Survival Category for Survivors

Can we please change the way points are obtained in that category? It's hard enough to max it as is. It is absolutely annoying to any of the survivors that die because that's an instant -5k in the bps and then with the new cap going up to 10k...that's going to barely ever be achieved.
Killers overall have properly designed scoring, why can't survivors?
I imagine this has been suggested before but my simple idea is to give bps based on the time survived. Maybe remove some for being hooked (yourself). So like maybe make it so that for each of the hook stages (don't count death as one), the max limit is lowered by 1.5k (so up to 3k) which can only be obtained back if you escape? I am just throwing general thoughts here.
Even if the survivor dies, this could easily allow them to get 5k bps in survival or 7k after the cap increase which feels more reasonable. As a killer it's incredibly hard to not reach at least 20k bps, and a lot easier to reach 30-32k than it is as a survivor. This would make it slightly more balanced. And honestly it wouldn't even be gameplay changing I feel.
Additionally to make sure nobody keeps the game hostage, it could also be done so that the 5k is reached after a certain amount of time that is slightly lower than an average match. And also no points can be gained once the doors are powered. There's some details that would need to be properly considered but I am just bringing this topic also up since it would be relevant.
What do you think? Why do you think they haven't already done something like this?
anything that makes getting points in the survival category easier is an upvote by me.
stuff that should give survival points (ideas):
- time alive
- getting unhooked
- perk specific actions (crafting a flashbang, resetting a pallet, setting a blast mine etc.etc.) <- i m not sure if they already do
- becoming the obsession (not just dying or surviving as the obsession)
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I agree with this - I've been able to get 32k on my killers in the past a fair few times, but I can probably count on one hand the amount of times I've got 32k on survivor, and that's typically because the Survival Category is very difficult to get 8k (soon to be 10k) on.
I like the idea of being given survival points based on the length of time you were alive in the trial - which they can perhaps cap to 5k so people don't want to hide excessively to get the max points in - then if you escape , you have 10k in survival.
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or maybe just fix the damn game first. just a thought.
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amazing argument
almost as if it has literally nothing at all to do with the topic
the topic: this part of the game needs work
your comment: the game has problems
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Sacrifice category is going to be similar, because it's basically tailored to award you the maximim 8k for 12 hooks. So with the cap raised to 10k...
I suggested making the (old) WGLF/BBQ stacks into new score events in those categories.
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I’ve proposed some ideas in the past to help scoring in the survival category:
- Searching chests now awards survival points (this is not an objective, but could lead to your survival)
- Escaping a chase now awards survival points (just the “Escaped“ scoring event... the time lasted in chase will still award boldness points)
- Change all scoring events for removing Pig’s RBT to survival (this is also not an objective.. you will die if you don’t remove it, except for a hatch escape)
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Or just give more BP overall?
150% for all actions does sound alright to me.
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You still only earn survival points by healing yourself and escaping the trial tho
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Two other primary ways are wiggling and recovering. You can also escape as the obsession for more, stun the killer with a perk (Head On and DS), and open an exit gate as the last survivor in the trial.
Post edited by GoshJosh on0 -
I got to thinking about this myself after seeing this thread - I feel like it'd make sense to move escaping a chase from boldness to survival?
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This is how I imagine mods feeling on this forum everyday 😂