state.

  • Onyx
    Onyx Member Posts: 214

    Wouldn't that just force them to go chase the killer because, since they can't do anything, they might as well make use of that base DS and BT?

  • Reshy
    Reshy Member Posts: 402

    Nah, but it would give chests a purpose in DBD rather than just there to be time wastes.

  • Feather
    Feather Member Posts: 62

    i definetly disagree with DS basekit.

    I am killer that tries to play fairly, so everyone have fun. And sometimes survivours force tunnel on them so others can escape without any loss. Its seriously annoying trying to go for unhooker and being forced to eat DS or slug (which loses you pressure u would get by hooking others).

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    So... what buff for killers are you talking about. The notion that people need to consider some imaginary status of killers rather than the one in the game is not a reality.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    it's useless with 3 seconds duration anyway basekit or not